This is America...
This is America
Other urls found in this thread:
>Nog calls cops on Kid's lemonade stand
>Police pull up seeing him harrass children
>Dindu refuses, feels like a man for standing up to da raycis cops, reaches for phone to start recording
>Gets shot
>Star Spangled Banner begins to play
Don't worry user, cops only go after lemonade stands when they are bored of the endless war against niggercrime
>nigger calls da police on whitey over some minor infraction
>oh i'm sorry officer i wont do that again
>thats ok sir have a nice day
>dayyyyum dem police be racist n sheit if he be black he be getting shot nigga
>prank call 911
better yet, get those ray-cyst whites swatted!
And people wonder why I find it funny when a cop shoots a nigger dead regardless of his crime.
Not scary because I'm not a nigger who acts retarded with police.
So 5-10 minutes of minor inconvience because white people can follow simple instructions like not reaching into their pants or acting nervous?
This. The times I've interacted with the police have all been quick and peaceful, even when I got a ticket for speeding.
Seriously. I've had guns pointed at me in error. It's not a big deal as long as you don't act like a dumb woman about it.
Funny how easy it is to bait Jow Forums now