Di sweet sweet codeine destroying lives for nigeria

di sweet sweet codeine destroying lives for nigeria

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do dey know de wey
sip on de sziurp like de lil wayne

are they pushing this video on youtube? i watched the first 20mins of this same video the other day

Nothing of value is lost...except useful codeine

dasss right

Why can't I get codeine free and legal?
Fucking 3rd words have it so good

dey codeine no da wey
dey wey id codeine

Nice, underrated.

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>niggers in nigeria are sypin on syzurp
top lel youtube.com/watch?v=2YVvMfXXG7E

not gonna lie I kinda want some sweet sweet codeine now

just get some from your local nigerians

Codeine is de only wae

Attached: UgandanKnuckles.png (1079x928, 494K)

de brown brown 8====D~~~

just break your arms, go to dr.shekelstein and get some oxycontin.

it doesn't work like that anymore

Probably got mixed up in the algorithm from all the ten year olds looking up ugandan knuckles memes


DXM is way better then codine

Fun fact time.
I had a bad back, and got put on codeine. Fucking marvellous stuff, really outstanding.
After a few years, I started getting a ringing in the ears. Turns out that for some people, opiates are 'ototoxic', that is toxic to the ears. If I carry on taking it, I could go deaf, even completely so, literally overnight.

It's a little known fact, which many doctors do not know about, so be careful with opiate painkillers. Also they make it hard to shit sometimes.

>nigerians drink codeine like soda pop
>i only have access to tylenol for dental work because muh junkies
getting really sick of life right now. good thing i'm in immense pain and delusional


Get you informated well well

fuck em let em drink till their livers shrivel up

why is that written in nigger spech?

It's the future language in Bongistan

dey wey is not chugging opiate syrup my bruddahs

This to be quite honest.

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I wish I could casually drink codeine

How to exploit this crisis in order to colonize space:

1.) Get these nigs into crypto. If their money isn't worth jack shit, then we'll introduce them to crypto. More will be explained later.

2.) Bait them. Show them the darkweb. They can buy all kind of drugs to get high off of on the darkweb.

3.) Set up shop. Contact medical suppliers or simply create some drug sites on tor.

4.) Hook line and sinker. The nigs will see these sites and dish out all of their money or crypto for some sweet sweet syrup. If anything, they'll feel the effects of withdrawl symptoms and they'll do ANYTHING for a drop of codeine.

5.) Keep some money for yourself, but collectively invest in SpaceX, Bigelow and boeing so they can speed up their research for space travel.

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Did they run out of shit to ferment?
You just know that codeine was sent to sick nogs but dey mamas drank it themselves.

Oh and don't forget to advertise your drug business in african countries and parts of african social media.


they arent even trying anymore, just like the german poster who has the hashes from his amazon s3 server

kill yourself

That’s the spirit user

wtf they turned english in an phonetic language exept by words that are left intact without reason an they are also omiting and generalicing preposicions how the fuck did migrants english speakers degenerate to this

wtf they turned english in a phonetic language exept by words that are left intact without reason an they are also omiting and generalicing preposicions how the fuck did migrants english speakers degenerate to this
