Can you guys stop making fun of jews for their big noses. Like i have a big nose and im not jewish and it bums me out when you ridicule people for their nose
Can you guys stop making fun of jews for their big noses...
If it makes you feel any better you know what people say about guys with big noses. They better have a big dick cause they look goofy as fuck.
Your fucking nose almos went through my screen
Watch it punk
Europeans also tend to have big noses likely due to the presence of Neanderthal DNA. It's not about the size of the nose, it's about the hook shape.
Remake this thread, shitposter. You'll do better next time.
James Damore isn't Jewish
Which shitty "journalist" blog are you baiting antisemitism for?
he's italian you guys have big noses
none it just bums me out when you ridicule people for their nose
my nose is hooked like a jew nose too even though im of french ancestry so it still pisses me off
Kinda funny how bad that guy got BTFO. At end of an HR meeting he decides to write some cringyworthy manifesto. Lmfao what did he expect to happen. I have been corporate drone for 10 years and learned the first week to do your job and collect paycheck.
Maybe you got some jewish ancestry.