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i fucking hate kneelers

The worst part is people never put the away and the retards and old people are bound to trip over them.

Hey, at least you get to hear your nations anthem. "We" got rid of that yeeeaaars ago..

But then, a week ago, there was this hockey-tournament in Denmark. The World's. And 10's of thousands Swede's went there, just to hail what once was, and to sing the anthem as loud as they could.

I cried after every game, like a little girl. I grew up with two of the players on the Swedish team. Watching them "come home" and get the gold for the few of us that cares..

Wrong. Teams set their own policy, fucktard

Sven, while I recognize that must have been bittersweet, tens of thousands is no small number and that type of spontaneous, organic occurrence is a potential sign of great things to come. Don’t lose hope.

I see you couldn’t stage another school shooting, but must just be a coincidence

Why don't you people shoot uppity niggers? lol

And if they were kneeling in support of trump, you all would call this ban censorship. LOL

but they are being allowed to hide in the locker room during the anthem without punishment. also too little too late, my family and I wont be watching NFL ever again.

Ban the ungrateful kneeling negros

How do you stop the clock then?

What a pansy sport.

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But tebowing is still A okay! Thanks Trump!

damn right and we'd win
just like we did in 2016

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The League will fine the offending player's team every time they kneel and yeah, teams can then decide whether to fine the player, but if the team is getting fine, fucking guarantee the player is getting punished. This ends the protest. Niggers eternally BTFO

good moment to post in /sp/

Too late, don't care. On the upside to all this though, now they're going to lose left wing viewers along with the right wing ones they already lost and aren't getting back. Same thing that happened to ESPN and it's fantastic. Fuck the NFL.


>players may stay in locker room if they so choose
>all on field players must stand

So only white players will be on the field then?

Most of the black players stood last year, it was only a couple of attention seeking faggots doing the kneeling really.

Huge loss for the niggers


they tried to appease one side and pissed off the other, now the opposite will happen

on the up side once the league falters and possibly crashed and the money dries up, niggers will quit and a new white NFL can start up again

We do but they have to be physically attacking you first.

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What!? I saw tons of niggers kneeling. What games were you watching?

Yes, why is that funny?

Fire up those black twitter accounts and get #blacktwitter un an uproar.

Bring down this Jew sport and the nigger enabling.

That's because the cameras for the networks focused on them for the publicity. If you saw any aerial shots of the whole teams, most players, black or white, were standing.

private company (the NFL) holds it within their rights to set internal policy. Even if said policy is anti President.

howerve that freedom does not mean freedom of consequences

Too little too late, this needed to be done as soon as it started, no one watches nigger ball anymore. Last year I only watched the superbowl where usually I watch every playoff game and many regular season games.

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How about banning 'kneelers' forever?

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Get a rope.

Soro's destabilization program continues, he is driving you seppos into a civil war.

Nigger Felon League. You are a fucking cucked degenerate faggot if you watch coon sports. You might as well be watching ((( with your eye lids taped open!

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