Do you remember playing a game like Call of Duty 2 as a younger person and seeing how devastating and powerful the Second World War was? Did it spark your interest in history and warfare? I remember learning a lot from those old ww2 games growing up. This is what your kids will be playing now. This will be a 7 year olds first introduction to the devastation that was WW2.
Do you remember playing a game like Call of Duty 2 as a younger person and seeing how devastating and powerful the...
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New Battlefield V gameplay:
Join the Women's Land Army, and be the first lady in your village to drive a tractor!
Not riveting enough? Brand new farming and rationing techniques.
Maybe join the Women's Auxillary Corps and help answer telephone calls and make tea for men.
Battlefield History:
Women were in the war
a white woman is a step in the right direction from the fucking nigger they had on the original.
At least she's white.
>grandma what was the war like for you?
show me photos of women in combat
>Dice makes minority/female soldiers
>Kids play as them and love them
>Grow up
>Actually read about history and realize it was all lies, their whole childhood was a fraud
Based Dice
Here's your grandpa in the war
Based grandpa
Meanwhile in Japan
I think the soviets had some.
Back in america
I wonder if the devs have even brainwashed themselves into thinking badass women in leather jackets were kicking down doors with British Commando in Normandy.
I've never seen a woman in actual combat during one of these wars. The only one I even know that was in combat was that one Russian sniper woman or whatever. They must have been less than 0.1% if they did fight. Chances are all the women in army outfits were just to whore around and please the men.
Ehm... they were lost but the Soviets totally verified it though!
Grandma was a slut
Hey Dick, I didn't know you were bringing the heavy artillery....
don't worry John, I know a place where I can hide it
>I think
no you don't. day of the rake when?
you learned about world war 2 from video games? i understand the point youre trying to make but... you're an idiot.
Yeah, I wonder why nobody else but the Soviets discovered the battle capabilites of women. Here we are tens of thousands years later and it was not until the Soviets we discovered that women are super soldiers.
That's weird!
Of course it's the fucking leaf
penis inspection day at school
i dont see a problem with this?
Ok, this is epic!
Grandpa why did you enjoy the war so much?
Not just a woman, but a powerful disabled makup women.
Plus blue faced antifas fighting evil nazis
Since there isn't more premium, they will monetize on endless clothes accessories, turning battlefield into a shitty fortnite clone
A kiss for good luck before we go fight?
fucking KEK. BF1 was already a WW2 shooter that just used WW1 skins, they jumped the shark hard with the vehicles and weapons they had in the game.
glad we get a game with cyborg women in WW2, DICE STOCKHOLM really showing their true colors.
Bullyhunter_1949 has entered the game
I remember playing mw for literal days straight then got battlefield 3 and can't even play COD for more than a few minutes without raging at how inferior it is
Did you know women make the best snipers because they handle stress so well? Go women!
Okay boys, stand at attention we gotta make sure you're fighting fit.
Now get into my Fox hole
One of the worst trailers I've seen. It seems made specifically to appeal to low attention span basedboys. Explosions every nanosecond and things flying all over the place. Not to mention the forced diversity.
only around a thousand in the army, and none of them saw frontline action
Justin, what's going on big guy?
No these games are gay
Silly Germans, we all know from the Soviets that women are literal anti-tank weapons
Your grandma Ruth saw plenty of action
Real men bhop sideways
glad someone will keep therosethorn safe
Lmao the look at the nigger's wrist.
Grandma what did you do during the war?
>didn't see action
watch the historically accurate trailer you shitlord, plenty of robowomen sent from the future saw action in order to stop john connor from becoming hitler.
>leaf trying to talk shit to an Australian
Damn, better go back to my government-funded brainwashing classes, can't believe I was so bigoted just then. I'm going to go let my wife get cucked just to compensate. I'm sorry rabbi Shlomo.
Have I got a grim and gory for you Bruce
So I was at the rock and lurch, got on my polished Saint Lois blues and bag of fruit, but boy I had an itch in my angora goat so I pull out a forgive and forget and what happens? Me China plate next to me ask for one but the problem is I ain't got no matches, so I use the fag to nelly McGuire and what happens? Me trouble and strife looks over and flips! Her blood blister and the tin lid look over, everyone's covering up their Lionel rose, even the jimmy grant which was a Barry Crocker mate.
Anyway the greenies are in there freaking out, the old dears are mad as, even my Sheila is nagging me but I'm just sitting there away with the pixies and tell em she'll be right mate why not crack a tinnie!
So the Johnny hopper comes in and he won't let me have the fair suck of the save mate! So I says to him fair go mate, and fair dinkum mate he's doing his blocking right.
Anyway, he takes me into the back of his Kombi. Couldn't believe it, it was even on the nail and screws mate!
>kratos is ready to fuck some shit up
We had women fighting in WWII as snipers and bomber/night bomber pilots, but that's of course because unlike you pussies in the west, we actually had to fight a fucking total war and use every resource available.
Vee must ensure no Jews infiltrate our ranks
Now, drop zee trousers!
Cunt literally 90% of that slang is non-existent in real life. What are you fucking 84 hanging off of the back porch watching mavis your 60 year married wife bend over to pick some succulents and her big flapping pussy lips slip out of her knickers and slap her ankes around, causing her to crumble under her unsupported weight, break two legs and go rolling on down the road with her moot lips providing air drag to keep her rolling slowly down the hill?
Cunt you're fucked
I still see one white guy!
I think I've finally cracked the code! All it took was a blowjob to get it out of him
how many
Hey, why don't you shut the fuck up
RIP BF. There were signs with BF1 that the marxists more or less took over.
BF3, Bad Company 1 and 2 were great. I don't want them ever making Bad Company 3. Don't ruin the memories.
ouch not my feelings
you must be s str8 savage with your mates at primary school
I got your back, you got mine?
Okay boys, bombs away!
>No military issue bras.
Female soldiers with prosthetic arms?
Isn’t EA DICE now the pinnacle of female characters?
EA is 100% cucked now.
I used to like EA games and played games like SSX, Freekstyle, NFL Street, Madden, Shadows of the Damned, Crysis, Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age: Origins. Now I can't buy shit from EA.
BC1 campaign was the best they made because it wasn't serious at all (less BC2). As soon as they try to do something serious it turns to shit.
Also why the BF PC exclusive games were superior since it focused 100% on the multi.
truley a intellectule
why the fuck do they do this? is it so much to ask for historical WW2 games like Red Orchestra 2? hopefully Post Scriptum and whatever that other WW2 game coming out will be good but goddamn why are they doing this to "historical" periods??
tfw its penis inspection day, but you're homeshcooled
Quality shitposting lad.
>grandma how did you meet grandpa?
Does anyone actually believe "muh soviet women"?? They were crazy into propaganda, I have no doubt they dressed women up like soldiers and gave them the credit for guys kills just to try and demoralize the Nazis and it completely worked.
Swedish game studio.
While Tom is in Europe someone has to take care of his wife
Battlefield has fallen a long way since BF1942. t.oldfag
Lol where is this shit from?
Ah.. that makes perfect sense actually.
>jumped the shark
I don't think that means what you think it means.
Day Of Defeat Redpilled me in 2001, then 9/11 happened. Being redpilled at 13 is a blessing and a curse
Okay Frauen... enough is enough, my Wiener schnitzel needs some fun too
i know the perfect way to raise troop morale
Looks more like mad Max than battlefield.
Boy am I glad to be stationed in Paris!
top leafposting, brother
I think that they saw combat but weren't useful in the slightest
Thats a breddy sweet reel to reel...
Our boys are hungry, let's give them somthing to eat
>If that part of WW2 was a lie.... what else was a lie....
The fire rises
Dice confirmed for deep plant agent
If I do this do you promise my husband wont get drafted?
Honestly, what did you search to find this type of shit? Obscure vintage photos?
This. Also the womyn propaganda still gets beat anyway by a glorious Austrian teenager.
>345 kills
I forgot how I found that woman, but i have like 10 photos of her
I usually like Victorian porn better they were naughtier than the ladies of the 20th century
Yeah those are totally believable and not typical soviet propaganda, no, not at all.
I'm so glad I got sent to liberate Sweden