You've seen the new hand signs of the pro-white movement, but let me introduce to you the new symbol


That's right -- It's a dot. It is the dot of WHITE DEFIANCE. Minimalist in the extreme, the white defiance dot can be inserted almost anywhere without drawing immediate attention -- On a school bulletin board, on a library table. It can even be used as a tattoo. The beauty of the white defiance dot is that it maximizes the 'plausible deniability' factor, while making accusers seem ridiculous. It's just a dot. But, of course, we know that that won't stop the enemies of white pride from crying about it!

Also important to appreciate is the large measure of confusion and distrust among the enemy that this WILL cause -- Is that small dot off by itself on the bathroom stall that new white supremacist symbol I've been hearing so much about?! Damn, I never thought I would see that at my school... I'd better notify my sociology professor and the Diversity Office...

THIS CAN BE HUGE. Even in FIGHTING AGAINST this, the enemy is made WEAKER, in that he is tacitly admitting the INTRINSIC POWER of white pride.


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Ah yes the dot. Representing the 3rd eye. The opening into the 6th chakra.


Do you *feel* dumb?


what the fuck do you mean by dot? nobody would see it, it's that small.

I have actually written things in my town with a white pen to piss people off a little bit. I have written that "Jesus was White, Satan looks like a black man", which is from Islam. I have also wrote "what's long and black? the unemployment line" at a bus stop. after a few days, it was wiped off and this was a very strong sharpie i could barely wipe off. and graffiti rarely ever gets removed, which means somebody complained abput it, fucking kek

I'll bet you're a Jew or a genetic mixture of some shitty European country

You can prove me wrong by posting your eye color, hair, nose profile. That's all we need to know you're a kike
And no I won't post myself as I am not claiming to be a racially pure white human. I am a 100% pure indigenous blood.

The alt-right dweebiness makes me cringe so fucking hard. White nationalism in 2018 should stick to staying in parents' basements.

I bet within a month the ADL would classify the dot as a hate symbol.
I welcome this new foray into creating higher levels of leftist hystrionics.

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I want to live to see the day when a student is suspended for drawing it, and the ACLU defends him.

my first response while reading this is "op has reached new levels of faggotry". But then.. I realized..

>Discussion ends with punctuation... THE TIME FOR DEBATE IS OVER

This has very strong potential

sharpie in da pooper


Damn you really showed them

>the dot becomes an issue
>people refuse to type in “” because there’s a dot in it.
>Internet made illegal
>Barron Trump becomes King somehow

One more bump for potential. might have to flesh it out a bit more, op. Don't forget ya gotta account for the 80/20 rule.

Pure autism

so Indians really are aryans then?

Attached: aunty.jpg (400x400, 131K)

I use the dot after evey sentence. He who is last is first.

Attached: WHITEPRIDEWORLDWIDE.png (121x97, 621)

They were taught by the real aryans


It's the black sun!

Why is the dot a nigger?


Translated from dot it says white pride world wide

>all these Chicanos with 3 dots under their eye tryna be extra white
kek fuggin Mexicans

Haha, programmed libturds will be triggered to death by this, noice!


this is retarded
replace 'kanye' with 'dot'

Attached: KANYE_SUCKS.png (788x486, 15K)


I like the way you think lad.

>nobody would see it, its that small
you would know all about small things achmed

This sentence only exists to create another dot.

>. Minimalist in the extreme, the white defiance dot can be inserted almost anywhere without drawing immediate attention

Or any attention at all really, making it the single most useless marking ever conceived.

>maximizes “plausible deniability”

Fuck off, faggot soiboi. You are advocating for people who are little cowardly larpers, not for tall and stout leaders. “Look, mommy. I have a tattoo of a dot. I can look like I support a pro-white movement but I can just say the tattoo is something else when Tyrone gets in my face about it. Aren’t I clever, momma?”

You fagit. You disgust me. Fuck off back to your containment board with your fairy dot.

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It’s a black and white version of the Japanese flag. What a fucking stupid idea this is. Fuck off with this faggot soÿboi shit.

>t. herschel goldfarbensteinowicz

I'd Dot your eye for this stupidity.

Tell your friends, family, boss, grandparents, neighbors, children, pets, and slaves about

The time has come to spread the good news about

Expose Jewish Supremacy, win back the west.

This is a really good idea. I'm going to do this at my school. Someone alert Buzzfeed of our plans so they will tell everyone what the dot means.

What don’t you understand, fag? Here’s what needs to be done. You need to walk around hanging “IT’S OK TO BE WHITE” signs in your neighborhood, and curb stomp anyone who confronts you and calls you a racist for hanging those signs. Cowardly dots are dumb and gay. Fuck yourself, queer.

ouuuu baby
I like the idea, It's just more of a IOTBW troll than a sign for an actual movement. But hey, I'll take it. Dotted my right hand

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Faggots stole the rainbow. We can steal the dot.

might only work online desu


When you say “we”, do you mean to include yourself with your fellow faggot soÿbois? Stop being a queer and get a tattoo that broadcasts your fearless pride.

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I want one so bad, but need to find a tat artist I can trust not to fuck it up and to keep it private

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Dots can be powerful.

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>Dotted my right hand

If you are martyred, we will remember you.

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dot pride cun+s

Attached: Untitled.png (637x353, 31K)

>t. moshe kasher

Martyrdom, although not preferred, would satisfy my soul. Might read from the book of Nahum tonight

I think you're operating with a few rares short of a pepe collection, friend



Attached: memes are real.jpg (750x985, 259K)

>post gets checked
>book's volume number gets checked



joining the dot brigade.

You're really overestimating how retarded libs are. Like they do some stupid shit, but no one is going to believe a dot is a symbol of anything you moron.

Why do people photograph their tattoos when they are still red? Why not wait until the infection has gone away?

great idea rabbi

they usually do before and after healing. Probably because there's no garuntee they'll get a post healing pic later

no u

agree, one month.

Somebody make a dot meme with the words "Don't run on me", get it? Like a run on sentence?

Good post.

this is better

>I am a 100% pure indigenous blood.
>post enough phenotypical data about yourself to expand our database

>I am a 100% (((pure indigenous blood.)))


I give it two weeks

it stands for

DAY OF THE . . .

you irl

interesting... have a bump on the house!

Attached: 1516700429384.jpg (400x400, 44K)

*pic related

oy fucking vey


alright, this does have some potentail

I like the dot. They will begin to seem crazy. It is just a dot. Remember "its okay to be white." Such a simple statement brought such outrage. A dot means that the voice of white nationalism when even reduced to a dot is not allowed. Start with dots the size of a dime placed in high traffic areas in sharpie pens and then start placing smaller ones. Do not place them in professional, well to do areas, rather in places where change must take place, where whites have been reduced to a speck of what they once were in the area. You are on to something user.

Why do you feel the need to ink the symbol on your skin? Are you afraid that if you don't have a tangible reminder, you'll forget?

Do you really want to forego your ability to assimilate and infiltrate?

Nothing screams untermensch like a fucking tattoo with obvious white power meanings.

Don't be a faggot.

The first week of the campaign should be the dot printed on paper. So the dot is clearly not coincidental. Rather, someone took the time to place it and send a message. Once it catches on and the news get a hold of it the sharpies come out. If it starts to pick up I promise you I will chip in 4 or 5 eth anonymously to help pay for a plane to make the dots in the sky when peak attention to the subject is made.

why not have dash in there too? I'm thinking something like this:
.-. . . . . . . . .

Damn you really shoah’d them

Putting these up.

I think we should stick to a black dot on white paper.
Put it on campuses and in public spaces.
I'm going to be putting mine around in LA.
If any LA fags want to get in I'm going out soon.

Found the dirty balding immigrant tell your cousins they cant come. You have to go back.

I will be overseas until Monday, but will do so when I return. Hopefully it will still be a thing then. Good luck user.

Attached: dot.png (1280x853, 18K)

not everyone is going to be a chiseled chad who slays jews with his cross. People will help in the ways that they can. If they want to be mischievous, or even rabble rousers, let them.

invert the colors, the dot would be emphasized by the black background and the symbolism makes much more sense.

King of the dot

huh, mine only opens up my brown eye


Attached: dot.png (1280x853, 18K)

Got dot?

This is going to be bigger than (((echos))).

The humble dot. The end of most sentences. Easily explained away as a typo. But we'll all know, that extra. in the middle of a sentence. . Or at the end. It can only mean one thing.


Attached: ITS OVER BRUMG.jpg (590x590, 227K)

poor pathetic shills, your life must be so unsatisfying to have to do this shit day in and day out.
at least we do it for the lulz and for white civilization, you do it for a measly shekel. SAD!


japan got BLACKED

>new cool idea thread
>faggot shows up
>advocates violence
>gets defensive and angry when called a jew
>tries to talk like the goyim but fails miserably
hahaha you kikes have lost your mind control abilities thanks to increased cosmic energy rays and a reinvigorated european spirit

The flag represents the dark masses being consumed by whiteness.

Here's the latest hate symbol for image use.

Attached: Dot Of Hate.gif (10x10, 76)