>race mixing is ba-
Race mixing is ba-
fuck off d*Ne scum
Just look at the average American you fucking snownigger...
bad. ditzy mulatto airheads notwithstanding.
white girl thread desu
how can black hoes even compete
Then fuck a black chick. Nobody is stopping you.
Fuck off idiot!
Disgusting negro
>strawmanning this har-
Two words:
You're welcome dumb cunts
Castizos are the best mutts
Prove me wrong
Du skulle fandme slagtes.
Du bringer skam til vores hvide nation.
>Castizos are the best mutts
>Prove me wrong
wh*tegirls cant compete
Ignorant faggot, HV only applies in cases of severe inbreeding.
>white girl thread desu
>how can black hoes even compete
>my point is valid because here's a picture of some roastie
That's still bad user. She has hair like a hobo and her arm is twice as thick as her boob.
Traitors among us.
>completely different species
>pic related
say hello to the future of Europe
only good thing america has produced desu
Race-mixing is fine, but only if the father is white.
that's how you got Latin America, by the way
>that thing
¿Eres tú, Doom?
Jesus they both look like people I know...
¡M-Me han descubierto!
i hate these /b/ tier blacked threads because children always somehow get involved in the meme war
user,you just need to look at her for more than 5 seconds without flinging you kiked dick out to see she is not better looking than average white girl
>Implicando que iría a ese lugar mierdero
Top kek, no onions tan inferior, Doom
Tan > Pink
It’s a very vague term.
lefties have no honor
Not all race mixing is the same
Castizos are god's golden race and saying they are the same as half nigs is stupid
So what? Not my fault they´re proves
You fucked up.
Exactly. It’s stupid to treat them as a monolith.
This image is truly stomach turning.
Idiot. Just imagine if both her parents were white.
EVery time I see that picture I stare at it for a solid 40 seconds.
Its just beyond words.
So what you're saying is, we should race mix and destroy all of our heritage because you found some photos of a good looking example??
Are you fucking RETARDED?
Since whites compose 10% of the pop and they refuse to reproduce, raise fags and can`t send a small percentage to our small breeding towns it`s bad
I cant even maximize it. Just by looking at the thumbnail I've completely lost my appetite, and I haven't eaten all day.
It is revolting.
is fucking black people bringing other races closer to white god's light?
could we WHITE all the minorities of the world, slowly pushing them towards 99.99% white, sacrificing only a small amount of the true white population to bring them back?
after a while... who'd even know? 99.99%... then 99.999%... 99.999...
99.999999999999999999999% white? is that white enough? can we save them?
wh*toid terminator
more horrifying...I dont think that thing counts as Obese up north.
Can't finish your sentence?
Race mixing is bad.
There you go spastic.
Another jungle fever thread.
>posting r*ddit screencaps