What should we do about the Peterstein problem?

When did you realize that Jordan Peterstein was groomed from the very start to become the new face of conservatism?

It's all so obvious when you think about it. The Left has been relatively hospitable to his place in the public sphere of opinion, the media's treatment of him reflects this. The reason is because his ideology can easily coexist with the neo-Marxists he claims to oppose. At the end of the day, both sides want the same thing: a multiracial society in which whites are slowly bred out of existence.

His radical individualism means suicide for our people. You know this, he knows this, (((they))) know this. This was their purpose with him from the get-go. Don't fall for the psyop.

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Nothing. The exposure of the deep state that's happening is going to suck up the oxygen for everything else in the entire world and none of these people will matter.

>The exposure of the deep state
What are you referring to? If you think Trump is finally going to enact his 4D chess scheme, I wouldn't count on it. I've honestly lost faith in any big happenings, seems like business is continuing as usual.

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Dump some good Jordan Peterson red-pills that expose him

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Juden Peterstein is a plant, controlled opposition

Jordan Peterson made me a fascist

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He's just a rebrand of individualism with some mysticism thrown in to attempt to satisfy the spiritual vacuum created by atomization. It's going to go the way of New Atheism within 5 years. Just watch. Jordanetics followers will either join the Libertarian-to-Alt-Right pipeline, or transition directly to identitarianism. "Classical British Liberalism" is untenable in a globalized multiracial reality where 95% of the people refuse play by those rules. Eventually even the meekest faggots get tired of losing.

When youtube, fox news and other personalities started treating him like Ben Shapiro. He, Ben and Crowder are being pushed HARD as the hip faces of conservatism.

Part 2 of the Peterson expose.

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This thread is packed wall to wall with slimy little Jews.

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Peterson is an annoying autistic individualist peddling the same failed libertarian ideology that has fucking destroyed white civilization.

Naturally he enjoys the support of any neoliberal smart enough to realize that he is helping prevent the rise of nationalism.

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because they are.

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I can smell your fear.

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> being this much of a retarded boomer

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Judenstein is literally satan.

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Is he the anti-Christ?

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Thanks for the new material for my Peterstein folder. Glad he is finally being exposed for what he really is. As a side note, how would you guys suggest I red-pill my friends on this? They are drunk on Peterstein kool-aid and even bought me a ticket to this talk next week in Texas. The problem is that his entire ideology is designed to keep people grid-locked within it's constraints.

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Yes and bucko-ism is the new cancer.

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Quite frankly, I'm anything BUT scared of Peterson. Nice try though.

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Clean your room.

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Bump out of interest of topic

Depends, how redpilled are your friends already? Were they redpilled first then found Peterson, or found Peterson and are purple pilled?

How intelligent are they?

I will calibrate a Peterstein cult deprogramming strategy for you based on these factors.

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Wash your balls and don't forget to take your pills

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Can't we as individuals decide to have huwhite children and raise them right and continue the huwhite race?

My room is very clean. Still dislike Peterson. Go ahead, keep defending your cult leader with your life. Your comments reek of fear and anger, fervent attempts to cling to your daddy figure.
>b-but muh clean room! muh individualism
Sorry, people are waking up more and more everyday to the reality of our targeted extinction. No amount of "clean ur room collectivist" will stop this.

You have to go back /leftypol/.

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Buck off fucko

>calling other jews

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Bow before your god

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lmao look at this completely natural dump of memes. Nothing suspicious about this at all eh bruv.

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literal neo-nazi SIEGE readers afraid someone less extreme is soaking up their broken boys and young men

Jesus christ, read any soviet defector. All this Jew hysteria is KGB disinfo. You people see a bunch of jew hating Islamists invading Europe and go "THE JEWS." Jesus fucking christ, get a Fleshlight to rape.

who made this? Ben Garrison? Why do you need names on everything??

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>Live and depend on money, equipment and security granted by others

He reminds me of a creepy cult leader, he's just in it for the cool aid

You have to go back to Jow Forumsjordanpeterson.

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>waaahhh why won't this guy fight all my battles for me, only some of them

Here's what's really happening though. Leftypol and MSM realize they can't force the alt-right label on him to discredit him because nobody is buying it, so they try to slander him to his original supporters instead.

Don't like JP? Don't watch him on YT. There, done. Now, go out and peddle the JQ yourselves, put up or shut up.

Disclaimer: I like JBP and the Weinsteins too, and I think this "IDW" has the potential to be more than a just holding tank for reactionary forces, it might prove useful or even necessary to successfully grappling with the coming challenges we will all face.

Here's another connection to add to your flowcharts: Peterson's expertise is in psychometrics. He is very familiar with the Big 5 (OCEAN), and bases much of his teaching on it. Where else have we seen the Big 5 recently? At the top of Cambridge Analytica's shopping list. This stuff is part of what underpins online behavioural conditioning. Its misapplication could constitue a form of "digital psychic driving".

Here's my warning: anons should carefully consider this connection: Eric Weinstein works for Thiel Capital. Peter Thiel, who has attended Bilderberg, also has a little software company called PALANTIR that might just have an AI that could comb through everything you've ever said online. Think about that.

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I just dont understand the appeal of this guy. he just seems like a "conservative" mirror image of the same products that appeal to the many pseudointellectuals of the left. the same people who follow him would be reading shitty philosophy books and watching jon oliver and the rest of that trash if they were on the left


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The latter, they found Peterson and are purple pilled. One of them was defending Israel in our group message recently. They're not unlike the Murdoch Murdoch depiction of r/The_Donald. They're against any form of identity politics and often say things like, "Far Left and the Far Right are the same."

They are, however hard it is to believe, quite intelligent. It's why I still keep in contact with them. It's also why I know they can be red-pilled if I do it correctly. They grew up in a very typical republican household so they still buy into the Dem/Rep paradigm.

What do you suggest?

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I think anyone who exposes the kikemedia and their slanderous lying asses is a godsend in this horrible post fact kikish world.

So let him do his thing. He's also a good man

When he cucked on the JQ.

BASED Peterson

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Why do you always join these threads and make a post of this format?

>disclaimer: I like Peterson
>actually useful and insightful information into Peterson
>warning about Palantir doxing you for going after Peterson

For the record I'm well aware of the state of digital surveillance as it pertains to Palantir. I don't care.

> 1 post by meme flaggot
The jig is up on Juden Patreon

Jordan Peterson is a nonsensical faggot and so are you.

>walls of text

He is a mentally ill boomer fag who is taking his pills while believing jews have above average iq.

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The right can’t read.png


I never did trust him. In fact the only thing I needed to see was the picture of him in full drag makeup. That pic alone, fuck the context, was all I needed to drop this faggot.

>yfw these anti-peterson threads are controlled opposition

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Him helping write that kike UN paper needs to be spread more. Hes a subversive kike thats trying to derail nationalists movements.

Wow the spam and smears on pol magically aligns with smears in the press. Really makes you wonder.

Each and everyday Jordan Peterson redpolls another on the (((media question))) and we're supposed to dislike that? Yeah fuck that, JP all the way.

All your leftyfags are radiating in your slanderous lying gluttonous rabid attempts to smear the man.

Stay forever mad leftypolfags libtards antifags and journies

Keep crying

Fuck off and wash your nutsack goy

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Memes mocking Peterson are funny because there's underlying truth to it. Pro-Peterstein memes won't have the same impact because it requires molding reality to fit the meme's message.

How do you not see how logically incoherent this is? The Jews are literally the architects of the Overton window. Jordan Peterson is well within the confines of this window and perfectly compliments their agenda. They aren't scared of him, they're fucking grooming him to be a prominent figure of conservatism. Do you really think there are shills so scared of Peterson that they're trying to turn people into white nationalists and thus attract attention to their doings? Do you really, REALLY believe that?

Your shit's boring and unfunny leftycuck.

You're not SERIOUSLY trying to say that these slanderous lying memes are truthful?