Thread I made on monogamy got deleted within 15 minutes.

Jow Forums is compromised. The mods here are neomarxist puppets. It's all fucked.

Attached: Screenshot_20180524-010318_01.jpg (1080x1631, 342K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>phoneposting cancer
>non-politics thread
You should be glad they didn't ban you.

mods are gay here dude. they delete all the best threads and leave the crap. i make a lot of memes and post OC, funny stuff too. but then i get a ban because i just post the OC without a big gay portion of text next to it. they're just dumb as shit.

they were all raped as children and obviously deserved every last bit of pain

also IMO the thread you posted is very interesting and relevant.


a lot of them are communist subversives who are trying to take the board down. others are genuine and are real Jow Forumsacks but guess what? if they're nazis then real unironic nazis are usually pretty stupid and authoritarian. so you get a bunch of retard mods with the collective IQ of a grape. they can't tell the difference between a slide thread, a shill thread and a real thread. they're just tards man. that's why other chans are growing and other websites are growing, you know? this place got a pretty big boom in its popularity after the 2016 election but its sort of starting to wane now. the mods are just too gay and stupid.

I think that the issue is very politically relevant. Impkications for birthrates, demographics, mental health, future social trends etc. Mods sniff ass scratch fingerbangs

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If you're interested the video I was referring to is this youtu.be/DCGyLjBjuGI

If you're a rational, well educated human that cares about the future of his society, I don't see how you can be against monogamy.

I can totally see why women would against it though. Sex is good and women can get it easy. Women can also use their bodies to exploit and manipulate men. But to prevent this from happening and society breaking, people put into place certain systems that held society together.This restricts women from using their full sexual potential. So of course they'll want a society that allows them to ride all the cocks they want while getting taken care of and paid for by some cuck that's been brainwashed into thinking it's all good.

There was a literal moment in the video above (don't remember the timestamp but it's around 8 mins I think), where the woman says she EXPERIMENTED with threesome while married to him and you can just look at his face and tell he's dead inside.

On another unrelated note, why is being a degenerate whore called experimenting? What does it have to do with the scientific method?