Judge will not order Trump to unban people on Twitter

This is the height of virtue signaling.

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Damn, I was honestly looking forward to suing people for blocking me on twitter and citing this ruling

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You still can. Find a judges twitter and post politics until they block you. Then cite this ruling. While she won't enforce the ruling on the President because of the Separation of Powers, it still set a precedent and can be enforced on members of the Judiciary since it came from their branch.

yea, they rethought this move. Huge mistake on their part to enforce twitter as a public square. That would be the end of their bot structured consensus cracking faggotry

If we are to stop Twitter from being pieces of shit and manipulating the public, we really do need this to happen

she isnt enforcing it because its an illegal decision and she hasnt got a leg to stand on

execute Jack Dorsey for treason and seize twitter and nationalize it

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It's a bogus sentiment.
If someone is harassing a government employee, namely DONALD TRUMP, then they should be blocked


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"It's illegal because I don't like him but its not actually illegal so I can't enforce it"
Judge version.

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Horray for freedom of speech. Trump can't take it.

>Damn, I was honestly looking forward to suing people for blocking me on twitter and citing this ruling
Something tells me that they realized just how huge of an error they had made

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Can someone tell me who sued who, why and wtf this means.
t. Non lawyer, brainlet

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More insight from the Judge.
>I won't enforce it, but I'm confident he'll remedy it
What does that even mean?

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> why is Trump making our journalists lie to us

the demolibs were getting low on adrenochrome since Trump arrested most of their molech baby murder bleed and eat human trafficking sickos, so now they're whining they can't get a beta rush twitter posting hate against Trump...

It’s time to throw shade at Ginsburg bitches. Let’s make a bogus account, get blocked then sue the cunt

I understand. Except I don’t know how any of that applies to Twatter.

This is what liberals are going to cling to as a clear cut case of Trump fascism denying people their Constitutional rights: blocking people on twitter.

And they can't do shit about it.

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read op's title correctly FAGGOT

Adrenochrome isn't even a good drug it doesn't even really have much effect at all


>EXCLUSIVE: Proof That Twitter’s Bot-Catching Algorithm Targets Trump Supporters — WITH VIDEO


The Judge said that Twitter is a "Designated Public Forum"

Does that mean we can't be arbitrarily censored now?

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So, if her ruling is that freedom of speech applies to Twitter, doesn't that mean that twitter can't delete people anymore for violating it's arbitrary hate speech rules?


It's funny watching the left shoot themselves in the foot.

We need to meme this hard

Wait, I thought this was a win FOR them. I’m so confused. :(

Hitler’s dub. Also can we just throw shade at Ginsburg, Get blocked and then throw this at her?

Yes probably after some more lawsuits siting this precedent

checked and keked.

I have always wanted to blow up this image and print it out on a sign and pay some homeless dude to hold it outside of CNN headquarters.

I imagine it would have some serious 3D trolling effect.

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There is no one on twitter who is under more vile insults and attacks from crazy sore losers than Trump.

His haters should be glad that he only blocks them.

Check. Can (((we))) do this?

Well, they obviously did it because "fuck trump," but by ruling that twitter is a public forum and must abide by freedom of speech, that means they can't censor opinions they don't like either.

Law is applied equally in the books so yea its now unconstitutional to SHUT IT DOWN

yeah, she didn't realize that he WASNT blocking people using the @POTUS account, but his private, personal account and tried to save face by saying this shit
stupid fucking cunt

Okay. New target GINSBURG, that Hawaiian judge in the 9th circuit. They’re liberal CUNTS...They’ll start blocking like crazy.

Pic related

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They aren't going to enforce it on him, so he isn't going to do shit for them. However they've made a ruling that now means that most of the censorship and banning on twitter is illegal (i.e. they've damaged their own paradigm and hobbled the lefty bias on twitter) and while a lot of right wing people can now use this to their advantage, if they ever try to enforce it on Trump it'll cause a separation of powers showdown that will almost certainly side with Trump since he is not physically denying them their freedom of speech or a platform.
Basically the bitch was trying to score cheap shots at Trump and ended up boning the leftist media establishment on twitter and created a rod for their own back; and the best part is that Trump just carrying on as normal makes it worse for them (since it's their ruling and they have a duty to enforce it). Trump took shit posting to the next level and he didn't even do anything.

AWESOME SAUCE. Thanks bro. Now fire up the meme machines boys....?We’ve got Judges to spam!!!

>making a law that you can't use because it betrays separation of powers
Isn't making the law a betrayal of separation of powers? Doesn't making a law that the executive branch can't execute a betrayal of separation of powers? Isn't making laws that can't be executed a betrayal of your own branch's power to create executable laws?

Is YouTube also a public forum now? A lot of right-wing content has been outright censored over the past few months. Can they be held legally liable?

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The President has a Youtube account, so yes.

Shit tier meme. Pic related. It’s a start.

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This. She's full of hot air but wants to virtue signal anyway.

No woman should ever be a judge. They can't do the job. They can't put themselves in someone else's shoes.

It's just impossible. Look at every single female SCOTUS judge. A fucking trainwreck, each and every time.

I've been banned from Twitter. Is Twitter infringing on my right to lobby my elected representatives? Keep in mind just about every politician is on Twitter.

We should do a class action law suit on Twitter.


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It is! Lawyer up nigga




just a reminder:
don't forget to call the secret service when somebody on twitter says he wants to physically harm POTUS

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That stuff makes pure mescaline seem like ginger beer, man

This, anons, this is a very fine post.
This has memetic and redpilling potential.

>the state of the left

So then Twitter can't ever ban me because I have a legal right to tweet at Trump and politicians, right?

>The Judge said that Twitter is a "Designated Public Forum"
>Does that mean we can't be arbitrarily censored now?
It appears it is now Illegal to be blocked, yes, but only on the Twitters of people who use it as a public forum (every liberal)


What a fucking surprise

Correct. Twitter banning you would be denying your First Amendment right to a public forum.

You make hyperbole user, but this is the kind of shit show activist judges make of a legal system. And the clown world faggots who elect activist judges will continue to question why no one will "stop tha h8". Any dignity in the legal system is attacked from this angle first, the corruption and money is always a secondary thing, it follows pozz like this.




>Trump just carrying on as normal makes it worse for them (since it's their ruling and they have a duty to enforce it). Trump took shit posting to the next level and he didn't even do anything.
How can a person not even be aware of the existence of an argument and still win?
Does Trump possess divine endorsement?

I can't wait for the next Dem President blocking 90% of the bottom dwellers and then instigating, that it was that judges own personal decision not to enforce it, but another one could against a dem president and will do it.
And the bigotry circle assfucks itself, as it always does.

why is this allowed?

First Amendment only applies to government. All others can censor you.

>this headline

What is this alternate timeline I've fallen into

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