/Fsg/ - Fascist General

/Fsg/ - Fascist General- Romania Edition.

Thread for discussion of Italian Fascism, and other forms of fascism, Mosley, Codreanu, Falange, etc. Also for sharing fascist literature and information.

A Fascist general for Fascists and those interested





Be respectful and please try to keep conversations relatively "intellectual"

Good fascists/similar or influential people to get an introduction

Oswald Mosely
Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera
Benito Mussolini
Adolf Hitler
Stepan Bandera
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
Ramiro Ledesma Ramos
Ettore Ovazza
Gaetano Mosca
Friedrich Nietzsche
Charles Maurras
Enrico Corradini
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
Johann Plenge
Alceste De Ambris
Gabriele d'Annunzio
George Lincoln Rockwell
Juan Perón
Giovanni Gentile
Julius Evola
Konstantin Rodzaevsky

Types of Fascism

British Union
Meme futurism
Clerical Fascism
Brazilian Integralism

“A nation lives forever through its concepts, honour, and culture. It is for these reasons that the rulers of nations must judge and act not only on the basis of physical and material interests of the nation but on the basis of the nation's historical honour, of the nation's eternal interests. Thus: not bread at all costs, but honour at all costs.”
― Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, For My Legionarie

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Other urls found in this thread:

jrbooksonline.com/PDF_Books/For My Legionaries.pdf

why did codreanu get rid of the Zelinski? Was he not proud to be a Ski?

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I'm sorry? What? I still am learning about these figures...

I will simply continue then.

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His last name at one point was forced changed to Zelinski by the polacks, and I was just lightly baiting for a sarcastic conversation about Poland. Nothing really important.

REMINDER: Literally nothing wrong with punching Neo-Nazis/Nationalists/Fascists in the throat until they squeal for air


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Ah, alrighty.

BUT in other words, Has anyone here read For My Legionaries? Is it just a biography type, or does it outline political points? If it has political philosophy in it I think I want to read it, but I have no interest if its a "these damn idiots ruined our noble quest" type book.

>file name

kys faggot

Reminder communist hey the noose too

I'm shaking in my boots!

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I WANT to read it, but i just need to gather some money, give me time okay. In some cases, i have the attention span of a goldfish.

It's a mix, he discusses how he and his comrades fought communism etc, his beliefs mixed in and so on. It's a mix but light on what you want. I enjoyed it.

Now i just wanted to ask everyone, what is your opinions on Azov?

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No one?

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I think you need to be a little less cringy. Sit back a bit, read what you type and sound a bit more formal.

As for Azov I don't know enough about them.

For my legionnaires should be free to download, I will find the link for you.


Hopefully this helps. I suggest you mix your political reading with philosophy and history. Read a little bit a day, make it a habit.

I'll take your advise in mind. I haven't made one of these threads in a while.

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No problem man, the threads on fascism are rare, many of the fascists here are larping germanophiles. Limits how much can be discussed here.

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Have a Rexist one.
Lot of Russophiles here too.


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Thanks. Here's a Strasserist one. Don't know if you're interested though since Strasserism gets some hate because people think it's Marxism even though it opposed Marxism.

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Strasserism was a marxist belief and hitler was within his every right to purge it from germany and to shoot strasser in the head.

No it wasn't. Read his book.

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>Wanted an alliance with the soviet union and wanted to socialize germany
Sure thing pal.

Is Alekzander Dugin a jew? Seriously, informed responses only, I need to know.

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Sorry, but i just can't bring myself to like it.

Except that's not true. Like I said, read his book instead of just making things up because the internet told you so.

You don't have to. I just get sick of being called a Marxist by people who don't understand the ideology like this guy:

why would you employ the method of destroying your nation when you are already in control of your nation?

Could you elaborate please?

I think i find myself leaning more towards Corporatist model.

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What? He no joke wanted marxist policies put into place, while contradicting himself by calling marx jewish, and wanting an alliance with the soviet union. I need proof that he DIDN'T want those things.

kek, that file name

Here's a bit on what he wrote about bolshevism. You can research more if you wish.

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The entire purpose Marxist leftism is to destroy the political and economic establishment where you are using it, essentially flipping the board in order to restructure the elite. Hitler already succeeded in his revolution, not only was strasser useless actually implementing any of his marxist bullshit would be shitting in his sandwhich

Also, his policies weren't Marxist. Marxists wanted to kill the business owners and have the state take control of industry. Strasser simply wanted to divide profits between the workers, owner and the state in what he called a "factory fellowship" which is about as close to class collaboration as you can get.
I consider myself a corporatist as well. Under a Strasserist system the state and business interests collaborate under a guild/syndical system.


Here is the book
jrbooksonline.com/PDF_Books/For My Legionaries.pdf

>Wanted to appease the soviets and get into an agreement with them to partition prussia and give it to them
How ISN'T that supporting them again?

I cleaned up the For My Legionaries PDFs floating around into an epub. It's my gift to you, /fsg/.

Oy vey!

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Someone already gave me a link, but thanks.

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dude, you're a fucking idiot if you think you can grow an economy with Marxist economics. kys

>Wealth distribution and worker ownership of businesses and property are not inherently marxist socialist beliefs
Are you being genuine in that claim?

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bump. Is Dugin a literal jew or not?

Read the rest. He wanted those regions to be autonomous.
Here's the link if you want the PDF. I'm not going to spoonfeed it to you m8.

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his brain is too small to grasp what genuine even means


Should I read Siege?

people are reading My Awakening

Stalin turned Russia from a backwater shithole into an industrial power. Communism's problem isn't its economic efficacy. Communism's problem is that it's materialist and anti-cultural. It's anti-human, just like capitalism.
Socialist, not Marxist. Strasserites, and most other fascists of the 20th century, were tripartists. If the idea of socialism makes you ree, you may not actually be a fascist.

I hear it is Satanic crap.

There's nothing in Marxism about preserving management. Marxists would be opposed to Strasserism. Once again read a book.
Socialist but not Marxist. Marxism calls for the end of classes all together. Strasserism seeks to preserve class society while making it more fair and meritocratic under a guild system in which the best would be rewarded with more (proportionally) once they became members of management. Keep in mind, if you split profits between management, workers and the state, more will always go to management since there are fewer managers.

The only reason people ree over socialism is because they have been gaslit by Zionist cuckservatives for 50 years

Okay, what should I read?


That, and the fact that Bolshevism has been the dominant mode of socialism for 50 years and more.
I don't blame them for identifying the two, but it's not correct. Fascism is a kind of socialism that stands in opposition to Marxism.

He claimed that prussia was an extension of russia and wanted to partition it to them, I don't know how you can't understand that, the "buffer zone" would be soviet owned territory, just like what they did with finland that would be done to "protect europe and russia", while the location would also be used to appease the west with their goods as well, how WASN'T strasser a jewish pawn pretending to be a nazi again?

read or listen to Sutton on the Soviets growth you moron. Stalin didn't do shit, International capitalists built the infrastructure

Anyone read this masterpiece?

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>International capitalists built the infrastructure
So Jews?
No shit, communism and capitalism serve the same master.


>Exclusive worker owned businesses with trade unions or "guilds" used to replace owners and management
That's an extremely marxist policy.

Better version Also do read Siege, but ignore people who post READ SIEGE.

Never seen this before.

Marxists hate trade unions because they represent a compromise between labor and capital.

Anything BUT him, please.

Are you just trying to doxx me? Wouldnt it be easier to ask for my address and name?
Kek im just fucking with you. I just dint want to click weird shit and .pdf is bad

How is it better?

Not only jews, it was liberal capitalism destroying their eastern, traditional competitor and then swooping in and profiting off of it

Why? Nietzsche is good for a beginner to understand Nihilism

No you dumbass, socialist trade unions have been a thing since the beginning, you are thinking about moderate trade unions.

I fixed a lot of OCR errors, set footnotes correctly, added a foreword from the translator that's printed in the Liberty Bell edition, and added some nice fonts that I feel make for good reading.

>There is no meaning in life therefore I shouldn't give a damn about what I do and I will focus solely on materialistic things
Nihilism is a hell of a drug.

Marxists infiltrated unions to subvert them and to push Marxism. However, they ultimately view them as an artifact of capitalism. Under socialism and communism, trade unions don't exist because the state/workers own everything.
>but communism is fictional
I never said they were right, I'm just telling you what they think.

Very confusing website though. Do i just click one of the links.

Best book I’ve ever read. Covers everything about the downfall of western society.

William Simpson was raised a Christian liberal who spent his life dedicated to fulfilling his ‘inner voice’ which he associated with god originally. After becoming disillusioned with the church he went on to live a life as a Franciscan monk, with no possessions, offering only his labouring services. Eventually he became completely disillusioned when he felt it wasn’t the system of men or their beliefs, but the quality of men that determined a nation. After years of further study he became a Nietzschean racialist and spent his life studying western civilisation and its downfalls and solutions for problems. He has an amazing chapter on spiritualism and the inner voice being our perceptions and senses tuned to our deepest understanding and how Christianity has provided a fertile foundation for the seed of egalitarianism to spread. He lived to the age of 99 but published this book in 1978 I believe. He details everything wrong with Us. Our political systems, the Jewish problem, repatriarion of non whites, with specific sympathy for American negros who he feels have been forced by Jewish influence into an unnatural competition with whites in which whites will win as we built this civilisation. Very well cited and sourced throughout, big read though.

Yeah, libgen is a little confusing if you're new to it.
Click the cover, and then click GET.

nihilism is the lynchpin of the Liberal political theory

I think you forget, under trade unions workers would still own everything, unions would just be the way of managing things, unions would sure as hell would exist in a marxist state and DID, even in radical anarchist beliefs, unions would exist, like that of anarcho syndicalism.

It’s availavle to read online for free, book went out of print years ago.

I have already hit rock bottom in my life in the past, I was able to find things to fight for even when I had nothing and nobody so im not worried about becoming nhilistic. If I ever find myself in a position where nothing i do or anyone else can do will change anything, I will just be an hero.

what'cha up to rabbi?

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Yes, as an organizing structure, rather than as a negotiating bloc.
After all, after capitalism is abolished there's no one to negotiate with.

>Implying Nietzsche was for Nihilism
>"I teach you the Übermensch. Man is something that shall be overcome. What have you done to overcome him?"

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Well, you better be not trying to trick me into anything shady.
I'll be sure to check it out or at least keep it in mind.

Not even other workers? I think you forget also that unions are not just meant to negotiate, but also manage workers, their pays, and their jobs.

Also, i want to be sure you think make a whole bunch of changes, because one Romanian user told me that you have to watch out for "Revised" versions.

In a fascist system, what happens to my business? Will there be more regulation and red tape or will it be easier to persue funincial freedom through hard work and entrepreneurial spirit? And im not talking some anti-human bad for culture business like porn or usury. Im talkimg Contactor / construction and excavation.

I don't see why there would be, as long as what you are doing is benefitting the nation and you are putting that over profit, the you should be fine to go ahead.

>I am passionately convinced they have a right to be freed, and I should deem it one of the basic duties of a genuinely European peace conference to bring these remote brethren to the light of freedom and independence.
And to reiterate, read pic related. He wanted autonomy for the white Russians and Ukrainians which would have weakened the Bolsheviks.

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>manage workers, their pays, and their jobs
inb4 a meta-union to negotiate with the union negotiating the workers, pay, and jobs