Jow Forums has been lying to me. And everyone. Germany is super peaceful, rich and mostly white. There is less than 1 nigger in 100
Asian tourist in Germany here
your small eyes didnt let you see well.
>Asian tourist
Hi Ahmed, Muslims are mostly not white. And as to all being peaceful and rich, maybe, but for how long?
Incorrect. I have to go to Munich every year for business. In the past 5 years it has gotten dramatically darker.
Depends on where you go.
Some cities are less than 50% white.
>tfw living in the not shithole part of Spain
You need to go to their ghettos if you want to see them. They wont let you since you're a tourist. It's for your own good, trust us.
of course theyre lying.
most of the people posting that shit are subrural americans who have never left their state.
Frankfurt as well, the only place that is all white in Frankfurt are in the brothels
are you talking about canada or germany? name one 50% white city in germany
hey, you pathetic faggot cuck, how about you stop memeing white genocide into reality and expecting the worst?
seriously, stop listening to burgerposters. they dont know what germany is like, and you certainly dont know just how bad the US is.
if americans saw a shitty neighborhood in germany, their world would be turned upside-down because it's still nowhere near as bad as american bad neighborhoods.
so, ya... all i'm getting at is stop being a fucking cuck and expecting the death of your nation, culture, and people, as if it's already been decided, and is unavoidable.
>According to data from the city register of residents, 51.2% of the population had an immigrant background as of 2015. For the first time a majority of the city residents had a non-German background.[27] Moreover, three of four children in the city under the age of six had immigrant backgrounds.[28] Moreover, about 27.7% of residents had a foreign citizenship.[29]
shut up GIDF
Jow Forums also says that Spain and Poland are based and awesome and whatnot.
Stop believing the dumb shit that boomers keep spouting.
Them homes are full of nigger
White people can be migrants, too, you retard. We have tons of Russians and East Europeans.
Mehemet please stop
this is in what is hands-down the worst city in germany, and a major outlier when it comes to immigrant populations (like parts of ruhr)
Also, the suburbs are entirely pristine, wealthy, and german.
>Germany is super peaceful, rich and mostly white.
Yes, but it was more peaceful and white ten years ago.
It definitely isn't as bad as says though.
no, i actually lived on that very street for a little over a year, and i can assure you there are basically NO niggers.
what do you get out of posting these tired memes? how are you helping?
The majority of people with immigrant background are white.
Jow Forums doesn't go outside, you really expect them to know what germany looks like?
>1 post by this ID
A slide thread.
Wrong, this is happening right now in Europe
What does German mean in this depiction?german citizenship?
Jow Forums is full of clueless non-white nazi larpers.
This place is satire.
the incels here have this strange fetish for shitholes so stinky that not even niggers wanna go there
Nothing happening here goy.
Sweden's just fine as well. Do you live under a rock? Or you going to tell me the no go zones that Merkel even admitted to existing don't exist.
Here's the thing Poland and Hungary will stay Polish and Hungarian and may one day be world powers if Europe becomes the mulatto race that the EU and Kalegri wanted.
You laugh now but you and eye we're having some serious problems now user. Unless we actually do shit Western Europe and the Anglosphere may very well be lost.
you and I
Yes its good but what will it be like in 40 years? The people who make it nice have low birth rates and the third world populations have high birth rates.
>Here's the thing Poland and Hungary will stay Polish and Hungarian
>subhuman nations will stay full of subhumans
oh wow
Who wants to bet that this remains a One post by this ID thread
From what I understand, moslems and feral niggers make up a HUGE portion of the young (18-35) population. And judging by all the mud babies, I'm guessing they'll be making up 2/3'rds of the population when the boomers start dying en masse.
Have a look in Primary schools or lower. Most newborns will be nigs or sandnogs
Goddamn guys. Just bend her over and start thrusting. It's not that hard.
>From what I understand, moslems and feral niggers make up a HUGE portion of the young (18-35) population.
That's massively overstating it. As boomers die off, the percentage of non whites will go up, but it'll be to something like 10 or 12%, maybe 20-25% in the absolute worst case scenario, if there are a lot more events like the 2015/16 migrant crisis.
Poland and Hungary are capable of building great things admittedly not as many as Western Europe but they are still miles above any alternatives. Think of Copernicus and Chopin and the Polish Empire. They aren't a completely hopeless people. And Russia prior to the Soviet Union also produced great art and literature.Slavs really aren't all that bad user. Would I want to marry one no but I can respect them and will gladly help them defend their land.
They seem to be the only Europeans whose government will defend it and their people will vote to do so. They are an example and a white pill for us all. Something for us to strive for. We know it's possible.
Are you saying this is a non issue?
You do know they're planning on dumping more in right? It won't end until your force it to user. We must drive them out.
Yep. Moslems and feral niggers, with their hilariously low IQs and high aggression, will always ensure jewish dominance. They'll always be on welfare, can easily just spend their lives buying stupid shit they don't even need, and if they get uppity? Just toss them a blonde white woman. They're fucking obsessed with those.
the thing you retards dont understand is, that the vast majority of immigrations are from EUROPEANS. from poland, france, england, denmark, balkan states and so on.
you know, mostly white people.
germany is 94% white. and of those 94% about 80% are ethnic german. i know we talk alot of shit for fun on pol, and bantz are bantz. but i can assure you, out of all white major powers in the world, germany is the whitest. by far.
>There is less than 1 nigger in 100
That is still too much.
>Asian tourist in Germany
Fuck off, lying shitskin
It does not make a great difference if its a scot or a well educated indian who moves in. Less germans.
Sure "educated" indians...
>Are you saying this is a non issue?
No, I'm just saying it isn't (yet) as apocalyptic as people on here make it out to be. If the right people were in charge, it could be fixed very easily. We still have one or two generations to fix it before it becomes an existential threat.
And that's the problem they're planning on dumping more. The way you stated that makes me think you're comfy and not worried. Which is what is going to lead to you getting assraped. If your stats aren't lying you've got time ( unlike Great Britain). I would say you want those to nip it in the bud before the shitskins get comfy. If you got the right people in power you can deport them and people would bitch but that's about all. If you let them stay for 1 or 2 generations they are just as bad but then they supposedly become "German."
We have the same problem in America. They aren't American nor are any non-whites but everyone pretends they are which is why it's so important we deport all illegals now before the become "American."
But muh curry. It's such a big part of European culture surely all of baggage, culture, and demographic replacement is worth it.
>If you let them stay for 1 or 2 generations they are just as bad but then they supposedly become "German."
In my experience they get worse after one or two generations. The first generation doesn't belong here, but at least puts in some effort to not be too much of a burden on society, while the later generations still don't belong here, but act more entitled because they were born here.
If only we could buy a cold breeze
Do they though? I'm referring specifically to non-Euros in your case but I was pretty sure they had an employment rate of less than 10% maybe less than 5% it was some newspaper article from a while back?
Also from what I've seen anecdotally I'd have to agree.Especially with the whole you deserve to be here more than the natives and you also deserve all they make and you deserve to be a part of the country and if you don't like me you the natives whose ancestors built the country need to leave.
My point is the sooner you get them out the more likely idiots will still view them as a problem and foreign. If they stay more than 1 generation they were born in the country and now
>come on user they were born here don't they deserve a life like any of us
Then again that's only really the case if the media screams they are. Southerners did view the recently freed blacks as Americans (I don't think anyone did maybe not even the blacks) but the government forced them to after being freed to also be citizens. So I suppose it really depends on the government.
Also there is the legal aspect to it as well, where they are literally invaders and when they shit out our more of them. They are technically citizens at least in the United States.
Do you guys not have that law?
>Do you guys not have that law?
I think total birthright citizenship is something almost no country other than the US has. Germany has partial birthright citizenship, meaning at least one of the parents has to have a permanent residence permit and has to have lived in Germany for at least 8 years for the child to become a citizen. Then by age 23 the citizenship has to be confirmed by one of the following, otherwise it expires:
>resided in Germany for at least eight years during their 21 first years of life
>has attended a school in Germany for at least six years
>has graduated from a school in Germany
>successfully finished vocational/ professional training in Germany
This is a kind of "argument" a liberal in his 50s would give after visiting food fair.
It should be 1 in 10000 and it is 1 in 10. Now kys, thanks!
Du sagst das als wäre es nicht das Desaster, dass es ist!
Non German doesn’t mean non white. Germany has many immigrants from Poland and other Eastern European countries
Ich bestreite nicht dass es ein Problem ist, aber Deutschland hat schon weitaus größere Probleme gelöst.
those aren't white
Then tell me how we have up to two generations to solve this. Especially with diplomacy? Tell them to go when they are 20 million? Every man that comes means more bullets and blood to sacrifice in the future.
India is on fire from all the hot food
Unfortunately it's one of their reasons no matter the age for liking multiculturalism that and the tired stale diversity is our strength which has now been proven wrong through research luckily. So I don't think they have anymore reasons that aren't die whitey or some variant of this.
I'll have to look into it's origin in the United States, it seems like a rather strange notion. It also depends on when it was written into law.
I would still personally say that's a bad idea but I guess it's better than the United States. Although as a "refugee" do they get a permanent residence permit? I would think that if they haven't already made it so they would be drafting subtle legislation now to make it the case.
If they reach 20 million, it becomes a big problem. There's no way for that to happen in under three generations, and if it does, it'll cause a backlash like you haven't seen. Just two million so called refugees caused the AFD to go from nothing to 12% of votes. Another 12 million migrants might well cause violent insurrections. Just imagine how much crime and chaos they would bring. There's no way the average law and order loving German would tolerate that.
>Although as a "refugee" do they get a permanent residence permit?
I'm not entirely sure, but I think to be eligible for a permanent residence permit, they'd have to have been here for several years and hold down a stable job, which almost none of them do.
Frankfurt is disgusting user, bit of a cherry pick
You simply haven't been in Berlin or Frankfurt.
>White people
>Russians and East Europeans
Well at the very least based on the current laws none will be able to get citizenship or their future generations for that matter. You guys should watch out for any changes to that though. Having said that unfortunately women are dumb as always... But if the stats are to be believed they aren't as dumb as we think in terms of miscegenation so perhaps it's not too big of a problem.
I don't want to cut into your other conversation there but if you don't mind. I think you need to pursue this and convince other people in Germany to pursue methods to oust them as soon as possible so they have no chance to become 20 million or even be 1000 or 1. Europe becoming the United States.... You want to keep your homeland's for your ethnic group. None of the colonies can be fall back plans either. Our homelands really shouldn't have to share with non-natives. And once the standard is set (if it's not fucked up and Europe wins a.k.a kicks them out, unlike Uncle Adolf) you'll be fine. Because since you are the winners you will be able to say it was justified. Otherwise you will just keep succeeding more to the invaders over time and then they will mix and you'll have a situation like you have in the United States where it's going to take something very drastic to change the current situation and demographics. The middle east is basically your Mexico since you've set the precedent to allow them in.
Also remember this very important point it only took us 50 years to go this far down the shitter even with our huge population.
At least he's not up to his chinky eyes in shit
>parts of Ruhr
lol, fine example of burgers education there
We are most certainly very different but to say they aren't white is folly.
Yes, yes goyim... don't trust your eyes, this is not because on people on two you see everyday are not white that it means you are being replaced. Your fellow whites just left somewhere else or probably hide at home. Don't overthink it and trust us.
Asian tourist has traveled through every street in every city across all of Germany, and has counted every single whitey and nigger in the process. Well done Asian tourist.