Remember how all of the guys at buzzfeed basically had the testosterone levels of geriatric men?

Remember how all of the guys at buzzfeed basically had the testosterone levels of geriatric men?

This American Life on NPR did a segment on testosterone too and got tested- and they're even worse.

Ira Glass:
>And now for the results. I am opening the envelope. Wow, that's fascinating. Wow. That's just incredible.

>OK, among the men, Rakoff is number one and has like twice the amount of testosterone of anybody in the group.
>Oh, everybody's trying to get in with him now that he's number one.

>Then in order, the men are-- it's Rakoff; then Alex at number two; then me, like a point behind you, Alex; then Jonathan; and then Todd, all very closely grouped together.

Julie Snyder:
>Wow. But Rakoff has twice as much.

Ira Glass:
>As any of us. The gay, Canadian Jew living in Manhattan.

David Rakoff:
>OK, we really have to dispense with the Canadian. Actually, that is non-corollary. Believe me.

Alex Blumberg:
>What are the numbers exactly? What is it for-- what's Rakoff? Off what's--

Ira Glass:
>Rakoff is 274. You were at 144. I'm one hundred for--


Why is it that every man in our media is basically castrated and have unhealthy T-levels? Do you have to have your balls cut off to become a journalist?

Attached: Buzzfeed is lowT.jpg (720x993, 79K)

Other urls found in this thread: to increase testosterone?

>the fucking homosex leafer has more test than the jewish söibois working on This American Life
Meanwhile the (((US Government))) considers anabolic steroids/testosterone to be scheduled just "under" drugs like Cocaine & Morphine...meanwhile, drugs like {{{Estrogen}}} and {{{MtF Hormone Therapy}}} are not only promoted by the government & doctors, but nobody ever gets arrested or sentenced for possessing/trafficking them without a prescription...really makes you think, doesn't it?

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It's the same with the Buzzfeed guys, the gay asian dude had the highest T-levels of any of the men there.

Worth pointing out how they frame this - the story talks about people getting more testosterone and regretting it, and on the change in perspective people had when they lost it - the whole framing is that testosterone is bad.

Could it have something to do with their political agenda perhaps?

fucking kek

estrogen producing compounds are in just about everything consumable they sell. stop buying their crappy products and learn what ingredients are in your food and toiletries

>the story talks about people getting more testosterone and regretting it, and on the change in perspective people had when they lost it - the whole framing is that testosterone is bad.
What the FUCK boys

Everytime I always hear people talking about test, it's usually the 100% opposite. They talk about how shit they felt back before they started getting MORE test (either through TRT or grey/black market steroids or lifting/eating better) compared to when they started changing their lifestyle and getting more testosterone flowing. 10 times out of 10 when I hear/read these stories it's always basically "I had no energy, couldnt think straight, wasnt eating a lot, was flabby/chubby, then I went on test and now I've got all kinds of energy, focus better, am eating like a horse, been losing weight since I started working out"

calling bullshit on this one

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how can you have T levels that low and not immediately panic

I used to look after a really old guy who had higher T levels than this.
To give an idea

>in his 90's
>bed bound
>basically no activity all day
>had more T than these fuck heads

Then they act like "haha this is so funnay" rather than "holy shit i am in trouble here". But they're bad people so who cares.

>tfw probably have basedboy levels of low test
Just kill me already.

be leftist

be jewish

be tranny

How to increase testosterone?

Jow Forums to increase testosterone?

Serious question, why don't they put trans on testosterone? They would want to be men or not?

Now I wonder what my levels are. I had a porn problem from basically age 13 and was unaware of the dangers until I started browsing pol many years later. Been having trouble gaining mass all my life and I'm naturally passive and insecure of my abilities. I fucking hope the kikes didn't ruin my T-levels forever.

But then again there have been times where I had to defend myself against bullies and in those situations I always turned out to be braver than I thought. Also whenever I get comfortable with someone or with a group I get a lot more disagreeable and often end up making the rules and deciding our plans.

I want to get this tested man...

What do you honestly expect? To be a contemporary liberal you NEED to be low-T, if you have anything close to a normal test level modern liberalism simply disgusts you at a primal level.

They do put trans on testosterone. But only the women who want to "become" men (after they get their tits lopped off). It's a satanic/jewish brand of inversion. Inversion of sexuality, gender, morality, laws, and culture.

Trt day for me. 274 is pathetic. Sub 300 is medically dangerous and that they laughed about it is scary. Sub 700 is still not optimal for a guy who wants success but these are liberal faggots so let them be sickly.

Do man things. Lift, run and jump, eat clean meat and whole grains, get sun, do physical activities. Especially new activities to build confidence and force your body to adapt.
All the stuff boys ands men used to do before society cucked them.

500 makes me want to kill myself. I can't even imagine being as low as them.

I had the same thing. Porn from a young age has ruined my sex life. Same problems you listed, although I can put on mass and lift fairly heavy without issue. T-levels normal according to doctor but not sure if that's actually normal or only normal now that the West's T-levels have dropped off.

To the tune of Kid Rock's 'Cowboy'

>He's a s*yboy, low testost and muscles saggin'
>He's a s*yboy, hipster faggot gonna keep on faggin'

Fix your water source, replace your plumbing with stainless pipes and seriously look into what is in your water.

Stop eating off of plastic silverware and paper plates that are coated with plastic.

Lead pipes are probably better for you than plastic.

Without testosterone you don't really have the hormones to trigger a panic.

Kid Rock has some good tunes but he's too much of a tryhard for me.

Normal ey? Hrm. Well I'm going to assume I'm fine too then.

It's the pill and other hormonal disruptors fucking up water.

>water with hormones
>fucked up meat from hormonal treated animals

It's so fucking bad that high T immigrants get close to the same T levels as average joe after a few years of being in a new country

Take a T booster, man. Relax. Also, who gives a fuck if you're within normal? Test isn't what makes you a man. Just act like a man. Plenty of guys with high test are still probably progressive faggots. Literal fags.

I think levels vary depending on the time of day.

Hello Plebbit.

Well if you could just walk into a doctor's office and say "I would like cocaine because I feel like a crackhead" and just get a lifetime supply legally why would anyone buy it off the streets?

>tfw too poor to get a blood panel done
Is there some kind of oral swab test I can do and just mail it in like with the (((23andme))) stuff?

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t boosters don´t work

>be American
>live in the wealthiest country in human history
>can't get a basic health check

I take injections. They keep me high normal. Feels good.

Yes they do. Go to a doctor

I don't live in Switzerland.

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I had mine tested at 708 a few months ago. Wtf is wrong with these faggots?

Cut soda and other refined sugar products out of your diet entirely, this will help immensely for many people hooked on the carbonated Jew, soda is poison.

a doctor is going to put you on testosterone replacement therapy and not give you horny goat weed

Not blaming you, in fact I wish the government gave everyone basic health checks, it certainly has the resources.

How does one increase their testosterone?

I get injections. I had a T-level of 137 nm/dL, low normal is in the 350 area. Normal normal is in the 600's.

Was always tired and felt shitty and left me with 0 sex drive. The T-shots did me wonders.

What is so plebbit about this?

How the fuck does a T level like that even happen in someone naturally? Were you obese? When did your balls drop?

Because the psychology Jews somehow made the standard "treatment" to cut of the dick and use puberty blockers. They explicitly say "the goal is not to try to make them comfortable with their biological gender, but instead to mutilate them so they feel more comfortable pretending they're the wrong gender."

You inject it into your ass.

I was in the low 400's. Went on injections myself. Kind of wish i didn't now, because if I ever stop my natural production will only bring me back up to the low 200's now.

Doesn't make one fuck of difference. I used to be depressed and just stayed inside and laid in bed. My test was 476. Then I started eating right and going to the gym 5x a week. A year later my test was 346.

They gave you injections at 400? I thought that was considered normal.

You're looking at things very generally. Testosterone alone does not make you a man. Consider a tiny stick boy with a micropenis who thinks he's a woman. Now he's on test and he's horny but still a bitch with a tiny dick. Not helping.

"They" is a clinic I went to. They don't take health insurance. Plenty of places will beef you all the way up to 1200, but it's not "medically necessary", so you're paying cash for it.

Oh so it was some illegal shit? At that level you should have just tried to increase it through diet, excercise and what not.

bullshit, there is no way to have ~200 for a normal young male even if you are on a onions diet

300 and blow is clinical hypogonadism (like having only 1 functioning testicle) and you'd start looking like middlegender

eat less carbs, eat more protein, and be physically active 12 hours a day

Just ordered a home saliva test kit for ~$54. Lab looks reputable enough, so we'll see what she says.

Lift weights. High protein, high fat, high cholesterol diet. No sugar. Broccoli and cauliflower help combat xenoestrogens that are found in almost everything. Eight hours of sleep every night, no excuses

I hope it works out for you. We all gotta make it.

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No . . . it's not illegal. Breast implants aren't "medically necessary" but they're not illegal either. Just because you don't need to do something to your body doesn't make it illegal to do.

And i fyou read my earlier comment. I already tried through diet and exercise. For a year. And it went down.

Do you see the faces of those creatures?

>been feeling so shitty for so long
>hear about low T and the symptoms
>they all match, especially can't think straight or remember things
>go get tested
>it's fucking super low
>this could fix so many of my problems

Things I didn't know
>have to go once a week to get a shot
>weird creme stuff but you have to be real careful with girlfriend and kids because they can absorb it very easily

Biggest thing
>it will almost certainly sterilize me
>will have to be on it the rest of my life because my body will stop making the little it does when or if I start treatment

What do? I'm at the end of my rope


You can inject it yourself. It seems scary at first, but it's really no big deal.

If you get injections they'll give you a different drug called Beta-HCG, which will prevent your balls from completely shutting off. You'll be nearly sterile while you're taking the test, but if you ever want to have kids, you'll still have the option since they won't be atrophied.

The crucial question is, how low is super low? If you're above 200. Don't do it. Less, maybe.

I mean you could start working out and changing your diet and seeing if that has an effect before you start getting injections, if you can get it above 300 or so you'll be okay, you'll be on the low side still but it won't be medically dangerous.

looks normal, unless he got recently castrated there is no way his test is ~140

below ~90 is FEMALE level

testosterone (as all steroids) is illegal substance so its highly regulated

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>medically dangerous

It is not medically dangerous to have a low testosterone level. In fact it's "healthier". It puts you at a reduced risk of heart disease. Nobody here is freaking out because of their health. They're freaking out because they feel like they're not real men.

Am lifting from my garage as I post this. Hopefully shit makes a lot more sense once I find out my T levels

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>Stories of people getting more testosterone and coming to regret it.
>appreciate life without it.

all in all it sounds more like bullshit propaganda
>testosterone is bad fot you goyim!

> testosterone (as all steroids) is illegal substance so its highly regulated

It's not illegal you dumb fuck. It's controlled. Same as thousands of other drugs. That's why I go to a *clinic* and get it prescribed by a *doctor*. I'm sure I'll need to explain this at least 3 more times before you fucking idiots can wrap your heads around it.

Have to take shots, and it's a fucking game changer.
The first week you won't feel a thing, but after a week your dick will be standing up at attention for hours until you beat him back down. An hour later, you'll beat him back down again!
Every attractive woman you see, you'll want to viciously rape until she's dehydrated, I am not fucking lying about this one.
Of course you'll feel hell of a lot more energy, some nights will be difficult to sleep, but during the day you'll feel like Superman ready to do anything.
It's fucking worth it getting the shots bro, makes you another man.

I BELIEVE that testosterone levels droppinga re the result of sissy education and men letting themselves bossed around by women, being polite and speaking too much about inane shit

Regardless of what you believe, the poison in the food + water supply plays a big role in it too.

>implying the normal range is good

if you want to be autistic about wording, the unauthorized possession, distribution etc are illegal and its commonly called 'illegal substance'

Sorry to be annoying, but these things are worth capslock cruise controlling:









I think that pretty much covers it. A test-filled Jow Forums is a happy Jow Forums.

Why even live
Yes this is definitely what I need to start with
Yes I know. I did steroids a while back and it was amazing but I just followed the advice of the guy and didn't do further research. I suspect this might have been when it all started like maybe I fucked my shit up

All these guys are in the bottom 5% for T levels.
I'm sure some are bottom 1% but I don't have figures for that.

>low test=low sperm production=infertility

Memes aside, what is causing lower T levels?

Compete against other men.

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Ned must be the one on the far left?

And somehow you still don't get it. The possession is authorized, because it was prescribed by a doctor. Jesus tapdancing christ you're dumb.


You can probably get away with taking something like Clomid or bHCG, which will cause your body to boost test production, instead of going on replacement therapy. That way you're not shutting your balls down and becoming dependent on a substance.

what are actual proven ways to raise T other than working out, cold showers, and onions?

AIDS or these dudes are junkies. The third cause is obviously not applicable because they're clearly not obese.

They do. Your testosterone is at it's highest levels between 8-10 am and gradually lowers towards the afternoon.

Thank you for the info, I will certainly be looking into it. I can't go on much longer like this

cold showers but
dont turn the cold immedietely
start with warm and then slowly make it colder and colder until you can stand it tho
the point is pushing your limits not dyin of a heart stroke and oh yeah, dont do it of course if you have heart problems

top kek Big D is above all of them despite being in his 70s
Testosterone is supposed to decline gradually after about age 30, makes me wonder what he was at their age.

Attached: trump is high T.png (683x656, 572K)

To further drive the point home, here's the ingredients listed on the back of America's most commonly bought shampoo, Head & Shoulders:

Pyrithione Zinc, Water, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Glycol Distearate, Zinc Carbonate, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Xylenesulfonate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Fragrance, Dimethicone, Sodium Benzoate, Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride, Magnesium Carbonate Hydroxide, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone, Blue 1, Red 33

>Sodium Lauryl Sulfate: linked to cancer, neurotoxicity, organ toxicity, skin irritation and endocrine disruption

>Glycol Distearate: uses the same base (ethylene glycol) as brake fluid and anti-freeze

>Sodium Xylenesulfonate: organ toxicity

>Cocamidopropyl Betaine: known carcinogen

>Dimethicone: silicone-based polymer, i.e. xenoestrogenic

>Methylchloroisothiazolinone: known neurotoxin

Toothpaste is even worse, full of plastics that you are literally ingesting directly into your system as well as micro metals that directly penetrate into your body's cells and cannot be filtered. And deodorants are so filled with estrogenic compounds that they've been linked time and time and time again to cancer growth in the breasts.

Masculinity is toxic goyim

Oh, I forgot the best one:
>Sodium Benzoate

This is a REAL friendly one. Benzoate is a wonderful little fucking nightmare from the paraben family:

>Parabens are preservatives used to prevent the growth of bacteria and other microbes in anti-dandruff shampoos during storage and active use. They are known to increase the risk of female breast cancer and may also disrupt the normal functioning of the male reproductive system


I mean, shit, could I lay it out any clearer that the cosmetic industry that men NEVER used to be subservient to is basically castrating us and giving us fucked up cancers?

Attached: testo.png (1920x1080, 1.81M)

>Do you have to have your balls cut off to become a journalist?

No, you just need to have a Beta mindset. Same as when you need an Alpha mindset to become a leader.

As for keeping testes cool, if you are too pussy to do cold showers, freeze half a tin can of water and apply to your balls for short bursts several times a day. I can't believe how much difference this makes.

Such BS
Heat is masculine, cold is feminine

Good luck with your masculine microtesticle goals of 2018