Who is in the right here - Rotonda, or his parents?
>I have a business
what is his business?
video here youtube.com
30 Year old mooching NEET evicted from parents house
There comes a point where it's time to give your 'child' a kick in the pants for his own good
>Who is in the right here - Rotonda, or his parents?
no one. all sides of this circus are fucked.
Parents are fucked. Raised this mess, couldn't fix it. Couldn't even force it out without getting the courts involved.
Adult child is fucked. Just look at/listen to him.
Judge is fucked. Doesn't call the parents out for wasting the court's time on this. They should have been able to push him out at the least.
Reporters are fucked. Spotlighting this, white haired boomers probably did worse things when they were hippies in their 20's 30's but weren't recorded and put on the Internet for it.
This is a meme society. Everything that happens is an unintentional joke anymore.
parents are right, he didn't even want to do any house work so fuck him
we are fucked?
probably already has hundreds of grands in bitcorns he doesnt tell anyone about.
He doesn't always wear a suit, but he does it so he doesn't get evicted.
Based nip