This meme is 100% wrong

I just watched a documentary on evangelical christians I suggest you check out, they are the ones pushing for militant Israel and wars in the middle east you dumb asses, not DA JOOZ

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Other urls found in this thread:

Do you even try to shill anymore?

Kek is laughing at you.

In the trash it goes.

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ive been looking for this pic for the last two days. thanks OP. have a couple of ugly thots in return

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You can sage me but you can't sage reality.

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Only brainlets and kikes say DA JOOZ. Which one are you?

Their religon's prophecy is literally global thermonuclear warfare and human extinction.
I don't support their aspirations.
ITT Monotheists will cause human extinction.

polytheists cant decide which cock to suck

Thanks for the bump. And I'm not jewish or pro or anti jewish. Just letting you and the other morons on this board know the facts.

Why does 'DA JOOZ' bother you so much? Watch the video retard and comment on the topic of the thread or shut up.

This is basically my point. The other idiots above think I'm pro-jewish or something. I don't care either way, I just think people who are wrong should be corrected.

Attached: Christcucks.webm (574x382, 1.24M)

Why would Christians want the death of innocent civilians, seems more inline with what Satan worshipping Talmud reading baby dick sucking faggots would do

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>Has proofs evangelicals are in the wrong
>Provides a documentary from vice
>Says it wasn't da Jooz

Were niggers hired by Israeli forces to shill threads?

Can someone link this shill some Anderson explaining how evangelicals are Jewish puppets coopting low iq Christian America?

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Pastor Anderson isn't an (((approved source))), though. So he can just be discarded by default.

t. totally not a kike shill, you guys, I swear

You know what's interesting? Americans Jews favour even Muslims over Evangelical Christians.

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lol you dumb kikes. everyone is getting tired of your bullshit.

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Refute the video asshole. otherwise you are a delusional retard.

Please KYS you racemixed swine

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Sorry I interrupted your delusional circlejerk here on Jow Forums. You guys can get back to sniffing your own ass fumes and blaming everyone else for your problems. adios.

What did kek mean by this?

I hate jews for reasons that don't even involve this though.

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Look at the Jewish lobbies like AIPAC and JINSA, JEWISH BILLLIONAIRES like Adelson and Paul Singer.

Evanjewlicals are just the useful idiots and foot soldiers of the kike elite.

VICE is disinfo
We are hostile because we have already had this thread and been down that rabbit hole so many times.
If you don't have time skim through for the part about Hagee.
For reference I am atheist but everything in this about Jewish Christian relationships in this is true

>they are the ones pushing for militant Israel and wars in the middle east you dumb asses, not DA JOOZ
>implying it's either/or

Hey kike, you are going to die for things just like what you're doing in thos thread. Every time you guys double down on your kike bullshit, you make your eventual death four times as painful. What began as the day of the rope is now the day of the curbstomp, and quickly becoming the day of the crosses. You need to start fighting against bad kikes, not serving them. We will accept no sudden conversions to the good side once the purge begins. You must have a long record of standing against bad kikes, with not a whiff of jewyness, to be spared. You will still be sterilized and barred from anything but indentured servitude until you die, but if that sounds better than dying a torturous death, then fight the evil of your people. To the last woman we are going to kill you all.

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