Horrible group rape case in Sweden ended in court badly for the victim

Today the Swedish group rape case in Fittan, South Sweden, was finally handled in court but sadly, the New-Swedes who were accused of the rape have been all now released without charges. There was "not enough" evidence that it was a rape and not sex with a permission given by the claimed victim woman.

This is how Swedish court functions: first the local county court decides on the case, which was that the accused men are to be released, and then you can complain and take the case to Royal Court which was in this case

>Kings Court of Göteborg (KGB).

It was this royal courts decision which was heard today. They said that the local courts decision to set the accused men free will be in effect as there was still not enough evidence that the woman had sex without her will with 5 unknown New Swedes.

This will stay in the history of Swedish justice system as a black day because thousands of Swedes think the rapists really were rapey and should have not been set free. In the Fittan community, everyo knew who the accused men were, it was a small community.

Even the victims defendant,

>native Swede named Elisabeth Massi Fritzl

said in the SVT news in television that this is "a dark day and justice was not served."

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God will take revenge on her behalf. Let the criminals laugh for a while.They won't be laughing on the day of the rope. Man the Swedish civil war can't come soon enough!


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Weren't there plenty of EU officials claiming that migrants were brought over for the purpose of increasing fertility and birthrates? They're just doing what the state asked

She’s a swede. she deserves every ounce of what she got. Don’t be vindictive rami, god already punished her

I've never had sex with a swedish woman, I do not related to Swedish women.

Why should I care that these materialistic whores get gangraped to death? They voted for this anyway. I hope the swedish race gets raped to death, I live near forest and farmland now so i dont care what happens to society i will be fine regardless.

I hope more swedish people get beheaded and shit it brings me joy to see them suffer.

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catalog the name of the judge

These were the men who were now released

ABDIMALIK Mohamed Ali, borned 04-060-1996 HAKAN Samet Demirkiran, borned 16-04-1993
AMIR Farid Said, borned 17-01-1998
Sohail Akhtar, borned 14-09-1994
Veselinovic Nenad, borned 22-05-1988

They all have longer criminal record than my job CV


Based Swede. You should do your part and start raping them too. All fucking roasties must fucking hang