Battlefield V: Let me explain it

If you are person with dignity you would never play anything other than the German Reich anyway.

Of course the Anglo factions are SJW as fuck, and with good reason. DICE knows that only SJW's and closet homosexuals would play Anglo-factions, so of course they are tailored to appeal to SJW's

Real men play German

Attached: 9a2c8185652592695b7b301029ce09bb.jpg (349x500, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread:

When did Britain get so cucked?

Attached: 2E31900D-15F5-4A70-A9B0-D88692C30531.jpg (445x638, 249K)

How much of a shitshow is /v/ right now?

I have no idea. I don't even care about the game I just had to point out the obvious. The ones who bitch are cucks in denial. If they weren't they would laught at the opportunity to slaughter SJW's as Germans

To suit people who wants to play the SJW-side of WW2

Pretty shit. Resetera fags coming in using straw men and moving goal posts. It's all the left can ever do.

This guy gets it

But seriously why would true Jow Forumslack care about playing the Brits?

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Real men will also support

The Jewish Question must be answered. Stop being a pussy, and spread the Good News, for is upon us.

Pussies will ignore this.

Well what about he niggers with Katanas?

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