
I just learned today of the existance of a microscopic republic located in Italy and totally surrounded by it called "San Marino"
Why the fuck doesn't Italy just annex it? Explain yourselves pizza sluts.

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If you look closely, you'll also notice that italy looks like a foot.

Attached: 1503049118383.png (126x128, 29K)

It's the last remaining part of the Roman Empire, it's ruled by two consules like the old Roman Republic and we put there our money

MotoGP track

Attached: F189EFC4-7C76-4CF8-9763-A271806CFE34.jpg (1600x1600, 350K)

holy shit, wtf.

Attached: 07-steveo.w710.h473.2x.jpg (1420x946, 84K)

anywhere south of bologna is north africa

there are a hand full of micro countries in europe

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So, Rome is North Africa?
