>“My verdict basically shows if you stick with it and do what you need to do to get your justice, there’ll be a brighter end,” Ms. Cheston, now 20, said in an interview on Wednesday.
>“A jury, from now on, will know there is no ceiling on the damages that rape causes to a woman,” her lawyer, L. Chris Stewart, said. “They literally thought a billion dollars was the value of a 14-year-old being raped in public.”
>‘According to the 2015 complaint, the security company had a "duty to properly supervise and/or monitor its security officer" when the incident occurred. Further, the complaint lists, the company had knowledge of Zachary's behavior against guests and tenants of the complex, but instead "ignored the circumstances that any reasonable person would interpret as leading to the injury."
>The complaint charges that the security company, the owner and the manager of the complex were negligent in providing and maintaining a safe premise in more than a dozen different aspects.
>there is no ceiling on the damages that rape causes to a woman So, theoretically, it is possible to rape a pussy so valuable that you could bankrupt entire national economies.
Easton Walker
>A rape damages society a billion dollars
so letting nogs and pakis in has already cost the entire worlds gdp thousands of times over
Asher Foster
Disgusting monkeys aren't worth a wergild.
Owen Hall
let me guess... a jury of black women awarded her the billion dollars
This is bullshit. While rape is terrible, it's not ONE BILLION dollars terrible. It's not even the worst thing that can happen to a person.
Ian Morales
I really don’t even care. >malls higher black people more than whites >shocked when half of your employees are rapists and criminals
Let this be a lesson to all businesses that hire nigger apes.
Austin Collins
where the fuck are they getting 1 billion from?
Wyatt Stewart
lmao every woman over age of 8 is rape victim waiting to happen or victim of previous rapeages
Ethan Walker
> This is great for women So with a potential seven figure payout all women need to do is have consensual sex, then scream it was rape straight after.
Also, looking at her, I find it impossible to believe anyone.... Nah I won't finish that sentence
Colton Rogers
Holy shit. I misread- a billion????? Lol.
Wyatt King
This will just be sent to a higher court where it’ll be denied for being absurdly high & unjustified.
James Adams
That's what they get for hiring niggers
Easton Cook
I’d get raped for a billion dollars. Are you kidding?
Luke Peterson
This user gets it. It'll be appealed and brought down to 100k or so. Cap this.
Jaxon Price
Oh I can't wait to collect twenty-billion-bubblyboo from Tyrone. I'm sure he has the assets to cover whatever judgment I get.
Oh he doesnt even pay for his government assisted housing... and has $50,000 in unpaid courtcosts and jail fees?
Ya, gonna get my seventy trilla-billion-dollars
Blake Baker
No nigger pussy is worth a 100000th of that. Get real niggers
Jacob Price
Am I the only one thinking that this will cause more false rape accusation bullshit? I mean in this day in age you can literally say someone raped you 30 years ago and have no proof and still win but know we see that it can get you a billion fuckin dollars from it as well so more money hungry cunts are goin to start screaming “rape” more in the off chance that they get a billion dollars from it
If they would've fired him before, he just would have sued for 'discrimination' and won. Can't win.
Colton Perez
do your part in relieving the national debt if we rape some 20 thousand women, we'll have paid it off in full
John Gutierrez
I'd get raped with zero issues for a billion goddamn dollarydoos
Jaxson Gomez
Fuck that fugly sheboon should have to pay the poor guy that raped her $2 billion
Aaron Taylor
Discrimination is the hardest thing to prove because you need to pretty much be the only person of your race in a workplace and have another person of the majority race back you up, you also need at least one specific incedent where the employer or manegment pretty much outright uses a epithet towards you infront of you and said co witness, you report it, and they don't get fired.
Andrew Brooks
This is going to be 100x worst for black pussy than metoo was for roasties.
Carter Robinson
tax payers obviously
Josiah Young
Not even a single cow. Perhaps a pigs hindquarters.
Thomas Phillips
This Jury is the same people who voted in our Georgia Democratic Primary for Governor, yesterday, for a black woman to RUN the State of Georgia who has ((-))$200,000 in personal debt!
this, she's not gonna get 1 billion dollars. the jury awarded it to make a statement that this shit's unacceptable, not because some security company can actually afford that much. don't let that stop yall from sperging the fuck out though
Jaxon Sanders
brb transitioning to a woman and concocting a rape story.
Anthony Bailey
Georgia might actually put the metaphorical gun to their head and elect her.
The problem with white christian southerners is the white guilt/savior complex is five times more effective on them than say, a smug northern liberal in a gated community. They have been getting shit on by the rest of the country so long some of them have become desperate to restore the south's image.
I talked to a relative of mine not too long after Trump won and was appalled at how totally bluepilled he was. This was a man who would tell you the civil war was about states right to secede and has a gun collection of like 6 or 7 Jow Forumss put together.
Now my other relative is a prof. in a southern university and hung a pro trump sign in his lecture halls and just laughs at the students giving him flack for it from behind his tenure. He fails people regularly and fights the lowering of the bar from behind enemy lines.
I was really surprised to learn their politics because I was expecting the opposite but the first relative has been retired from lower level education for many years and hasn't really seen the decline I think, the second relative is still right there on the front lines so to speak.
Sebastian Bennett
Wait...1 BILLION? How many copies of the video did they think were sold?
Ayden Morgan
Also if you're in Georgia and want to redpill folks, it's probably a good idea to point to what happened to Illinois after years of Dim rule
They're raising taxes astronomically and Illinois doesn't have the tech and financial cushions of NY and CA to hide their mismanagement behind and blame all the red states for while getting subsidized through SALT.
Jaxson Sanders
He could have at least one a 'wrongful' termination lawsuit then. Don't underestimate libshit courts.
Bentley Bell
was this a black woman's pussy?....worth a billion?
Christopher Robinson
Wait when did rape stop being a criminal case instead of a civil one?
Elijah Moore
I don't want to imagine what Scandinavian Pussy is worth
Anthony Sullivan
I bet you think you are better than black people
Carter Brooks
>think I know
Eli Rogers
should have been 4 billion
Julian Bell
I thought the average black woman was worth $5.
Colton Jones
What's really sad is that she honestly thinks she's about to become a billionaire.
Ethan Flores
I hope the judge gives them $10, which is a typical amount a nigger prostitute charges when she's desperate for heroin.
Camden Jackson
Kill the dragon, claim the princess and the kingdom.
Jack Martinez
Helen of Troy?
Eli Morris
Sheeeeit imma rape my niglets in public and we blame whitey now If my math is correct I gots me Jayquanda, Ponicia, Jizzizella, Ub'Gori, Beezlebub and Wakanda.
There will be justice campaigns for her and all the campaigners will only do it and buddy up to her to try and take a slice.
Adam Rivera
He wasn’t just horny. He was fuckin blind.
Jace Myers
It's not about who gets hired. Black people are the only ones who stay in these positions. Their IQ guarantees they won't be able to find or deal with more complex higher paying jobs
Levi Cox
Black pussy is expensive.
Ian Bailey
Nah. This is nigger “muh billun high stack a paper y’all. Gon git mines mufukka.”
The human equivalent to a “billun niggerbucks” is unlimited skittles and purple drank for seven months > e g $657.84