Are female employees punished for starting families? Should it be the responsibility of the employer to ensure equal outcome?
Are female employees punished for starting families...
I fucking hate weebs so god damn much.
Women get their job with benefits and immediately go on maternity leave with pay and don't do the job they were there to do in the first place. Why the fuck would anyone in their right mind hire someone to do a job knowing that for months they won't be doing that fucking job while getting paid to do nothing.
Women are destroying this country
Equal outcome lmao
>Are female employees punished for starting families?
They shouldn't be at work anywhere except home and having children.
It's the mans duty do support his family.
There's nothing wrong with that image
It shouldn't be the employer's job to pay his female employees to have babies, something she decided to do knowing full well it will impact her working. Keep in mind that they not only have to pay her but also her temporary replacement, whom will likely be a man and can do the job better. It's selfishness on her part.
>But she's fulfilling her biological purpose!
That's nice. Once she's done popping children out and nursing them until they're old enough for school, she can then enter the workforce.
Not only that but they expect YOU to participate in the baby shower and donate money to someone you don't even know or speak to and if you don't are socially out casted.
Artificial wombs will make women obsolete