How does /pol interpret this as?

How does /pol interpret this as?

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A joke you autistic retard

See how she’s being edgy, but IRL she only fucks white guys. Your lesson of the day. Sage.

A degenerate roastie

Is there anything more vile than a woman who openly talks about her sexual exploits?

literally who?

the mods will allow this thread to hit 300. But no threads on clinton being investigated. Really makes me think

Gotta go, 10 incel threads needing bumps.

Americans are a special race

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women's humour is so one dimensional, sex sex sex sex sex sex muh period sex sex sex

but 130k likes though?

As pic related.
She wants the white D.

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the election was 2 years ago boomer

>Is there anything more vile

Your room is pretty nasty user. Clean up all those cum stains you disgusting fuck

fuck off incel

She jokes the bandwagon “lol white guys amiright?”

Then immediately realizes that she wants a nice house, nice clothes, a fat ring, etc and walks it back.

Who cares? Just a dumb slut.

Incel ?

please go back to plebbit, your infantile psy ops might actually work


All the mud bloods thirsting for white cock in that twitter thread kek

As a Filipino, I would to apologize for her stupidity.

You can apologize by going back, you slant eyed spic

This is the power of subversion. If women truly cared about finding a guy who could build a nest for them and help them raise a family, you would think they would want to be with the wealthiest guys. And yet, Asian men, who are on average the wealthiest, are the least desirable to most women. White men, who are the second wealthiest group of people on average, are also highly undesirable to most women these days. Compare this to black men, who are on average the biggest losers and underachievers in society, certainly the least wealthy, and yet they are by far the most desirable group of people to women.

Truly, women don't care about money, as you've been led to believe your whole life. They only care about skin color. This of course is why the incel movement has gained steam and overwhelmingly consists of white and Asian men, while their movement openly embraces racism toward black people: they see the dating hierarchy for what it really is, they have their fingers on the pulse of the system and have seen for themselves just how rigged it truly is.

t. Roastie Whiteknight

>that 24 year old boomer who cant stop talking about hillary clinton

Divide and conquer your faggots. You niggers fall for this bullshit every single time I swear.

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I refuse to. I haven’t done anything wrong and I have learned to love this country.

She posted something she doesn't actually believe in order to get e-points from the dominant political climate.

yeah, just like every other shitskin here. You love what the white man has created and don't give a fuck that you're destroying it.

She fits in the shitskin stereotype
>tons of makeup trying to make up for her insecurities
>playing for the audience while actually doing something else
>a disgusting whore

Shut your faggot face you toothpaste cuck.

I'd say, "I hope that post is ironic", but ironic retardation is still retardation. Stop blaming your shortcomings on factors outside of your control, man up, and get on Tinder - maybe a 4/10 that expresses mild interest in you may be enough to prevent you from posting something like this again

Idk man, if he’s got a job and pays taxes who cares? Just means more pina girls for me to bone.

fun, isnt it

They've drawn a line across every possible point of division and the sheeple dutifully place themselves into groups - the punchline is they're all headed to the same abattoir...

I’m not destroying everything. I stand up to the national anthem and I despise what the left is doing to destroy America. The Filipina is just plain stupid and asks for money.

Tits or gtfo

I walked past a troop of negresses and one of them said "mm I want me some pinky dick", and the rest were all "gurrrrr u knowit" It was one of the most revolting experiences of my life and now I know how women feel when they walk past niggers.

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I'm off the market, I'm doing fine for myself. I am just a person who recognizes the uphill battle that it takes if you're Asian or white, while also recognizing how piss easy the system is for you if you're black (this also helps to explain why black people are so entitled when it comes to women, they're used to getting handouts for everything especially regarding women)

Lol. This is pathetic. What's it like being this retarded?

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>How does /pol interpret this as?
it's a shit test
if this happens in person, roll your eyes and use the phrase "kill yourself dyke cunt" a ndmove away from her. make sure to convey disgust in your tone without raising your voice.

if this happens on the internet, keep it to yourself because nobody cares. i mean, what sort of loser relays some cunts twitter thoughts to a mongolian interpretive dance forum? if i were that bloke i'd die of shame.

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it's funny how, if someone made a post like this but said any other race of men other than white guys, the women of the said race would all come and defend them and yell racism.

in this instance, you have a bunch of white women laughing and agreeing. they never stick up for their men

>I hate white guys! look everyone! look my virtue!
>oh shit there is that white guy that I like
>ahahah I was merely in jest I fuck white guys all the time ahah
basically pic related

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Wrong about everything except the asian men bit. Sorry ling, but maybe back in Asia where you belong, you'll have more luck.

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oops I meant this one but I guess both apply

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What Discord group sent you? Checking those jackpot trips anyway

its like when niggers cry about how evil white people are but know they cant survive without whites taking care of them
they know their wrong but their pride is hurt.

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Just give them any attention. You know they are horrible people.

>boomer butthurt

I keep asking niggers: "If white people are so awful why did black africans move to Aparteid South Africa and not the other way around."
I have yet to get an answer other than "nu-uh dat dindu happen."