Getting real sick of this shit

Getting real sick of this shit...

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why gas prices always go up under republicans?

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they agitate the Middle East

They don't give tax payer subsidies to oil companies to keep prices low. Dems do it, doe.

What's the point of being the largest oil producer in the world then?

Buy nat gas stocks to make up for the extra money you spend on gas.

The only reason the prices went down under Obama was the Iran deal. Iran didn't export nearly as much before that. Now the world is reacting to the US possibly sanctioning Iran again. Also, the Nigger In Chief royally fucked a few states that depend on oil for their local economies.. but they were red states so the left didn't (and still doesn't) give a fuck. Iranians being able to sell oil was and is more important than those pesky red states being able to afford things like.. education system.

you should have listened ,if there is something terrible about trump is the muh clean coal crap.

The fucking retard should understand that obama strategy in energy was incredible literally shilling for all alt energies and electric cars , bringing down the price of oil indirectly.

However between costly oil and bernie breadline or hillary the choice was obvious and that´s why trump won , but still....
It´s a self inflicting wound at the end.

Is that a joke? Normal is mostly like 1,5$/Liter here
You fought so many wars for your petro dollar is that really how much you pay for that this now ?

California is literally hell on earth. I hate it so much in this goddamn state. What the fuck did I do to offend God so much that He would make me be born in this hellhole? And now these fucking libshit niggerfaggots who ruined California are exodusing and pissing off all the other states so they hate us too.

I can't even leave. I'm stuck in purgatory forever. I hate this state and 99% of the people who live in it. I wish to GOD that an earthquake would just BTFO of this state once and for all. Please GOD PLEASE send a fucking earthquake right into Las Angeles or San Fran. I'm talking 15.0 magnitude, end of days apocalypse. Ground swallows thousands of people up and belches magma out as every building above 50ft crumbles down. Please Jesus end this shithole state!!

>he hasn't taken the electric pill

Yeah imperial measurements are stupid as fuck


lmao OIL about to get much, MUCH higher

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A large number of American oil fields are simply capped and sealed right now.
Because the Republicans are in office, and they are predominantly beholden to oil interests (or own them themselves).
Big Oil was being hurt by cheap barrels, so that shit had to stop. So we are pretending that anyone significant was buying oil from Iran or (lel) Syria.

Enjoy paying back your (((massive))) tax break at the pump.

The only plus to all this is that it will further push electric car sales.

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More Canadian pipelines are needed so we can export our crude at a discount. That'll help Ameribro, we got your back.

Its a tax on faggots. (You)

Brainlet, there is something called anthricite.

>Piss off the Middle East where most of our oil comes from
>Not sure why oil prices went up

Try that again, except in english this time.

>where most of our oil comes from
You know how I know you're retarded?

Prices were climbing even before that. Oil prices rise as the economy gets stronger. Along with that the Saudis were keeping oil prices artificially low to hurt Iran, Russia, and US fracking but now they're at the point where they need to bring them back up before they start hurting their own economy. Once the price climbs high enough the Dakotas will start pumping oil into market so price increases will start to hit a soft ceiling.

>where most of our oil comes from
"most" is a funny way of saying "none".

>where most of our oil comes from


Nearly all American oil comes from Canada, Venezuela, Mexico, or America itself

The "oil wars" meme is just a meme, America is in the middle east because of Israel

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This, the USA has slowed production way down to help MAKE RUSSIA GREAT AGAIN.
Just like the great deals we are cutting China.

Fucking hate gas price here in shitfornia, also we have a major increase in homeless bums and my libtards friends keep telling me im cold hearted for not giving these homeless pricks my hard earned money. Fuck this state and all the niggers and spic except the females


>tfw leaf in bc
>replace all the pronouns with canadian shit
I feel you man. I must have helped the french revolution in a previous life or something.

Not a lot of anthracite left, that's why it prices two or three times higher than the bituminous crap. In the US we literally mine it from the old slag heaps because miners of yore didn't realize how rare it is. The days of cheap and easy to mine anthracite are over.

Plenty of the dirty stuff, though.

come here white man

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Time to buy a tesla, bro

This too. California passed an additional 12 cent a gallon tax bringing their total taxes above 40 cents per gallon.

Tell Trump to be nice to Canada. We're family you know.

>gas is 3 dollars a gallon

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You are Québecois, aren't you?

>I can't even leave.
When going NEET goes horribly wrong?

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Indeed. Ironically the biggest consumer of middle eastern oil is the environmentalist west coast. They haven't got access to the mid-country pipelines from Canada and Mexico (and the majority of the US's own deposits)

How high can gas prices can go until people stop driving cars? 20? 50?

Both of the jew controlled parties and their jew schemes in the middle east are the reason for high oil prices. And high oil prices raise the price of everything. The jews and the outhouse in the the middle east called israel are to blame for this.

>paying the battery jew

Wir können auch gerne in Deutsch schreiben einer Menschlichen Sprache :')

No. Calgary born and raised. Hate imperial and sad we still weight thing in lbs.

The fuck are you on about? Gas was still pretty expensive in 2011/12 when Obama was in office.

Don't white people get killed in Indonesia?

My gas costs 2.59

How are all those liberal taxes treating you?

>living in a city
>living in commiefornia

>biggest consumer of middle eastern oil
Is not a location in the United States. Here's a hint: they speak mandarin.

Dude, in the US we sell by gallons, not by liter.

Last time it was somewhere between 4 and 5 dollars. That's when demand dropped and the price crashed. Might be a little higher this time.

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Lamo Cali is such a shell of it's former self

Well yes... biggest consumer IN THE US.

Go live in Venezuela you'll pay nothing for gas there

Interesting. So why do you suck the dick of the French?

Hahahaha, you have no idea burger boy, half our roads are stopped because of a trucker strike. Gas prices have been rising non stop for weeks, now the cheapest prices you'll get are 4,70 per liter

Gas in Canada is about $4.01 US a gallon. Average is 95 cents a gallon in taxes but up to $1.72 a gallon in Vancouver.

>he has a car that gets under 50mpg

Price fixing. Middle East needs to up the price of oil to pay for their welfare nations. Remember when gas was low? That was because the US produces enough oil to not worry about sand niggers as much anymore, so opec lowered the prices to make it not worthwhile to compete.

The thing to watch is the spread between diesel prices and unleaded. Demand for diesel is pretty inelastic: Truckers gotta truck. When it gets high but unleaded stays low you know we're in big trouble.


We're still way fucking cheaper than Euro and canafags

If they had removed the subsidies we'd probably be 15 years ahead in alt-energy vehicles by now

Because we are constantly throwing bombs around the biggest oil reserve in the world. If we kept the fuck out and let it stabilize the prices would stabilize. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

I remember, few people gave a fuck though back then. Just wondering what would happen if it actually quickly went up.
I would probably feed my shitbox to a compactor at $10-15.

This is the most accurate assessment from what I've read.
The Saudi's have been trying to break the US and Russian oil industries by keeping prices low, but they're hurting themselves now and have been pushing prices higher.
They're kinda screwed either way.
Lower prices and they fuck themselves.
Raise prices and they enrich the two biggest oil producers (USA and Russia).

Venezuelans earning on average $1.50US a month and topped up with an additional $4US in government food hand outs. Cheap gas not helping anyone but the rich who are not barely surviving.

You had the heaviest accent when I read this. Just so you know.

Also we only have enough oil to last us 45 more years then after then it’ll be interesting to see what we replace oil with.

You're about 15 cents a gallon cheaper

Hybrids and some upscale vehicles
Just dot go full f150 or race mode and gas prices are not an issue

I spend 39 bucks a month on gas at MAX

This guy knows

Hybrids and hybrid/electrics. But I get 45mpg highway in my Honda Fit... close enough.

>tfw the price here is 4.77 USD/gallon

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under republicans the Economy grows so it needs more Gasolina Petrol

How much are green grapes? My grapes came from Chile which I thought was pretty crazy.

WTF.... I now shill... for.... Hill

Fuck that orange cheeto drumptf

Love trumps hate

>tfw just bought a manual V8 sedan
>work from home or take public transit, paid for by work
I fill up once a month, feels good man

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$2.69/gal here :)

Those are cheats
Hybrids are the only acceptiable alternative
Electricity over time is just as much as gas

Truck drivers are on strike right now because gasoline became really fucking expensive here.
People are preparing themselves for food shortage.

Obama steahtily tacked on another 25 cents of federal tax per gallon while prices were low knowing that the next President would get the blame for "high prices" because Americans are literally retarded.

Buy a used VW TDI. You'll easily get better than 50mpg. Yeah diesel is a little bit more expensive, but you'll certainly be saving a lot just by how infrequently you'll need to fill up. I get 620 miles per tank. Fuck the EPA for killing any prospect of new diesel passenger cars in America.

I recently bougth 1 kilo for something like 1.60 USD.

I feel it, I fucked up hard enough to find one of the only trad virgins girls who would take a bullet for me if she could, and she is stuck here because of work.

> (You)
>You're about 15 cents a gallon cheaper
Yeah, no

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Truckers pay gas out of pocket down there?

How long until the US straight up invades Venezuela to ''libertate from the Commie menace'' and installs a puppet?

big oil profits.

just kidding, gas prices were pretty absurd in 2014 under Obama

My point was there are gas/diesel vehicles that can do 50mpg+. The whole MPGe thing is bullshit and is just the battery jew trying to sucker you in.

This man is correct.

Then convert that to first word humans please

Fuel represents about 40% of their costs.

USA doesn't import much oil except from Canada.

>Enjoy paying back your (((massive))) tax break at the pump
Except I can always drive less. but how can I earn the same amount and yet pay less taxes?
Isn't the price of gasoline ultimately determined by the oil price per barrel PLUS the cost of the refining process? When was the last time you heard of another large refinery being built anywhere in the USA?

Nox is fucked up.

What the hell is happening on the W(or)st Coast?

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Thanks, $8.80 here shipped from Chile so you got a good deal.

are fucking faggots or what

You wanted trimp in office this is what ya get

>car country has highest gas prices
No surprise here

$1.32*3.79 (liters to US gallons) = $5.00 CAD a gallon which is $3.89 USD
That'd be 4 cents more, but near me gas was $1.36/l