I thought niggers were only 13% of the population? Why the fuck are they everywhere? I used to go years without seeing one, now I can't even go a few minutes outside
I thought niggers were only 13% of the population? Why the fuck are they everywhere...
Nice bait
The fuck is this proganda?
Nenechi best grill
While true, unrelated to the nigger problem. How's it going stopping the referendum?
It will most likely pass, I haven't met anyone who wasn't vehemently for ''Yes''. Even the people who I know are right leaning because ''I wouldn't want to have a retarded child''. Nobody really cares about anything beyond that. All the Irish are too bluepilled to vote against the mainstream narrative. All this shit is making me so angry though. I'm sick of seeing the fucking self-righteousness and moral superiority of the ''Yes'' people
It would be great if it was that way but it is not.
You started a revolution almost 100 years ago for your freedom. It may be time to do it again. Good luck potatobro
13% of like 360 million is still a fucking lot dude
Are you in the south?
I will only agree to this if you're for segregation or moving back to africa, otherwise fuck off. I'm not living with your kind.