Why do so many think socialism doesn't work when it worked just perfect in east germany?

Why do so many think socialism doesn't work when it worked just perfect in east germany?

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It worked so well they had to build a wall to keep people in......I mean out.

To this day east Germany is not as developed as west Germany.

Whole stasi meant to keep people in line and a border wall to keep the proletariat from escaping, yeah worked

And muuh capitalism mutts are already here hahaha like clockwork
East germany had a gigantic army compared to their size and they could not have many exotic/outside things because the “free“ world boycotted the warsaw pact
And they only wanted to escape because the west had for some time better things but nowadays is the east almost on the same level but still has almost no shitskins

Because half of the people were closeted nazis that wanted to continue Hitler's legacy.
Also DDR products were shit.

Well still by far the best in the warsaw pact world

you act like the capitalists took you out but you imploded on yourself
your greatest enemy was yourself
and the name of the berlin wall was
the antifa barrier
how pathetic

Look at your flag that's the real pathetic thing hahahahaha

My buddy escaped the DDR, at risk of death, in the trunk of a car. I’m sure it was great. You dumbass kids love to romanticize over the past but in reality you don’t have a fucking clue.