Truck driver shortage

Why won't you fucking millenial NEETs get out of mommy's house and get a blue collar job?

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"wtf where are all the truck drivers"

The "free market" strikes again

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We could train the migrants to drive them.

>you'll only be successful if you get a degree
>wouldn't want to have to drive trucks for a living, would you?
How high are those companies raising those wages?

>young adults don't wanna start a career that takes you away from home for 3 weeks a month and is going to be automatized in less then 8yrs
Gee I wonder why.

>"WTF we need more slaves!" says slavemaster as more and more people check out of society


>wages increase in response to market forces
Isn't it great when it works as intended?

>get out of mommy's house
>pay $800 a month for an apartment I never get to see
>sell my dog
>live in a truck

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pay better and you'll get more drivers

Holy shit, one of my friends JUST got his truck license a couple months ago. I bet he's gonna be rolling in the dosh.

but then how will i afford my second yacht?

Better start sucking dick now girl. ;)

Obvious propaganda to improve public opinion about self-driving trucks.

Driving trucks is boring as hell.
Furthermore, I don't know how it is in the US, but in France, white niggers from eastern yurop are taking all the trucking jobs. They work more hours, without respecting the sleeping schedules that are pushed onto us, for much less money.
I'm sure they are importing brown niggers from Mexico to do the same thing over there

I work a shipping and receiving job, litterally all the drivers are either young Muslim dudes with Addis sweat pants or bearded Hindus with turbans and decorated cabs. None of them speak fluent English.

It depends on where you are at, what you are hauling, and if you are an owner operator
I think the starting rate goes from $15-$23/hour

Costs like 8k for trucking school. Give me 8k.

as someone who is familiar with this business, they already do.

The problem is they just spent the last 20 years steadily pushing trucker salaries way down. And now suddenly nobody wants to be one anymore.

Muslims and hindus actually

Which is low as fuck considering how much you have to be away from home, sleeping in your cab, getting the training and licence to do it in the first place.

No wonder people aren't signing up.

its peanuts
i literally made this after working at a super market for one year and by not being an idiot i asked to be a manger after my 6th month

Im thinking about it, good way to make some money while simultaneously check out of society.

I'd be surprised if automated truck driving is a thing in the next 10 years.

people arent going to trust automated driving.

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Insurance will never approve a driverless truck. Even if it were true, you could stack over half a million in 8 years and still live like a king.

Swift in my state has a training program that does it for 3-4k.
They will even cover it if you work for like a year or something for them after completing it.

Panic disorder and some problem I don't know the name of about numbers makes it just an impossible job for me. Would love it though.

Pretty much french bro, lot of meth infused Mexicans driving trucks

Wow, I'm absolutely shocked, so you are telling me, that when there is a shortage of of employees, companies have to start rewarding them better?

Maybe, just maybe, the reason wages have been stagnate for the last 50 years, is because we have to many people that don't have jobs. But wait, then why did we let women have careers, I thought that would get everyone more money? What about the job shortage we needed all of those immigrants for?

Are you telling me that leftist policies are the same ones that have let companies keep wages stagnate? This is absolutely unbelievable!

Because DOT are a bunch of retards.

Because spraying refined pissed into your exhaust is rearded.

Because hauling overweight is retarded.

Because electronic logs and being made to rest excessively is also retarded.

those teslas don't work so well on autopilot around jersey barriers. saw one on the DVP highway 404 toronto come within inches of killing a bunch of people. because some cunt wanted to demonstrate autopilot. fuck him.

Would rather deport their current drivers first

And he will be for the next 4-5 years

then he will be unemployed with no marketable skills.

Most of them suck at driving.

>piss jugs
>junk food
If we could shitpost while driving I'd be down

Semi truck drivers can make good money. It is just demanding having to drive all the time. But for a young guy . It might not be bad to do for awhile to make some dough and see the country

>he thinks people have to trust something before it takes over

I would totally drive trucks but I can't smoke weed. So meh.

I retired. Too much work. But I enjoyed it and can get another job if need be. The post Hurricane DFW fuel crisis was fun though.

>white niggers from eastern yurop
Hey, some of them are base as fuck

I know I'm pretty shocked. I thought the elites were totally BTFO when all of the left wing politicians they funded started condescending the little guys like me.

Shit pay, minorities

Truck drivers in the uk make tons depending what vehicle and size load, id love to do it but the test is fucking expensive

>implying i want to spend days at a time on the road
trucking is aids

LOL - HIKE them wages... hike them wages
a number of years back the congress or some group blob of shit crushed trucker wages - then they had their shit ads in every free newspaper since then


We got Yugos driving some trucks here too.

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-takes more training then seems necessary (imo) to do it
-when you get a truck license you can't break any traffic laws without severe penalties
-unhealthy job (sedentary)
-hick subculture

are they going to be forced to buy it?

Take rapefugees and rename your trucks to trucks of peace.

autopilot will just be a feature, similar to cruise control or automatic transmissions.

I'll never understand why young people for the dog Jew... I fell for it to because I was lonely. But now it is an anchor that I always have to worry about


ITT faggots who don't want to make money

dam tesla is a roastie

That's what they are doing... other sectors would be forced to do this too if it weren't for third world immigration.

Electronic logs basically made trucking not worth it.

Because Samrinder Singh is already running 100% of the freight companies in BC.

Trucking only pays shit because it requires almost zero brain power. I've seen fat black women driving those big trucks. You just have to learn how to back them up and shit which is difficult at first.

Sorry but in this job market you simply cannot be a brainlet if you want money. You must work jobs using your mind/IQ. There is no more buying a house and having a wife and kids by working in a factory. No, that job is now $9.50 an hour.

I considered becoming a trucker considering I've given up on women and enjoy being alone. Figured they'd phase out trucking in the next 10-15 years with self-driving shit. I decided to do HVAC instead. I get to be alone and by the time they have robots that can climb around attics and over homeowner's dog shit to troubleshoot units I'll be dead or with a robot fuck toy living under a bridge.

Then you get a new license in something else... make money in the mean time... that's a loser mentality you got there

we need yugoslavia back, the nationlets that came after it are poor as dirt and contribute nothing to the world

watch out for DVT/PE and niggers, your two biggest job hazards as a trucker.

Yeah, nobody would fuck others over to pocket thousands of 25$/hr paychecks rather than give that out unneededly.


Sorry OP, would love to join you, but busy peeling rubber on the 401 in this cocksucker

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don't forget meth and 420 breaks at rest stop picnic tables

I got my CDL a while ago and got fucked hard by the company and blacklisted over some bullshit. At least I didn't get stuck with the school bills. Fuck going in to trucking again. Dealing with the regulatory bullshit is bad enough without your own employer shitting down your throat.

Truck driving is an absolute shit job. The article sugar coats it, but its really a last resort position. You take the job for the money and that's about it. And especially in a generation where blue collar work has been denigrated and undermined, they are going to need start paying a lot more to attract potential drivers.

This, just because you go through the course and get the license, doesn't mean they will hire you, Good to know somebody with an in. It's also a dog's life, I hope he enjoys pissing on tires and taking shit on each end.

t. 19 year old Bernie voter

This. Too bad they'll just import more shitskins though, because increasing wages above the minimum allowable amount is devil talk in the new (((free market))).

Company wages? 45-60 depending. Driving for yourself? You could make 100k a year easy. Especially in this environment.

My family owns a freight brokerage and each month this year has been the best month we've ever had. We're making 70-80k a month PROFIT (after expenses and payroll) it's just absolutely crazy right now.

Self-driving is a meme. Dont fall for it.

Lol. Some kind of Alexa app must exist for that.
>Alexa. Post: "gas the filthy kikes." With merchant12.jpg

Trucking is modern slavery
>get from here to here without sleep within this timeframe
>i don't want to hear any traffic, construction, or weather issues
>also when you barrel into a bus while half-asleep it's your fault and not ours at all

Make it a less shitty job, perhaps. Being micromanaged down to the minute is killing people and they're fucking sick of it

I think most people see automated trucking coming in 10-20 years so why learn a career that will soon be gone?

Have a total numbnuts loser neet puter freak client retard that hadn't worked for decades lives in a room hole surrounded by his own trash and the puter and screens flight sim faggot -he went and did it - they paid for everything - travel and all the rest
He went through a couple companies and several rollouts
Coming back he has me make a yuge computer order ...
Now if that fucking total loser can do it anyone can

>will just be a feature
Does cruise control have enigmatic (((google))) AI that choses what to hit and what not to hit? Can cruise control be tampered with remotely to kill you dead? Does cruise control make mistakes "its just a bug, [insert corporatespeak apologoy]" style?


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>all cars will slowly be completely computerized, people will prefer to watch youtube than watch a highway on their way to work
>insurance companies run on facts and offers cheaper insurance for self driver cars because its safer in call cases (aka free money for them)
>businesses will buy fleets of self driving trucks to deliver goods on time always for less cost than a human
>self driving cars will be pushed by uber to pick up and drive people anywhere any time on command
>because MONEY

uh, yeah

"With young men veering away from blue collar careers, Germany looks to train asylum seekers from the Islamic world to become truck drivers, according Austrian news site Wochenblick.

The initiative is called “The drive into your new future” and aims to entice the migrant population to get behind the wheel of a 20,000-pound big rig.

The idea is the brainchild of the SVG Driving School North. The German Red Cross (DRK) and the Logistics Organization (UVL) have been searching for a way to tackle the shortage of professional drivers on German roads.

Trainees will be supervised by a “refugee representative” along their three year path to getting put in the driver’s seat. The candidates are required to pass two exams as well as have their language skills and the status of residence reviewed.

In Angela Merkel’s migrant-heavy Germany, the new arrivals can’t sign up fast enough. “Within a few days, 90 interested parties from all over Schleswig-Holstein and even from Hamburg have reported that 50 more refugees have been placed on a waiting list,” the head of the Red Cross in Kiel, Ilka Hübner, told the press."


The sector is already flooded with pajeets,vodka niggers, sand niggers, somalis, and mexicans. Most have a Cali drivers license, because you don't have to speak english to get one. Also, the ones that own their own truck have no insurance, or barely enough to stay above the law.

$15/hr is literally burgerflipper wage
that isn't good enough if you're an owner operator with the amount of insurance and bullshit you have to deal with


>see the country
Asphalt, concrete and every shit hole city, with having the need to run two log books to keep up.

>-hick subculture

Yeah, I bitch all the time at these people who have fake southern accents over the CB.

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I shit post all the time driving and fuck with my filipino bishes, while high. what you can't multi task? pussy

We can't find workers in the paper mills because millenials cant read a tape measure

Your opinion is fucking stupid. Yeah a 4 week class is just too much training to be able to drive 40-80,000 ibs down the fucking road with enough power to take out most mass shooter scores

Wow bro. You need to get rid of that poor dogo because you have asshole syndrome. I seen some fucking truckers truck their dogs around.

Lots of truck drivers have dogs in their cab. If you work in an industrial park/warehouse town you see truckers walking their dogs all the time.

haha, dumb leftist.

Almost no jobs require a brain. The only jobs that require "brainpower" are the ones you create yourself.

>drive truck
>have ridiculously razor-thin delivery times that demand you be on the road 20 hours a day
>have to take drugs to stay awake through the endless drivan
>a job that is ripe for automation as soon as Jewgle rolls out the self-driving big rigs

Drive motorcoach instead.
Get envelopes of cash
Free food
Free hotel
Female passengers banging on your door at the hotel because they want to fuck the captain

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we let that happen at my job and the guy got wasted on his way back and crashed the truck into the warehouse.

>take the job for money
>i.e. The definition of a job
What a dumbass

it's a vehicle just give me the keys. I know how to drive manual.

Insurance companies will force it

>insurance will never approve removing the horrible human element
Insurance companies willing to do so will scoot right on in there, then