Are the russians considered human in your country??

Are the russians considered human in your country??
they are considered violent savages here in mexico

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niggers of the white race mate

are poles consiered disgusting in your country??


i am asking because poles are always crying that you are racists to them

They may be some drunken rapists but not as savage as the mexicans and other south american countries dominated by the drug cartels which use to skin people's faces alive and all that shit.

Yes Slavs in general are Mexican tier whites

Around slavs never relax

Did you know that these half asians like to eat H-U-M-A-N-S?

Mexicans dont get to call ANYONE savages. Ive seen worst cruelty come out of mexico than even africa. You had dignity once Mexico. Fuck you.

Was just gonna say:"violent savages" is bretty rich desu coming from Mexisharts.

spot the putinbots!

AntiRussian Propaganda at its best

Russians are better than they are portrayed in Jewish media. But if you wanna look for bad eggs you can find it in every nation.

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woah antisemite!!
you'd have been arrested by the antihate police if you were living in russia

All Ethnicities,all people's have their share of subhumans.

Isn't that ironic.

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Whatever happened to that dude I remember he got attacked by a mob

i hope he is dead

Just read that he had a trial last month.
He will probably get killed in prison if he ends up going there

>even Mexicans think Russians are violent savages
Holy shit.
Is there any better proof against white superiority than Russians?

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Russia is pretty on the level with Mexico i think

I'd rather have Mexican food though

the russian government demanded protection for that monster, that's why he will never get murdered here

Fuck you new world gypsie nobody cares

fuck you turkish rape baby


do NOT. I repeat do NOT talk to my rape babies that way. Only I can. Fuck off mexishart.

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Guy fucking killed a spic alone even though 72 people went against him.

co fears the superior Varenik, burrito trembles before Borsch

Like he's anything compared to the serial rapist drug lords your government PAYS not to mention let's run right out of jail

Your country is a festering anus, how could anyone do wrong by it?

>Guy fucking killed a spic alone even though 72 people went against him.
not really, it was 1 vs 1 when he killed him

Russians don't take shit and look where you are. it's just what has to be done to keep up with the locals.

>A Mexican flag trying to belittle poles, russians, serbians, etc
Take your stupid bait thread to

You raped nobody you dirty turk. You are the mutt-descendant of Serbian janissaries.

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So the behavior of each race will be due to how it grows. Education?

>mexican mutts still at it

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>tfw the Sultan will never give me a Turkish waifu
I was born in the wrong generation

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disgusting, kill yourself

>Are the russians considered human in your country??


all Mexicans are part nigger, so you are not even human biologically speaking. a crazy lad killed a few spicniggers - good
10% of the ethnic Brits have mena and ssa shitblood, so feel free to take up a voluntarily spice euthanasia somewhere in Liverpool


they be ppl I guess

Where is the Mexico?

why are you looking for him? you gonna put him in his place?

do russians behave like animals in brazil???

brazilians do

>That Russian education system.


its good to make fun of other with the same joke everyone throws at us...hhhhhhmmm, feels ok

okay bro.
me 2

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but seriously, Russians are alright. Never met a Russian that I didn't like, but I've only ever met White Russians (descendants of Czarists.)

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not surprised emigrates are usually the most industrious.

>they are considered violent savages here in mexico
>mexicans criticice russians
Please be bait, narco malnlet indio

I like how Argentina is in the same boat as Mexico, shit incompetent government, shit apathetic people, but yet yall still think you're superior. ???

>I like how the US is in the same boat as Mexico and Argentina, shit incompetent government, shit apathetic people, but yet yall still think you're superior. ???

the ole triple-down

i really laught how turkish rape babies really believe they are superior, even though they are just cowards

See thats wrong because I never implied that we we are any better, I just can't understand that Argentinian attitude. Its like living in a dumpster and criticizing someone else for living in a garbage can. America started great and our current situation is a speed bump.

lel new world gypsie go back to your favela and how are we cowards since you probablly never met a Yugo

1.-attacks a country
2.-country responds
3.-start crying like a bitch

Mexico is my client state there are many others like it but this one is mine.

If you have brown skin and black hair you are basically a less capable breed of human

kek what countries did we attack mestizo shit??
and if you mean the 90s Bosnia and Croatia had their civil war whille Serbia just bombed Croatia for a time untill NATO told us not to,now as I said fuck off to your favela you smelly cigan

I have honestly never met a single Pole or Russian, or any slav for that matter, that wasn't a total bro. Some are dicks, but when push comes to shove they are respectable men.

Mexicans, arabs, and niggers, however, have never been anything but scum to me. They can all get the gas.

With that said, I am familiar with eastern world geopolitics and I completely understand that its in the best interest of slavs that the western empire collapses.

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>our current situation is a speed bump
Your current situation is a blind alley. If you think you obese, hedonistic, indoctrinated country will recover from its demographic trend you are delusional. Balkanize and you may preserve some kind of white society, continue on your path and you face total destruction.

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>kek what countries did we attack mestizo shit??
you subhumans started ww1


Hey, pussy why are you hiding behind a meme flag? maybe I can take you seriously.

Not our fault that the Austrians tried to invade us,all smiles from me.

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>half turk retard feels proud of causing a bloodshed in europe
not surprised

>retarded mestizo which his ancestors were almost raped to death by spainiards doesn't know true nationalism or love for his country
>smelly brain dead new world gypsie doesn't have his culture that he wants to preserve but instead he needs to copy Spanish culture to feel somewhat special
>Favela nigger doesn't even speak his native language but instead speaks the language that raped the shit out off his ancestors
>The biggest achievement for Spains unwanted children is crossing the US border

should I continue??

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>>The biggest achievement for Spains unwanted children is crossing the US border
funny that you mentioned this, because your biggest achievement is a guy who moved to america, because your half turkic country is a shithole where nobody is succesful

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You have Negroid DNA just like every Mexican

Only Russian I ever met wanted to rape me, so I have a bad opinion of them

He moved to the US because we didn't wanted to aid him and branded him as a madman as he was also seen in the US
>shithole where nobody is succesful
>who is Milutin Milankovic,Mihailo Pupin,Mihailo Petrovic,Jovan Cvijic,Pavle Savic,Mileva Einstein(Maric)....

Meanwhille Mexico only invented Tacos and the mariachi band

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What's the quick rundown on this guy?

>>who is Milutin Milankovic,Mihailo Pupin,Mihailo Petrovic,Jovan Cvijic,Pavle Savic,Mileva Einstein(Maric)....
WOW people that nobody knows

Search Alextime

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I gave you examples off our scientists and chemists

Meanwhille Mexico doesn't have any achievements under it's belt,and no border hopping is not an achievement

serbia's contributions to europe
-starting wars and losing them all
-making whole europe agree that they should be bombed
-dog brothels
-being turk vassals
-dog porn

The US passed a beautiful immigration act in 1924 to keep Russians and Eastern Europeans out, but also Jews, and Southern Europeans. Eastern Europeans had amassed a reputation for being scammers, criminals, drunkards, draft dodgers, unintelligent, etc. so this was a response to that.

I wish it would have stayed in place.

the russians haven't beheaded anyone lately. Mexicans on the other hand.

Is he dead now?

mexico still butthurt over that one drunken Ivan who single-handed held off a whole town of enraged beaners

yeh, they tried to lynch him, he was taken to a hospital and died there somewhere along those lines

lel mestizo subhuman as your the one to talk about contributions and we both know how shit really the shitstain that is your country really is.

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>pablo is mad he got cucked by ivan thundercock

OP, you're a fucking faggot. This happened ages ago, just let it go.

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>nothing to say so he haves to resort to memes
pathethic but not suprised

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Russians can't afford to come to our country

At least Mexico didn't start WW1 because you Turk niggs wanted to get back a fucking city and as a result 50 million actual Europeans died in the war

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