A Gift

Guys, if the garbage state of the world ever gets you down, just watch some Emma Rohan.
If you are immune to this then you are too far gone.

Also, fascist-tier women thread I guess. Post your best.

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Other urls found in this thread:


actual Fascist woman would be dyke, women are naturally leftist.

Shut up cunt

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A whore larping as a right wing whore is still just a whore.

>mfw her name is rohan

Eomer. Take your Èored down the left flank. Gamling, follow the King's banner down the center. Grimbold, take your company right, after you pass the wall. Forth, and fear no darkness! Arise! Arise, Riders of Theoden! Spears shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered! A sword day... a red day... ere the sun rises!

Ride now!... Ride now!... Ride! Ride to ruin and the world's ending!




Forth, Eorlingas!

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What about based Eva?

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She's got the crazy eyes. Like the highly unstable, moderate to high intelligence, plus violent, eyes.

based lotr poster

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So you're saying she's perfect?

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I'm done with fucking blatant nazi propaganda. Picrelated is the original.

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That has to be a dude. Just look at that fucking jawline.

They're naturally whatever confers perceived social status. Only a tiny fraction of women have actual considered values.

>Argues that original pic is false and it’s actually a commie flag
>ok kid

Ruined. Leave the thread Jew.

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>White woman
>Not sucking black dick


everyone laugh at the commie fag

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lol I actually thought it was real and thought to myself "where do you find these sort of girls."

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Thread needs a hint of TayTay.

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Photoshop: Making marginalized racists feel better about themselves since 1999

Everyone laugh at the capitalistic pigs's dirty flags

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Do you think he fucked them all? How tight do you think they were?

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I wish I could impregnate her

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Stormfaggers BTFO by RUSSIA once again. History repeats itself.

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look at that deformed nose lmao. This is what stormfags think is attractive.

Eva was in it for the money and fame.

was that before or after the us bailed the (((commies))) out with lend-lease?

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Why did she take the cyanide then?

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It's a shoop, her picture was taken by a top quality Ukrainian photographer, some retards have found a few of his pics and post them everywhere now

because she would be skinned alive by fucking commies if she didn't lmao

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Thats a dude

Women are whatever society tell them to be

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>hurr durr can't be female because jawline
I want to know what percentage of incels are only children?
Seriously, it's like you don't even have sisters? Coming from a large, loving family, I really am not able to relate to incels whose main reference point for women is porn/street thots.
I get upset with women too, but I also grew up with sisters and brothers, and I don't have faggy things to say about women like "look at that deformed nose."

I want to explore a suspicion I have... How many of you losers are single children?

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ofc it's some subhuman slavshit

Nice meme flag

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stopped reading after you typed incel as i do with all threads that contain the word. the shills are really pushing this bullshit agenda hard. fuck off back to your maneschewitz and matzah ball soup, schlomo.

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>Brought to you by the ministry of truth

You can be woke on the JQ without being a stormfagger, which is what you kiddies are.

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>1 post by this ID
t. roastie
kys faggot

I have a sister and a girlfriend. Face it. Righty girls are atrocious and thats okay because righty guiz have no game whatsoever.

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>when so called traditionalist women act like fucking whores
Cover the fuck up you slut

and you can be natsoc without ever having been to stormfront. surely you can smell your own bullshit?

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Define stormfagger, just being a fascist or being so larpy and insultish you basically act like the Neo-Nazi sterotype

Yea, it's from some photo shoot of Ukrainian whores

Thanks for the pics, OP, they're pretty fun.

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No you cant because you faggots are LARPING. Real natsocs adhere to the golden rule. You untermensh larpers dont care about anything but yourselves. You are so absored in your egos parading around like you care about your race. You dont care race betas. You want free white pussy. You feel its deserved. You gotta earn that white pussy losers.

burn those pixels

the ony tattoos allowed are bloodgroup, unit and workcampnumber

You can be a NatSoc without visiting larpy sites like stormfront and ironmarch.
However there is NO excuse for basically being a fucking hedonistic slutfucker.
If you’re a traditionalist or are against degeneracy yet act like a Weimar Republic degenerate then kill yourself.

Basically someone who used to consider themselves alt-right before it went tumbling downhill. Someone whos favorite words are nigger and cuck. Some retarded simian who thinks hes better than everyone else soley because of the color of skin. Someone who has a fake youtube, reddit, and facebook account that they use to make the world an overall shittier place. The Jews have you right where they want you. Some hateful angry idiot with no grasp on reality.

youre naturally an incel, fucking queer

so basically every pagan, well no not every pagan, the majority of pagans are Wiccans, the spergy varg types are a minority.
But yes Race Idolatry is for faggots. Theres a reason why Rockwell liked Malcolm X

not only are you a jew, but youre an SJW too? holy shit batman this guy is 2018 personified. none of those topics have been raised in this thread. take your cry baby, "the bullying was supposed to stop after high school" attitude and fuck off oven dodger. get your shit together man.

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Rarely they exist, but all the good ones are taken. See left side of the pic.

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WHo said be a slut fucker? Not all women are "roasties" loser. Get a GF beta chumps. You embarrass me a male. I cant believe I hate to live on the planet with people this stupid, cowardly, and insecure.

What is going on here?

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>unironically calls someone a SJW
Back to r*ddit with you

Your lonely and your slut mother filed for divorce, ruining your life and causing you to break.

State your number of siblings faggot.

>doesn't double post a question
It's funny how everyone is a male unless they prove otherwise with tits. But if a man says a truth you pussy faggots can't cope with, then that man is a "roastie."
Unironically kill yourself tonight, beta virgin. Before you do, answer my fucking question. How many of you are only children from small families?
>1 sister
Ok. I'm noticing a trend here.

My philosophy now is that unless you have at least 4 kids, you should have zero. Single children are degenerate. Boys that grow up without brothers, and only a sister, are also more likely emasculate.
I really think there's something to this. The reduction in size of the white family has really driven a wedge between the sexes, and it creates polarized, insular bratty faggots that are out of touch with their masculinity.

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>no "incel"
I admire your restraint

What is that symbol behind her head?


Race doesnt even exist, nice birthmarks simain bipedal ape.



For people who think they are soooo redpilled. Have it it allll figured it out. PFffffffffffft. The matrix has you fucking losers. And guess what, you like in there. You dont wanna get out. The matrix that coddles your fragile little monkey ego.

You’re in a thread about nazi women, plus you’re in Jow Forums, I don’t think you’re in any position to call others betas or to consider yourself a chad.
I highly suggest you search for someone to marry, not someone who will just make your dick feel good.
Quit your hedonism and actually make yourself eligible to say that you are against liberalism and its degeneracy

ive been married for almost a decade. my white sons are 5 and 3. my progeny is the future. im doing my part. seems to me like youre the one that cant take the pressure seeing how you cant keep your shit together in a simple white qt's thread. you need help dude.

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a lot of incels on that board

youre a special kind of retard arent you?

>albinism aka albinos which is a genetic disorder proves race does not exist
Back to r*ddit with you, and if you’re just “epikly trulling my fellow anons” then you prove why we have no hope in killing liberalism

so what you're saying is, 56% is an inflated figure


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But its not a simple white qts thread. Its just a stormfag propaganda page with a photoshopped OP. I feel sorry for your children. You will likely fill their heads with stormfaggoty, causing them to be losers later in life. Complete social ostracization. Youre familiar im sure.

Nice birthmarks monkey. What color are they.

Except it really is a photo shoot of some Ukrainian photographer, capturing this whole late 70s commie vibe.


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Incels blame women for why they can’t get a girlfriend. Im not searching for one currently. If I do search for one my goal will be to start a family not to make my dick feel good.

Shut up fedora fag.

Niggers and Spics will take your women while you continue crying in pain on this message board

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Not even attractive. Nothing lost. Probably an only child neglected by her niggerball watching father though.
Avg at best. Probably an only child neglected by her father.

Why niggers don't cut their finger nails

Report this.

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Now what lead you to believe im an atheist?

Form ranks, maggots.

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b-b-buh buh buh i thought the bbc is just myth!

All you have to do is accept your faith and life will be easier when Spics and Niggers cross breed with your WAMEN

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Incel have all sort of pseudo scientific theories about women and their tendencies like ''women are naturally leftist'' like theyre a cat or a duck who cant think for itself. youre not smarter than women nigger youre just a fat incel shitposting on Jow Forums.


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it was definitely a white qt thread before you sperged out and starting leaking from your pussy about "muh stormfags".