Preparation for the World Cup
should i come to spb and see drunk brits getting beaten
But what if drunk russians will think that you are brit?
They laos paint slums like in Brazil,
i will have a friend close by to yell SLAVA UKRAYINI to distract them if it comes to that
dude no
it is the best strategy to avoid beatenings by russian mob
Wut? Do you houses not have windows or something?
You're gonna fight us in the dark, is that it?
can i get a quick rundown?
hope its not a very close friend then
Brainlet here.
Are they painting over boarded up windows of shitty closed down buildings or something?
could an enterprising and artistic Russian manage to paint a merchant in one of those windows at night?
>shitty closed down buildings
they are shitty INHABITED buildings
this vinyl covering type is most common one i havent seen any of these painted window things before
Learn our "culture"
>the structures would be disassembled after she passed, and re-assembled farther along her route to be viewed again as if new
kek amazing
Underage, should be banned
He's Finnish. There, a "close friend" is someone who said hello to you at the bus stop once.
You're the fat one
Did she die? I didn't see her head hit anything? Was her heart crushed under the weight of her own flab?
it's like a shitter version of augmented reality
Its okay he is a finn, you know how russia vs finland ended last time.
Do you have the liveleak link?
what the fuck is this country
Who gives a fuck.
Nah, she's just pretending. Classic woman tactic. Like soccer players.
Same logic
I have only seen this kind of shit from Africans. Russians really are niggers of Eurasia.
doing the best with what they got
бoжe мoй - этo нeвoзмoжный!
To be fair, I feel reminded of London. Went there many years ago and when I came to my cheap hotel in Paddington, I was amazed to see Roman columns. Looked pretty impressive from across the street. But as you came closer, you could see that it was all plaster, already cracked and in desperate need of being painted.
Oh, and when you blew your nose in Lodon, the handkerchief came back black from the soot you had inhaled in the two hours you've been there. Expect people will be seeing that in Russia, too.
In 1998, the energy services company Enron built and maintained a fake trading floor on the 6th story of its downtown Houston headquarters. The trading floor was used to impress Wall Street analysts attending Enron's annual shareholders meeting and even included rehearsals conducted by Enron executives Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling.
>doing their best
Rusfag here. Germans do the best with what they've got. Russians just don't give a shit.
Communism never ends right? Its like it has taken your soul too.
finally i get to post this
We had the football world championship 12 years ago, and it was just great!
Also: No terrorism, and not so many shitskins.
Those were better times.
Nigga pls
Oh, right. Adverb not adjective. Thanks for reminding me.
great pics, post more
Dude, we were like this since the beggining
I don't care for your shitty buildings, i'm going to see 4 games and fuck some whores.
any streams of the russian hooligans bashing skulls
Looks comfy desu
Meanwhile in Muttland
Never recovered from that Big Mongol Dick
speak up communists
>Potemkin village 2018.jpg
truer words were never spoken
I wonder if the worker that put those up was laughing his ass off the whole time
It is good yuri.
We paint people in window then people can get drunk. We get world cup. Spend money on krovcodile
Where leaf?
I no find.
Holy shit, aikido actually works!!!
not krokodil