If your australian and haven't read this book your need to wake up

If your australian and haven't read this book your need to wake up.

Attached: DUT (2).jpg (1000x1500, 116K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/stream/BUFandOswaldMosley/My Life - Oswald Mosley#page/n1/mode/2up

Chinese imperialist autism is a plague on all countries in Asia/Pacific region

Korea, Vietnam, India, Philippines, USA, Australia etc need to contain China before it's too late

Yeah but dude have you like even tried Chinese food? its all gonna be worth it when there is Chinese takeaway on every corner


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Not sure how the fuck were supposed to contain China tho

>Silent invasion
I know what he means by it but the flood of Asians is the most obvious invasion ever. Every government just accepts a few hundred thousand every year to prop up our false economy. It's going to get interesting in the west on the next ten years. Boomers taking pensions will blow up the welfare state to such an extent not even flooding immigrants in can hide it

I read it last week
it's far worse than we knew

australia should
>make signs in mandarin in chinese areas telling people to cover their mouths when coughing/sneezing, and to wash their hands
>make videos in mandarin to be played on all incoming flights from mainland china, so they know what the rules are here
>reductions in immigration levels from 3rd world countries, especially mainland china
>2 offense limit for visa holders
>limit foreign owned housing
>ensure aussie infrastructure is 100% australian owned
>rebuild manufacturing base so we don't rely on them for anything

if china does not like that and thinks they can push 'business partners' around and override our values and laws then
>make all baby formula exports illegal
>shut off iron ore exports to china
>raise student fees from mainland students

this is not 'mutual trade' for 'mutual benefit'

Right? It's not silent in the least. The Chinese have openly declared their intentions several times. A deaf man standing by a jet engine doesn't make for a stealth plane.

and a 1 in 5 chance of getting poisoned
no thanks

>1 offense limit if it's something severe like dangerous driving or actual crime

Fpbp. Fucking China.

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Bros, here is a simple plan to resolve this:

QUARANTINE ASIA (Iron Curtain style)

I assume that would be on top of the existing rule where 12 months jail = deportation

I don't know why Europeans and white people in general aren't taking the yellow threat seriously, in the previous centuries there were heaps of people from Oswald Spengler to Lothrop Stoddart who warned against it.

In the book Man and Technics, Spengler warns against rabid technological progress and diffusion of technological innovations because the shitskins will inevitably adopt European technology and wipe white people the fuck out with it. And it's happening right now with China.

Spengler especially pointed to the tendency of Caucasoid technology to spread to hostile "Colored races" which would then use the weapons against the West.[2] In Spengler's view, western culture will be destroyed from within by materialism, and destroyed by others through economic competition and warfare.

Man and Technics - Oswald Spengler

The Decline of the West - Oswald Spengler

The Revolt Against Civilisation by Lothrop Stoddart

>implying the gooks havent already invaded the last areas of Whitedom and setup their insectoidfood franchise empire

I can't believe the shit on land purchases.

Since donkey's years even Thailand realized how fucking dangerous that is and their law says if you're Chinese you can't buy land there, if you get married to a Thai then they own the land no matter what.

If they didn't have a law like that they would be fucking steamrolled in a few short years.

I wouldn't know, I'm not a lawyer and I've not had to deal with immigration law


it's insane, this cannot be accepted here

the e/book needs to be emailed to Bannon, Trump, Kushner and all of your leaders


this is must read for all aussies
even australian born chinese know this is not right

here's what our 'leaders' think, despite the unbearable congestion

Spread it. In Canada years ago the Canadian police raised this directly to the parliament but with fuckheads like Trudeau in now they haven't got a chance.

Fuck democracy. They all get bought and paid for with their pieces of silver.

The fact that it's being sold at major department stores turned me off it.
If it was worth it's paper you'd have people all over the idiot box tripping over themselves to denounce it as racist, bigoted, unastrayan etc. the chinks in this country would be whining abput it like jews and book stores would virtue signal against it by not selling it.
But none of that has happened, so it can't be that good.
I'll pass.

its time to expel the traitors.

Gather 5000 Bogans and roadblock Canberra to protest this treason and demand the traitors be imprisoned.

You need a Maiden down under

5000 bogans establishing a roadblock i Canberra with their cars is all you need to start a Maiden revolution.

The chinks are a bunch of fucking cockroaches.
Fortunately the are militarily useless.
when push comes to shove they should feel free to invade us.
We'd be very happy to clean up the vermin in our house, including those rats in canberra.

Townsend had asserted in chapter one that the cause of China's present misery lies in the fundamental defects that exist in the ethnic characteristics of the Chinese people[8] and in chapters three and four he explains what he believes these defects are. Townsend states that dishonesty is "the most prominent characteristic in the Chinese mentality as opposed to our own".[9] Townsend gives many examples of him being lied to by Chinese employees, coolies, shopkeepers, and government officials, and notes that many other consuls were driven out of the service by this relentless and "aimless lying, with each lie merely a pretext for another".[10] The other highly salient trait of the Chinese is their "indifference to fellow suffering"

Through a large number of personal and second-hand anecdotes, Townsend argues that the Chinese may be the only people in the world who are completely unable to comprehend the basic human impulses of sympathy or gratitude toward other people. Because the Chinese feel no empathy toward others, they behave in an unbelievably sadistic and cruel fashion toward one another, and they view altruistic foreigners as targets to be mercilessly taken advantage of.[12] Other traits Townsend identifies as being typically Chinese are cowardice, lust for money, lack of a sense of personal hygiene, lack of critical thinking skills, insincerity, and obsession with hollow rites.[13] Townsend believes that these traits are as notable among China's leaders and educated strata as much as they are in the poor masses, and his analysis of historical documents leads him to believe that they are not a recent product of the present chaos, but rather are deeply ingrained traits of China's national character.[14] He concludes that the "outstanding characteristics" of the Chinese people "neither enable other peoples to deal satisfactorily with them, nor enable the Chinese to deal satisfactorily with themselves.

This may be more applicable to mainlanders, Hong Kongers I've met were all pretty ok. Though non mainlanders despise and I do mean despise mainlanders and much of their views are basically colourful versions of what Townsend has written here.
My ex was Chinese and she'd go off the wall about them.

Though I suppose the real people to ask are others asians. The Indonesians have had more than a few race riots on them.

They are locusts, even Chinese people in Hong Kong call them locusts. They are a bit of an anomaly really, they are simultaneously a mindless collective and all of them are incredibly selfish and narcissistic. Hive mind insects with the illusion of individualism. ME ME ME ME ME ME that's all they think as they gobble up every breadcrumb they can find as they destroy the world. They shit kids out into the street and worry more about their knock off purses than their new born baby in a dirty gutter. They are animals, John A Macdonald was right and my god I wish he was alive and prime minister right now. Macdonald proposed that “Chinamen” should not have the right to vote on the grounds that they were “foreigners” and that “the Chinese has no British instincts or British feelings or aspirations.”[4] When a member of the opposition asked whether naturalized Chinese ceased to be “Chinamen”, Macdonald amended his legislation to exclude “a person of Mongolian or Chinese race.”[5] The opposition object that the Chinese were “industrious people” who had “voted in the last election,” or had “as good a right [to] be allowed to vote as any other British subject of foreign extraction.”[6] This led Macdonald to make clear that Chinese exclusion was necessary to ensure European dominance. He warned, “if [the Chinese] came in great numbers and settled on the Pacific coast they might control the vote of that whole Province, and they would send Chinese representative to sit here, who would represent Chinese eccentricities, Chinese immorality, Asiatic principles altogether opposite to our wishes; and, in the even balance of parties, they might enforce those Asiatic principles, those immoralities . . . , the eccentricities which are abhorrent to the Aryan race and Aryan principles, on this House.”


SEA hates them and always riot against them

>Kazakhs Riot Against China's Growing Influence

>PNG riots hit Chinese businesses
>Asian-owned firms have been looted in Papua New Guinea's two largest cities, amid simmering anti-Chinese sentiment.

>Nascent anti-Chinese sentiments have turned violent in some countries in the last few years, most often via hostility toward Chinese migrants. The popular movement "Protect Kyrgyzstan" in the Kyrgyz Republic, founded by a former speaker of the parliament, aimed to halt illegal migration of workers from China and to confront “ravenous” Chinese business practices, the subject of which flared into a public campaign in Kyrgyzstan

>China dispute with Vietnam escalates as rioters torch foreign-owned ...

strewth m8

video reminds me again of the same girlfriend who when I took her to a public garden with wild animals walking around she said "no way this would exist in china"
i wonder if the rest of S.E.A is going to form a coalition in a war

here is a thread discussing some of this:

Ways that are Dark?
Yeah I read that.
Great book, everyone must read it: the Mein Kampf of the Chink Question.

>There's too many Chinese restaurants

When was the last time they actually made good food? Ever? Even In the smallest of towns there's 10 Chinese food restaurants scrunched in. I have nothing to gain by walking on your dirty ass floors, you bring no value, and your only form of communication is a nod and a syllable or screaming in Chinese like you have some kind of right to do that to my great people! You don't.

This is true for everywhere. You can go to a tiny little town and they will have a Chinese. Even in eastern Europe. Like how and why do a group of Chinese decide to set up a restaurant in all these little places?

what is so strange about chinese restaurants is that they are all pretty much the same:
same menu
same taste
same format/design
almost like an unofficial franchise that spreads throughout the planet. all the restaurants may have different names, but that is the only difference.

every resturant gets its supplies from the same triad place.

Notice how there's almost no customers in them yet they stay in business year after year? And the employees all act like slaves? They're money laundering operations for the chinese mafia.

this is how the Chinese came to open up restaurants and dry cleaners w/o having any $$ or experience, thru the help of a very well connected mafia. the mafia would then collect fees from the "franchises"

Chinese use the border too, there's a black market in Manhattan that employs them in Chinese restaurants all over the US.


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Yep, it should be required reading for everyone in Oz and US.

unparallelled invasion by Jack London, is interesting, where the chinks try to outbreed the rest of the world. It ends with every chinese gassed to death

A war scenario with an overpopulated china was envisioned 100 years ago, and pretty much predicted the exact situation we are in today, but assumed that we would be led by patriotic leaders:


The Decline of the West - Oswald Spengler

For My Legionaries - Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

The Hour of Decision - Oswald Spengler

Man and Technics - Oswald Spengler

Men Among the Ruins - Julius Evola

My Life - Oswald Mosley
archive.org/stream/BUFandOswaldMosley/My Life - Oswald Mosley#page/n1/mode/2up

The Revolt Against Civilisation by Lothrop Stoddart

Revolt Against the Modern World - Julius Evola

Revolution and How to Do it in Modern Society - Kai Murros

Chinese are known to go to public parks and take ducks, geese, swans, parrots to cook them at home

I saw a chink in a chefs hat come out with a meat clever and he went into the park and chased around one of the swans, eventually he caught it and took it back inside his restaurant

It's fucking hell. I've seen chinks bag ducks and even a fucking pidgeon. It's terrible, they lure them with bread then chuck a fucking plastic bag over them.

>i wonder if the rest of S.E.A is going to form a coalition in a war
the populace hates them, but the oligarchies are in the chink's pocket.

much like it is in Oz or US

Is that true?

So, you're betting on supposed Chinese incompetence to deter them, rather than your own merits? It's a very dangerous gamble you're doing here.

you made 12 lengthy posts in this thread. did a chinese guy bang your mother or something

no, that would be how you were spawned, by a microdicked, flatfaced, slanteyed, bowlegged yellow midget raping the dog that shitted you out

kys mongoloid

>Chinese immorality
Meanwhile Chinese people around here are some of the best behaved people and white people sit around on street corners begging for money and talking to themselves

With comments like those you are definetely getting ousted, Chang.

Lol look at the flag, obvious chink.
Maybe ask that homeless white guy to move so you can extract some more gutter oil from that manhole you filthy chink bastard.
Gtfo of canada.

What are Chinese like? On principle I agree they should fuck off, but it's still a strange hearing how bad Asians can be when you are surrounded by literal 70IQ spics and niggers.

What are they like?

Australia and New Zealand are being colonised by China so as to undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean. Their targets are the strategic coastal cities of Sydney, Auckland and Melbourne. Once they become the demographic majority in these cities, they will agitate for policies that deny the use of these cities as anchorages for the US Navy. This is all being done via the unregulated student visa program, in 2016, 550,000 overseas students arrived in Australia with overwhelming majority being Chinks and Parjeets. The Australian govt hasn’t released the figures for 2017 as the figures are too frightening to comprehend, however data seems to indicate a massive increase in the number of overseas students arriving from China in 2017.

Asian creatures eat bird spit soup, cats, dogs and insects. They also eat eggs boiled in childrens piss. They let their children wear crotchless pants and piss and shit anywhere they like. They beat their children and work them like slaves sending them to schools and study schools at the same time. They burp, fart, cough, sneeze, slurp and pick their noses while eating in restaurants. They have no regard or concern for the environment or peoples lives. They stink and have a aroma of urine and semen on them. They hang around black people and try to make out they're a persecuted race who is friends with blacky. They sell human flesh labeled as tuna. They gamble and their voices are annoying especially when they shout which is always.

Asians are degenerate subhumans.

I have no problems at all with Chinese imperialism in Africa. Actually, I am enthusiastic about it. But Chinese imperialism toward Australia, Canada, and the Philippines is a red line for me.

Just go on live leak and look up uniquely chinese things such as exploding manholes, gutter oil, mangling children with cars and trucks etc... it will tell you more than I could ever say about these disgusting subhuman insect people.

"Culture of Critique" is much better - there is even thread about it rn -


what is this, a discourse for ants?

Kevin MacDonald is such an unbelievably boring writer.
It's almost like he goes out of his way to be boring just to affect a more academic tone.

The women being stripped videos are nothing but hotness.

i mean... worse than other nonwhites? sounds a lot better than detroit or oakland

They tend to be alright, generally speaking. They do experience difficulties at home, after all Chinese boomers. Chinese boomers along with the new arrivals appear to have formed a cultural code which, to a certain extent, gets imparted to Chinese born in Australia. Include the neo-dynastic aspirations of China today with slogans like "Australia must respect China because trade and business". In their own microcosm, some do believe that they are bringing culture to Australia and try to attribute financial success solely to the Chinese community. As such this appears that the culture and institutions push for certain attitudes and favoured an increase in Chinese migration. While they may be alright, the rigid intermigling of the Chinese boomers, new arrivals and the neo-dynastic aspirations of China would be something to deeply consider as its likely they would prioritise the said culture. At this point ousting the Chinese community indicates to be the more peaceful resolution.

chinks are literally nigger tier...the only reason they have money is because globalist yids transfered white industry and wealth to them to make our junk now they are like an international version of the beverly hillbillies
you have to rmember is that one generatiosn ago 90% of chinks were rice farming peasants. then (((globalists))) transfered our wealth to homo erectus pekingese. You cant thrust an archaic homo species into modernity, but you can't thrust modernity into the homo erectus pekingese.

Chinese, i.e. yellow niggers, are thoroughly disgusting both inside and out. They are actively trying to take over western countries using foreign capital and greed of our own ruling class. They and all their collaborators (rice lovers ITT) deserve death.

6000 years of nothingness. A race of literal human ants.

By culture I mean they would likely prioritise, the neo-dynastic aspiration of China.

>implying China isn't buying Canada by the pound and hasn't already colonized the entire West coast
The Chinese have a term for referring to Canada that translate literally to "for the taking".

>pol needs to wake up

Normies need to read it, and they won't. They are too busy swanning around acting upper middle class because of the chink bucks they got from property. They're just as bad as the chinks.

Either you're a Chinese Communist Party agent spreading disinformation or you haven't been paying attention if you think that's the case.

China has been leaning heavily on people and organisations in Australia to not publish or sell the book. Just because the GayBC and Fairfats haven't been talking about it doesn't mean it isn't being talked about.

t. Aussie.

>I saw a chink in a chefs hat come out with a meat clever and he went into the park and chased around one of the swans, eventually he caught it and took it back inside his restaurant

To be fair, swans are actually delicious.

>It's fucking hell. I've seen chinks bag ducks and even a fucking pidgeon. It's terrible, they lure them with bread then chuck a fucking plastic bag over them.

Ducks are tasty as well and so is pigeon, although I certainly wouldn't eat an urban pigeon.

should add "add canada" to the title.

Leave swans alone you fagit they are beautiful.

Kill yourself unironically



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Swan was a luxurious delicacy in Elizabethan times.

The Queen owns all swans in the UK.

>Yeah but dude have you like even tried Chinese food? its all gonna be worth it when there is Chinese takeaway on every corner
This is actually true. I fucking love dumplings.

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Chinks are an eternal slave race. The mere fact that nobody in China batted an eye when Xi Jinpig removed his term limits is quite telling. Chinks literally want to be enslaved and told what they can and can't do. China will never beat the West. Every time shit goes south in China, what do they do? Do chinks try to fix the root of the problem? Nope. They allow their country to go to shit until a new dominant master "unites" them. Basically, they just sit around doing nothing (besides massacring each other by the tens of millions and feasting upon human corpses like the triple niggers they are) until a new master shows up to lord over them. Doesn't matter if the new master is a chink or a foreigner, because as long as he has power, he will be obeyed. Chinks want to be enslaved. No, they NEED to be enslaved. The burden of independence is simply too overwhelming for them. Being enslaved is the only way they know how to function as a society without resorting to chaos and cannibalism.

Chinks are the most easily controlled and brainwashed people in the world. That's why Chinese nationalism is such a big thing, and even overseas chinks defend their motherland despite enjoying all the benefits of not actually living there. If you're an overseas chink nationalist reading this, ask yourself why you even defend your motherland in the first place. You just do... right? It comes naturally, right? Bingo. That's because you are a member of the Chinese slave race. Your ancestors were slaves, your grandparents were slaves, your parents were slaves, and so are you. You can take a slave out of China, but you can't take the slave out of a Chinese. Imagine that. Living in the West and having the liberty of independent thought... yet, you're STILL controlled by China. You're simply incapable of independent thought. You're a slave.

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Nothing in the universe is infinite. Even souls are finite. There’s only so much soul to be divided among mankind. China has so many """people""" that there aren’t enough souls for everyone. In fact, the vast majority of Chinese don’t have a soul at all. That is why the Chinese are so susceptible to sudden deaths and mass genocides by famine, disease, disaster, and enslavement. They’re literally a counterfeit people whose lives have no value. They’re the fake watches and illegal DVDs of the human race. They’re not even eligible for heaven or hell or reincarnation.

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fuck off CLive
aussies just need to step outside to see they're being replaced by chinks and poos
reading is a waste of time
what more convincing do you need
this is also happening here in the USA, Canada, UK, etc.
you fucking book-reading nerd.

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We are experiencing stockholm syndrome right now, years of indoctrination and being told we are a "multicultural society" has blinded the Australian people. While some are waking up, it is far too little too late.

>that dishonesty is "the most prominent characteristic in the Chinese mentality as opposed to our own"

lol i have seen videos on youtube and that right there is one of the things that westerners complain the most about the chinese, how much of a bunch of coward liars they are.

Please post your address.

interesting read