Should Trump raise interest rate to 15% to crush the housing bubble?

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Only the federal reserve can faggot.

Didn't Trump put a non kike in the federal reserve

he did user. we run the fed now.

>Should Trump raise interest rate to 15% to crush the housing bubble?
No. The rate should be fixed for all eternity at 0%. Usury is a jew trap.

>non kike
>federal reserve
pick one and only one

no, disband the FED

Yes hike it up to 40%
>im the dumb ass 25 year old that saved up 100k to buy a house with cash. Higher rates = better market for me

He should raise it to 25%.

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The new tax bill will help preventing them from going up too fast.

Why would Trump enact a policy that will devastate himself and his family business?

A lot of the property in my area is being bought by Chinese investors with straight up cash. All this would do is kill domestic house buying and force everyone to rent from Chang.

>Chinese investors
You mean the 0% loans they get from their government so they can do exactly that.

> thinking 100k is even a respectable downpayment.

I'm betting you are a liar.

Bernanke wants to sage this.

Calm down. All they mean is raise it from 1.5% to 2%

it's already above 2% now.

Fucking do it my rental income will skyrocket.

>not making money off of the poors

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No its not. Though it likely will be by the end of the year

>paying more than 500k for a home
why would you do that to yourself?

52 week treasury is at 2.3%

No. Eliminate the Fed, too.

What city did you buy in?

FF is 1.75

what's ff?

Federal funds rate

i dont quite understand how this journalist thinks trump can influence the fed. (((they))) have killed a president who tried as much

Federal Funds rate. Its the rate the federal reserve gets for dishing money out to banks. Its the baseline interest rate. When you see news stories about " the fed raising rates" they are refering to the federal funds rate. So when it goes up, you see corresponding hikes to mortgage and loan rates.

Lol, enjoy your bungalow.

No, place a limit on how many rental properties a single individual can own so that people that own homes stop buying more just to turn profit, then disband the fed.

Suddenly, a surplus of cheap homes.

>Should Trump raise interest rate to 15% to crush the housing bubble

That would do the job, but only by causing a massive recession that would wreck the lives of much of Trump's base.

How about this: have fannie mae, freddie mac, and the fha increase the mandatory down payment on loans that they insure or purchase to 20%. but do so gradually in steps over the next 10 years.