I don't, it makes no sense to me. I don't get what's wrong and so controversial about not wanting to date women. So many people against MGTOW say that we hate women, which isn't true. To me, I've always felt that it isn't hating women, but simply being neutral to them. Not worshipping them, not treating them like goddesses, simply treating them same you would treat a man. If a man were to act stupid, we'd call them out, so why not do the same for women?
And then the "MiGtoE ArE vIrGen lOsErS!" nonsense. Sure, there may be some people here who are virgins and not living the most desirable life, but once again that's hardly the case. I lurk this sub all the time, and the majority of posts I read tend to be from older men who are fed up with dating. Even if a man is a virgin, so what? Why is being a virgin such a bad thing? If anything, being able to resist the temptation of sex even when you could get it should be considered a good trait if anything. Most men wouldn't be able to resist easy pussy. That brings me to my next point...
Women should be happy men are going MGTOW. Women constantly complain about harassment. Women hate it apparently, so many claim to hate "creeps" who make them feel uncomfortable. So... I just won't bother you. But that's still a problem. If you go after a girl, there's a problem. Don't go after her and there's a problem. What do women even want? So many claim to hate the attention, but then you don't give it to them and they still complain. You can't win.
Next point... So many people I have seen shaming MGTOW recently always group us together with incels. They're not even the same, like this shit can be researched in like 2 seconds and they choose to be ignorant. It's like saying Grand Theft Auto and Watch Dogs are the same game just because they're both open world. Even if they are similar (which they aren't), the only similarity they have is that they're both online groups that often have a focus on women.
The difference is, MGTOW is about self improvement. Incel is about self pity. We want to see our lives get better. Incels just whine and bitch about how they can't get laid. Like I said earlier, MGTOW's are critical of women. I wouldn't even say incels truly hate women. It's mostly frustration, and even if they do hate women, so what. How is an incel hating a women any different than some racist or homophobe posting on a forum about how they hate black people or gay people? Sure, it's shitty and it sucks, but there's a red X at the top of your screen. Click it :)
And my final point. Every MGTOW is different and has their own way of living. It's called Men Going Their OWN Way for a reason. Before you lump every single one of us as the same thing, realize that it isn't true. Some people in here never date, some do. Some drink, some are in college and some never went. There are some that are still teens (such as myself) and there are some that are nearing retirement age. Everyone in here comes from a different walk of life and has even with that, we can still join together and have all the discussions we do, and that's a beautiful thing.
Sorry for the long rant. I know I shouldn't even waste my time with people trying (and failing) to shame us, most of the time it just adds up to "How DARE you won't date women?!?!?! Ur insane and should feel bad!!", but I had to get this out. Rant over.
Zachary Phillips
(((>172663487))) stale meme bro
Jace Jones
>I don't, it makes no sense to me. I don't get what's wrong and so controversial about not wanting to date women A lot of Jow Forums browsers are jews--and another percentage of those jews are lawyers, and of those lawyers there are divorce court lawyers.
The Divorce Court$ is a multi-billion dollar industry.
Nobody cares about your fucking life. It's easy. You pass your genes - you won life. You did not pass your genes - you are fucking loser.
Hunter Turner
They're scared of men reclaiming self agency
Ethan Miller
This, western men reclaiming agency is the (((their))) worst nightmare
Brody Hernandez
This desu
Isaiah Anderson
They're too invested in the notion that subordinating themselves to the whims of a semi-sentient sack of offal will somehow validate their pitiful existence.