This tweet is going to have such an impact that is only comparable to Kanye’s Trump tweets.
Elon Musk
Elon just cut his strings
>Mfw I can already hear heads exploding
Elon is Plus Ultra
le-ebin-electric-car-man has fucked up now
Fucking hell... based African American
Elon Musk is a scumbag.
The media is even worse than him.
But it’s a farce to pretend Elon isn’t part of the media conglomerate.
He’s the “cool” guy stealing billions of dollars at the end of a barrel of a gun each year.
where is the link faggot?
Wtf I love musk now
He's just pissy at the media because they are reporting the fact of his billions in lost revenue from his failing car company
Fuck off kike. You're mad he blew up Zuccs rocket
>looking a gift horse in the mouth
he CAN'T get away with this racism and sexism
Gas the kikes, Mars colony now!
>Not calling it "covfefe"
You had one job, Musk
this is unironically a good idea though
Especially cause Jow Forums will skew all results immediately
My nigga
people voting isn't skewing
Q predicted this
>the public can rate
More Jewish, proto-commie faggotry like reddit
You think we would do that? Just go on a site and tell lies?
is he going crazy? he knows he can't win this, his whole cool guy cred is among progressives and other bugmen
You are proving my point, Elon Musk is a state funded cult of personality.
He is not a conservative by any means, his businesses are all propped up as too big to fail enterprises, he just sprinkled glitter over shit.
He is a warlord because there’s no demand for the stuff he makes so he forces people to invest with government gibs.
He already lost them, when he agreed with trump about tariffs.
It doesn't even slightly bother me at all that people become rich through media, what bothers me is the abject lack of critical thinking and understanding coming from people who claim to be enlightened individuals. The MSM tactic of browbeating everyone with some suggested narrative stops working after 20 years, Elon Musk is a breath of fresh air.
>credibility score
Oh no no no no.......
We don't know how much censored it will be. But you are probably right.
Never understood this. I mean, I would accept the horse and then look at it's teeth at home. It's not like I'm going to have a horse where I don't know what it's teeth is like.
>implying doesn’t already exist.
They exposed CNN hiring US Army PSYOPS in the news production cycle, Elon is just talking shit to stay popular because his subsidies require it.
God bless the Boer
Go fuck yourself you worthless kike. Do you realize how badly you people are losing? At this point most of America would love to see journalists get tortured and killed. You people are finished.
what a fucking retarded take.
He gets less than other rocket providers.
He paid back Teslas loans early.
An absolute fucking hero of a man.
Did he just said: “The Jew shrieks in pain as he strikes you!” ???
More and more people are just pissed off, it is cool now to challenge the left. This is all just a way to capitalize on the animosity.
you mean help make the results just as they should be
Fuck yes we would
I guarantee that every fucking kike on the Pravda list will be at the very bottom. Except Glen Greenwald
Am I witnessing a redpilling live?
Pravda is an old slavic word for justice, I think it fits nicely.
nope. try again
lol Musk is going to try and get in good with the right wingers now to try and get financing for his failing car company that only ever survived in the first place thanks to free money from Obama and policies that bent the market to subsidize this one fucking car company.
it won't work of course, short this shit, ignore musk. he tried to make waves against trump early on now he can eat shit.
I wonder how reddit will react to their favorite superhero Ironman character going rogue against the narrative and how long until some washed up pornstar blame him for sexual harrassment.
he must be really pissed about all the hitpeices being written about the recent Tesla crashes.
>hero of a man.
>stole billions from hardworking Americans but made sure to ‘look cool’ while he did it.
British morals have declined.
>Where the public can rate the core truth of
nonono, sweetie. Only experts at ADL and SPLC etc have access to truth.
Kek. I always thought of it like the horse was the one bringing the presents, and looking in his mouth would anger the gift bearing steed for some reason.
you're supposed to, dipshit. the saying originates as a warning against trojan horses. "don't look a gift horse in the mouth" is a (((subversion))) of the saying
Never be such a coward that you’d slight reality to receive a gift.
Man I just hope Musk does not fuck up our future on the Mars for some twitter bullshit!
>the saying originates as a warning against trojan horses
That's not at all the etymology of the phrase. Perhaps you should do some fucking research instead of acting like a pompous faggot.
we were never going to mars but it would be cool if he confirmed flat earth
This line of thought was proved to be a Soros shill, so he could buy up Musk companies.
Looking at it's teeth is a good way to measure the overall health/quality of the animal.
Same fucking kike posting again and again trying to get us to hate on /ourguy
Elon is a white South African self-made billionaire entrepreneur boldly trying to improve the world. He takes less money from the gubment than his competitors while revolutionizing industries and he is moving us ad astra.
But what if it's a really cool gift?
the mars thing was always a publicity stunt, it you want to know if somebody is serious about colonizing mars, see if they talk about taking robots there, or taking humans. If they say humans it's just publicity bullshit.
>he must be really pissed about all the hitpeices being written about the recent Tesla crashes.
ya financial powers are shorting Tesla hard at the moment, which is fine since Tesla hasn't lived up to its production forecasts, and Musk doesn't have much Administration support atm.
>Musk isn't handling it too well and is experiencing first hand how the media contorts every statement into some sort of huge deal.
Based JC Denton, best fucking timeline. Kek'd at Pravda too.
Damn, he really is a Madman.
Am I going to have to start following him on twatter now?
Isn't it truth?
Jow Forums is thousands of real people. Jews can't even compete.
Can you prove any of what you just accused?
Elon is undergoing a transformation. He was always on the cusp, now he is merging his power with Jow Forums.
Elon, you are very welcome here.
This anti semitism will not go unpunished
yes, pravda is russian for truth.
>Implying this changes the fact that he is one of the biggest money launderers for the Jews on the planet
Come talk to me when spaceX and Tesla don't survive through US grants and credits nigger
Eh, he's considered a tortured genius like kanye so leftists will give him a pass. Plus, i bet in a day or so he tweets something negative about drumph to calm them down
t.Stefan molyneux
I can see the outlines of your bald head on your monitor cult fag
While I get the joke, it is still in existence so naming it that wouldn't work
>goes from liberal darling to literally Hitler in 0.6 seconds
That is some damn good performance, Model 3 is looking great.
le snicker
Yes its "Truth".In Polish and Russian for sure, but i bet in other slavic languages its didn't change too much. One of those basic words that always remains the same
The absolute madman!
I'm going right now to get a Tesla
What a time to be alive.
The winds of change are upon us boys. Time to strap up and ride the wave.
So why is Soros investing so heavily in Tesla? Hostile takeover?
would be fun if he got crazy redpilled shitposting on twitter after losing all his money as he will soon
It’s public record.
Jerry Hirsch would be considered “credible” by Musks planned site.
>Proved to be a shill
Bullshit, spacex and Tesla both survive off grants from the US government
If they do no such thing then how come anyone suggests they be cut Elon goings ballistic?
>stealing billions of dollars at the end of a barrel of a gun each year.
Wtf is the gun he is using and who is he stealing it from? A bunch of mega rich assholes who are paying huge amounts for his cars? The companies sucking his dick so he will put their satellites into orbit?
>The lefts face when they realize haha funny meme space and flamethrower man is a businessman first and foremost
Yeah, probably. Wasn't really sure about the translation there.
No one's talking about how he's dating grimes a leftist feminist Canadian.
The USA tax collector’s gun.
wtf I love SpaceX™ now
wtf I love SolarCity™ now
wtf I love PayPal® now
wtf I love Tesla® now
wtf is that
Oh dear. Reddit now has to choose between the fake news drumpf hating and sucking Elon Musk's dick. What a dilemma for them.
>credible sources are base on ratings
Im done with this faggotry. There should be special certificates for actual credible sources where real journalists work in the search of the truth. Not some shit popularity contest.
>I can show you’re wrong based on the media’s presentation of Elon Musk, in a thread about how the media sucks.