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end times

So is the geothermal plant operating at 1000% efficiency because of the lava?

Home heating costs nearby are zero.

who decided to build a power plant next to an active volcano?

they turned it the fuck off on like day 3 or some shit.

filled the pipes with cold water and mud to hopefully increase the pressure enough to keep lava out.

as soon as that lava reaches that plant, the entire pacific will go up in flames


Surround cold pipes with hot magma.... wonder why its not cold for long.

i've been watching youtube feeds off and on for a week now.
why doesnt the heat from the lava or spattering lava itself spark massive forest fires?

Its connected to the underground network of tunnels. Once the explosion goes into the tunnels CA is toast.

It’s over abandon all hope

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yeah they should have built the geothermal plant in nyc

>increase the pressure

does this sound like a bad plan to anyone else

Hawaii is a wet tropical climate most of the time thats why the grass around the lava is so dense green in middle of summer.

>power plant next to an active volcano
It's geothermal, not sure else it would go.

Same retards who built one next to the ocean in an active tsunami zone.

>one plant in Hawaii
>entire pacific

live cam where

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I did, so fuck off.

If lava breaches wells, authorities fear it could release hydrogen sulfide, a toxic and flammable gas. Most of the wells have been capped with thick steel plates.

Thomas Travis, an administrator of the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency, has warned that the intense heat could weaken the metal.

“That’s why having lava flow across the well causes some uncertainties that have to be dealt with," he said. "To our knowledge, no one has faced this before."


also usgs says no end in sight o lave flows. No idea how long.

Lets fuken start petition for nuclear plant there

cold + hot = boom

Have you not lived in America your whole life? This is a perfect plan to burgers.

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how the think pipes won't eventually weaken/melt is beyond me.

It would if it didnt rain like 200 inches per year over there. Its even rained a few times since the eruption.

Shit there's a man's leg on the bottom left

i saw a firefighter movie, all they have to do is do a controlled burn right in front of the plant and theyre good

i see that.

That's where it goes, you muppet.
It's on the tin. It harvests earth's nigh inexhaustible heat energy and converts that into electricity. Hot springs, volcanoes, geysers, anything that funnels heat from deep in the earth's crust and mantle is ideal.

cant they stop the flow somehow?


>brainlets that have never heard of capping wells.

Only the brave had a sad ending user. All the brave white men sacrificed themselves and died int he fire to save their white town and their many children. (true story btw, Only the brave is the most pol approved movie ever)

You can't possibly be this stupid....

LOL What happens when MAGMA heats up the capped pipe jackass?

Brainlet doesn't know that MAGMA is underground, lava is above ground


They could have dug some trenches to redirect the flow if they weren't so lazy.

>people think the geothermal plant is more dangerous than the volcano

stalactites are the ones on top


Digging trenches to protect from something that comes from the ground sounds like a great idea.


The lava is seizing the means of power productions!

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They are probably trying to save the plant equipment by sacrificing the piping. Increasing pressure back onto the pipes so that magma does not enter the plant through the pipes.
It's like cutting off fingers to save the arm.

So depending on when the flow will cease, how fucked is Hawaii? Is this divine retribution for the federal judge harlot?

there's no way there's anything more hazardous in the power plant that what's been pouring out of the vents for the last 2 weeks

>it could release hydrogen sulfide
oh no, not hydrogen sulfide! the gas that the volcano has been pumping out non-stop along with sulfur dioxide and hydrogen chloride! not that!

the entire island chain are volcanos

Why don't they just blow up the plant and get the heck outta there?

is this the commie rip off of the ron paul meme

tru i was v sad

when the pipes melt/are breached the pressure will forc ethe mud/water out and cause a massive steam explosion, cooling down the magma and creating somewhat of a plug, homefully slowing the magma down when rising up through the tubes.
If the pressure isn't static but actually upheld by some system it will also keep the lava from entering at all.

>that pic is yesterday
geothermal plant ends tonight

I am actually kind of scared at what this will do to the world environment.


>gets a flat driving on the highway

It's a multi million dollar asset, I'd try to keep it salvageable. Hawaii gets a lot of power from oil, they need this sort of stuff.

literally nothing.

I live in the town that they were from, I have fucked someone on the memorial for them on the mountain.

earthquake eruptions tsunamis flooding. maximum kek

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>Home heating costs nearby are zero.
In Hawaii? You don't say.

Cali here. Am I toast bros?

it's true. hawaii is a warm place

you still have time to get out, but if you're on the coast you are fucked

4D chess

nyoh my god

if the plant blows, the entire slump will fall into the ocean

this will cause a 50 meter tsunami to hit California
LA and SF would be gone

shit. well that sucks. But hey, at least San Fag Sicko and Los Angeles get rekt so I am happy. Its a good trade.

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Glad I moved to Nebraska last week

Puna Geothermal Ventures (PGV) is owned by Ormat Technologies, an Israeli based company.

Pictured are the founders of Ormat Technologies.

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the kikes know what theyre doing and they want to move the pacific plate through a large eruption in hawaii

That is literally where geothermal plants are built.

good luck cali bro
the party starts in 8 hours

>digging a 10ft trench causes another rift to open up

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I fucking knew they were involved somehow. Fucking kikes, praying to their volcano god so they can collect insurance.

So what's really going to happen?

>those digts
kek is with us. what do you think the choas god has in store?

Worst C&C player ever.

i heard it was 30, which is 100 ft

lmfao every fucking time are you SERIOUS

i dont want to die

he's warning you. heed the warnings

guys I live in Oregon and I just heard rumbling outsi OH MY GOD

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>tfw the tsunami triggers Yellowstone

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>commie volcano
top zozzles
i hate you sickle niggers but you made me laugh
have a (You)
>you earned it

the gets are back. he is with us
goodbye yellowstone


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Could someone tell me the most likely thing to happen when the lava reaches the plant?

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It melts.

A couple booms at best

this man is a CIAnigger trying to prevent a mass panic, do not trust him

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Heh, moron volcano is going to destroy its power source. We win boys.

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