
Elon Musk is going to start a website to record the credibility of journalists!

He will be called a Nazi and his companies will be destroyed!

Get your popcorn boys

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What a great idea. Maybe he really is a smart dude.

I had the idea a couple of years ago, so...

Someone link him to deepfreeze.it/

We need this for women, call it "Hoe Facts"...don't get caught up in a long term commitment, for little return before you say "Show me the hoe facts!"

>americans are this retarded

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That's the point you dumb mother fucker. The American media is propaganda


>gets annoyed with traffic
>creates a tunnel fix
>gets annoyed with fake news

Ideas are nothing without action. Admit it, Elon has more privilege to act then you.

t. privilegelet


I never claimed to be an expert proof reader.

implying this wont be worst for the GOP since the JIDF are their main clientele, lmao gonna backfire for you guys thinking this is positive for the trump party

pls be real

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This is such a dumb idea.

>I...I came up with this first!!

sure kiddo

what the fuck kind of name is elon



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90% negative news coverage of Trump
Most hysterical and fake about koi and shit

>This will be bad for Blumph goys

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>elon musk is a literal billionaire ideas guy

why did i have to be born just after the internet holy fucking god these morons just slapped some shit together they often stole from others, got a little lucky and became fucking gods fucking WHY

ahhh its martian, of course.

So many scared journos in that thread!

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Hoe fax. "Show me your hoe fax report"

>a website the public will update
Nothing is beyond our reach...

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lol youre insane. i mean i understand youre all gonna be biased , but as a neutral from a country that doesnt really giive a fuck, the israel shilling from the GOP is comical. Aside from that, the bipartisian government and blind patriotism allows idiots to disregard ANY news, fake or not, and simply follow whatever agenda their party is going by instead of making an educated personal conclusion on basis of what actually happened.

Why are you not doing it, though? You think like a nigger.

How fucking stupid can you be my friend?

>From a country that doesn't really give a fuck

let's just keep it that way

this is how you name the jew covertly with plausible deniability

>doing "it"

doing what nigger?

all the obvious revolutionary shit that could be made easily by computer programming already has been

every cancerous faggot and his mom is now an "app" developer cranking out one stupid piece of retarded shit after another to try and cash in on the long dead dot com bubble

im going into another related field of work with a more guaranteed but humble income

Oh shit let's gets it started

>Elon "White Mars" Musk
>Elon "Hard Journalistic Thrust" Musk
>Elon "1 star for Kikes" musk
>Elon "Fake news is Jew News" Musk
>Elon "Racial Purity is Security" Musk
>Elon "Kung Fu against Brianna Wu" Musk
>Elon "Rate, then gas the Jews" Musk
>Elon "Honesty only, you Jewish hombres" Musk
>Elon "6 Gorillion is not reliable" Musk
>Elon "Papa Adolf would have driven a Roadster" Musk
>Elon "Don't try to tread it, Reddit" musk
>Elon "Electricity is my city" Musk
>Elon "I'll zap your news crap" Musk

Praise this car salesman

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the literal state of denial lmao, pz kiddo

Would support kickstarter

You sure are bad at not giving a fuck, work harder at it

I believe you user.
I "invented" dashcams back in 2004, and even looked to patent it until I found that a commercial product already existed

the first day it launches we should do a mass raid on CNN's page.

I also invented the Roomba in my mind

ayy dont get so defensive, all i did was post somethint that im sure rubbed you the wrong way because its true. its ok, you uneducated triple chin fat fuck, hope youre doing your daily mouth training to recieve the jews cock.


You still trying? lol

And who will track this "credibility"? Jews. So basically he wants to create Snopes for people.

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I can't even believe how many things I have 'invented' till I discovered they already existed. Feels bad man.

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The ruddy vacuum tube train is the thing that gets me. I hope its a cover for something good in the same vein as Howard Hughes and the submarine mining because he literally just gave it a new name.

If they prevent us from getting to mars over this shit then its outfight war.. They took our vidya, they took our church, they are taking our clay... If they try to take mars then there isn't much to live for and leaves us but one purpose. WAR!

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just occured to me, youre prob jidf, not a surprise considering youre behind an american flag


this guy gets it

>public can rate the core truth of journalists
>journos will buy ratings via bot accounts
>elon rakes in the jewbux
another scam from the scam master

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Yeah, I started making bookmarking website, my coder left the project and I was fuck it, after 2 years some fag created a website with same idea and eBay bought them for ten mills or smth.

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Damn, dude...

Didn't you hear user, thunderjew disproved it with jew physics

>mfw the site gets called anti-semitic

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Most bookmarking websites such ass. Make one anyway


I see that and don't disagree, it’s pretty much beyond our economical engineering technology at the moment, but then everything was at one point. The more I think about it the more it has to be some sort of secret project and his wackiness is being used as a cover for some new technology that required a long vacuum tube to test.

It was bookmarking for things/products, ffffound was very popular at the time and there were no Pinterest (they copied ffffound basically), so I had idea if people can bookmark images, why they can’t bookmark products, so I did documentation and design and started working with a coder, who left project halfway. Project with the same idea Pierrat created was called Svpply. Now there is too much bookmarking websites, even Pinterest is making something similar now.

Not really gonna work since shills and various *IDF always working and of course "who watch the watchers" dilemma. But it's a nice "in your face" to the media, especially with that name, kek.

Isn't this what Snopes already is?

>one post

don't you mean "WhoreFax"?

They are two catladies (one male) with an opinion, Musk's idea sounds like crowdsourced opinion


Isn’t that literally Russian for true/truth

no idiot it's "Show me the WhoreFax"

Needs to get Mark Dice to head it

t. Goldstein

A note on American Politics. The Right Wing is indeed a Paper Tiger like the Left accuses them of being. But the Left, see? They are afraid of that Paper Tiger coming to life and devouring them if they so much as give it a place to talk in public. So who's the bigger pussy?

A site that access social media information and produces the approximate number of partners a person has.
It is likely that we are all going for a social score system in the future

And they will present the information they want you to hear, but from a trusted (((independent))) source! The government doesnt just hand you trucks full of cash because they think you have good ideas, they ship that money to their buddies. Musk isnt even from this fucking country, why would Americans consider him their ally?

>Where the (((public))) can rate

It would be like the opposite of Reddit.

I hope he builds this. I have thought I want something like this, though too lazy to build it. And if I did, and then succeeded. I would just sell the fucker to those corrupt bastards and never work again.


Is he being sarcastic?

It will be a slam page CBS and BBC will pay millions to him so day this is fact. And it will all be about Trump Trump's a racist Trump said ms13 are animals to bad the media left out the ms13 part and used undocumented immigrants instead of illegal aleins that rape kill and torture and kidnap all over the usa

people don't fully comprehend he is a white man that grew up in south africa

redpill guaranteed.

I love Elon Musk even more now.

>Calling it Pravda
How fucking original

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Yet another jewish trick to manipulate public perception.

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hypernews x
the future is here

Musk worship is fucking basedboy caliber.

What in fuck's name is going on with the shillbots? Did someone fuck up a wordcloud system somewhere, goddamn?

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Who would survive such a rating system? Everyone would be rated down by people of one side or the other. I can't think of anyone I know of who would not be rated "unreliable" except for pic related, and nobody even knows who he is.

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Elon "manly" musk

Wew. One of the things i like about Elon is whatever idea he has he manifests it so this is going to happen.

I will not be surprised if he does get called a Nazi after this and the media will try to discredit him.

> He will be called a Nazi and his companies will be destroyed!

Funny enough, When he suggested that more underground tunnels should be built to lower traffic and create walk-able cities, he was called an idiot by every Libshit on Twitter and the media.

The only thing such a rating system will tell you is which side of the political aisle uses the rating system more.

>The public.
> Able to tell fact from fiction and right from wrong.
Pick one.

I like it.

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Wernher von Braun was my cousin

>gets annoyed with earth

>voting on "the truth"
Yes, Americans truly are retarded.


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You can't possibly have the public ranking these yale and harvard journalists...is what the NYT, WAP, New Yorker and Times will say.

Good on Elon, although this system is ripe for abuse. Better than nothing and at least it's a feedback mechanism.

Rotten tomatoes for journalists, lol.

Why is Elon such a hard cunt?

This is the place where "97% of scientists say global warming is real, d00d" is considered an argument

Holy shit

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Wow based

wew, I thought Musk was your typical silicon valley shabbos goy. What's going on here?

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