How involved in the culture war should we be?

What is the most effective way to win the culture war? I have been back and forth on this for a while.

The way I see it, there are two routes to go.

>Focus on yourself
>get educated at university/tech school and focus on making money
>gain wealth and power
>use your power to support right-wing causes/nationalism
>redpill people around you

>directly engage in culture war with activism/making internet videos/making websites/spreading propaganda
>focus on building organizations/infrastructure for right-wing causes

What is the better route to take?

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The first

Do whatever you can. If you have intellectual aptitude, social skills, and ability, go for the first option. If you're some autistic NEET with a good sense of humor or writing skills, do #2 or make art or something.

I donate $200 to Brittany every week, because her boyfriend doesn't work. Lazy cunt. I think she's into me though. I'm one of her two mods (the other being her boyfriend) but she always talks to me in stream. I always asked if she can flash on twitch, but she just ignores me so I stopped asking lol but yeah, her boyfriend is a major loser, and she needs to be with someone that can support her.

Both are good, depends on the kind of person you are like said.

That Shrek cringe compilation meme is garbage but it is an almost appropriate response to this stale pasta.

the first

What culture war? Most of you are too busy hanging about on the leftist-riddled internet to see nothing's changed outside.

I can do both. I have an economics degree but I'm also a skilled writer/artist/musician.

I know that I want to dedicate my life to winning the culture war, but I'm not sure what is the most effective route to take.

On one hand, we need activist figures giving speeches, running websites, doing youtube shows, maybe starting lobbyist groups and eventually doing rallies, but none of that means anything without support from people in power

But you can't really take route #1 by openly expressing your right-wing views. You can only do this after you've gained wealth/power.

Right now I have a corporate job and a following for my art, and I'm not really sure which route I should take between #1 and #2.

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You're in the UK, how do you even know?

Things have definitely changed a bit. The SJW menace has been heavily demoralized, you don't see them sperging out on campus like you did in 2013.

Also, Trumpist-nationalism is the new default for republicans

The first. Be a good face for the cause, we should make as many people as possible believe that the winners in life are nationalists and right-wingers. Strive to be the best you can be

>You're in the UK, how do you even know?
Because the UK's a part of the Western World.

>Things have definitely changed a bit.
How? Go ahead and tell me anything that you think has changed. What you've given so far isn't any different from Reagan's days.

Sucking Israeli cock is also the default(albeit not new)

But like I stated here:
You generally can't openly be nationalist while trying to gain power in mainstream society through your career and stuff like that. You can only be nationalist once you've attained power, generally speaking.

If you go the 2nd route, you are openly nationalist from the beginning. Maybe you make nationalist art/commentary and stuff like that.

I see Jared Taylor as somebody who has taken route #2. He has a PHD but he went the activist route instead.

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>use your power to support right-wing causes/nationalism
This only goes to show your naivety. The system belongs to jews, there is no negotiating that.
>inb4 muh blackpill
This is reality, if you're gonna sperg muh blackpill at anything you disagree with you might have said the entire JQ was a blackpill long ago. They will not allow actual threats to their plan to gain prominence in THEIR system. We can try to use it to somehow shift the overton window, but the only outcome this will have is spreading consciousness, it won't solve the issue by itself, because knowledge of the problems isn't enough, people need to act on it. The only true solution is destroying their system. It is already on the way out, and since we can accelerate it by doing what we should be doing anyway, which is having a white family independent from the system, why not do it?
My 0.02c, I'm not gonna waste time arguing with retards who sperg muh defeatism whenever that is brought up. This isn't in any way a new subject, if you'd like to believe in the fairytale that they will let you use THEIR system go ahead, better people will be out there doing what actually matter: building white families away from the system's influence

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>Go ahead and tell me anything that you think has changed.

This is the first time in 60 years that leftism has been under scrutiny and under serious critique. Reagan's days were pre-internet with braindead boomers who were mostly a-political and had on idea what was going on. Now that we have the internet, the information flood gates have opened.

>Hollywood losing massive profits
>MSM losing viewers, credibility, and profits
>Academia under critique
>largest white identity movements/interest in the history of the USA due to internet
>Nationalism a regularly discussed subject
>deep state a common phrase
>Journalism literally dying
>a new generation of people who don't even watch television, watch YouTube and watch pewdiepie shill a literal right-wing fascist SEIGE author over and over

All of the propaganda platforms and propaganda techniques created by Edward Beranys are dying. This is unfamiliar waters, anything could happen at this point.

The election of Donald Trump is proof of this in itself. Trumpism is becoming the new standard right-wing belief, the overton window has shifted.

Depends who you are. For me? Indirect. I'm a professional with an advanced degree. IF I was to say, pull a (((Schlossberg))) and yell about non-english speakers my career would be seriously hurt.
What I can do is hold my beliefs to myself, share them with friends, and since I have a decent income, donate to various right wing causes/groups. The current one is the NRA. They get a piece from me every month.

If you want your corporate job to go somewhere #1 or else you're an idiot. How much influence do you really have? Your pic related has far more and simply because she's decently attractive. Some people are meant to be soldiers, others are meant to be tax payers. I'll pay my taxes and let the soldiers fight that war.

>donating to ecelebs
I enjoy some of her work, especially the recent shoe0nhead stuff. But I don't sit and watch people in a stream, I listen the videos on YT later, maybe.

>supporting is irrelevant
>the system belongs to kikes
This comes from someone who does not actually deal with powerful people or understand how they operate. There are people who will willfully waste their time arguing with leftists and will actively destroy their own names. I won't be that guy, but I see nothing wrong with supporting them, and I don't mean by """donating""". This guy is right. Times are changing and the right is not some underdog group anymore, people are fighting.

>This only goes to show your naivety. The system belongs to jews, there is no negotiating that.

An example of route #1 would be people like Peter Thiel, Kanye West, Donald Trump and people of the sort.

They gained power and then later used it to endorse ideas or put their power to use. The Jew can only be overthrown with money+action

>If you want your corporate job to go somewhere #1 or else you're an idiot. How much influence do you really have?

No a corporate job is not for influence, it's for making money. That's what the difference between route #1 and route #2 is

You also just replied to stale copypasta. Why so many newfags?

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People like that are depressed faggots. They don't believe any change can be had. The right will never see a full fledged conservative society, but the real purpose of conservatives is to slow the change. If the right gives in there will be 50 genders on drivers licenses.
I'm not a newfag, I just don't sit on Jow Forums all day. What I meant is that regarding route #2, how much influence do you really have? Do people give a fuck what you think? I would wager no, they really don't. You would be better off not possibly fucking up your career by saying the (((wrong))) thing.

If you take any of those people seriously it only goes to show your brain hasn't developed past /ptg/ yet. Maybe I should have gotten the hint when you posted that mutt whore

Well what the dude said is in accordance to my previous reply: we can shift the overton window, but that isn't a solution in itself. Normies don't act, they only take orders, and they'll take orders from the most powerful people. If you think you can seize power via THEIR system you're delusional

Start by getting mainstream. That's right, because it's a social media site dedicated to the Jewish Question. Sign up and fight. Or just point fingers and stick them in your pussy.

Pussies, and Traitors will ignore this post.

the fact is, the left is made up of useless people that have nothing better to do than agitate for parasitism because that's their only real source of hope. the whole 'focus on yourself' meme is great and all but that's fundamentally a siege mentality. you must be on the offense.

>If you take any of those people seriously it only goes to show your brain hasn't developed past /ptg/ yet. Maybe I should have gotten the hint when you posted that mutt whore
>if they aren't seig heiling then they are worthless!

People like you weren't meant to win, just go back to watching Varg videos and stay in the basement where nobody can see you

Whos that in your gif?

and why is she not pregnant with my child?

We’re a bit behind, user.

You need to work both angles.

>What I meant is that regarding route #2, how much influence do you really have? Do people give a fuck what you think? I would wager no, they really don't. You would be better off not possibly fucking up your career by saying the (((wrong))) thing.

Well what is your opinion of e-celebs/activists/commentators/writers?

People like Jared Taylor/Richard Spencer and others? They didn't gain influence over night, it takes

a kike

It takes time****

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so like this jew?

mmmm. those milk bags. I would gladly become her breeding slave.

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I think not that much for a while to come. We need to retune/sharpen our rhetoric and beliefs towards back to what it was like in 2013. Best to stay out of the spotlight if we are infested with civic cucks and normie incels.

Gib me Venti

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Still a nigger, no matter how hard she tries not to be.

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>we can shift the overton window, but that isn't a solution in itself. Normies don't act, they only take orders, and they'll take orders from the most powerful people. If you think you can seize power via THEIR system you're delusional
>you can't change the system from the inside and no amount of interval movement to the right really matters!

This is your brain on siege.

The system is fragile. You don't need SIEGE larping

I do the first. the culture war isnt interesting and is filled with kike controlled op

nobody cares and stop posting the mutt

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The Commies are best ignored.

Make yourself as powerful as possible and raise a large family.

95% of people should do the first
The rest that have talent should be active in the propaganda war

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>We need to retune/sharpen our rhetoric and beliefs towards back to what it was like in 2013. Best to stay out of the spotlight if we are infested with civic cucks and normie incels.

We need all arms on deck immediately, we don't have any time to spare, and this is our only time to strike as well.

We have somebody in the white house who wants to reform immigration and build a wall. If we were really smart, we would have formed a lobby group that forced congress to comply with this shit like yesterday.

As far as retuning our ideology, we don't have time for that. If you're somebody involved in the either route #1 or route #2, you should have your own ideology straightened out already.

hi leftypol

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>I do the first. the culture war isnt interesting and is filled with kike controlled op

What are you talking about, either route is a culture war.

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im just here for youtoube views

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>What is the better route to take?
Which one are you better at?

We need both.

I think we need a much larger number of people who are improving themselves and gaining personal power, to be used in the benefit of themselves, their families, and the rest of the community.

But we do need some talented people who engage directly in the culture war, to redpill more people and spread the message / inform everyone what's going on, since the mainstream media will always skew against us.

I can do either. I'm 25 years old and I can either go down the corporate/business route to make as much money as possible, or I can go the art/activism route. I am somewhat accomplished in the art field and have big connections if I wanted to go down that route, which I could apply to activism and that sort of thing

We need to build a new culture, but we also need people making money and succeeding in business

Like you right?

Second one has more potential if you actually could pull it off but you wont and thus you should do the first one as if you doubt between the 2 you likely don't have the ability to do anything meaningful with the 2nd one

Half of us do one, other half do the other. Isn't that what Hegel would want?

>if you actually could pull it off

I mean, what's your standard of "pulling it off"?

One time I saw an user complain about the right not having any "chill" activists. All the figures on the right are crazy, none of them are just "chill" who can be followed without any drama. But the reason why that is the case is because chill people don't get to become activists on the right. They get constantly attacked. The left can do whatever, nobody touches them for the most part, but right wingers get attacked vicsiously, therefore only the activists remain who can take the heat and can deal with being controversial. Obviously we want our activists to be a good example of the movement, so no degeneracy. I would love to have many children and take part in the culture war, but I'm young and got a little bit of degeneracy to live through. I want to date and bang a few girls before I settle down, something which is probably not very popular here. But yeah, I want to sleep around a little bit. Not neccesarily a bad thing for guys. Tucker Carlson had sex with hundreds of women, but he still got married early and had kids by like 22. So if you want to take route 2 and become an activist, but you better make sure you're damn near pitch perfect and have your life sorted out.


Dougles Murray is a pretty good example of a chill right winger. He's a gay man but as far as I know he only has one partner and doesn't fuck around with a bunch of dudes in the toilets of pubs. I can respect that. Sure, he's wrong about Assad's Regime but he is very right about many things, and because he is very well behaved, he can absolutely destroy people in debates. Milo Yiannopoulos was not the same way, he was controversial but very popular. I am not a fan of him anymore.

I want a big tit mutt gf :(

>But the reason why that is the case is because chill people don't get to become activists on the right

Nicholas Fuentes made a good point about this.

He said you would have to be slightly crazy to do the most taboo and controversial thing and completely go against society, so it just happens that right-wing activists or real politicians are always a little crazy in different areas.

I think Nicholas Fuentes is a good example of a right-wing activist, he just did a speech at AmRen that was great.

He's up-beat, but still endorses all of the key points of the new right-wing movement. Not an atheist, no weird ideologies, lots of good American optics, names the jew, the whole nine yards.

But at the same time, I think we're covered on commentators who just keep talking about the problems. We need musicians/artists/film makers and stuff like that, I think

why do people keep posting this disgusting negress

anti-venti shills just leave

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>What is the most effective way to win the culture war?
Make stuff lefties react to. They're idiots and will react in a way which deterrents people.

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only bring your closest friends with you

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> tfw you will never be so loved by a girl like that cat.

imagine taking her, gently pushing her cute penis into your arsehole