Battlefield V

I remember when my Grandpa told me stories about what he saw in the war, where women with prostethic arms beated jerrys with large pieces of wood. Those were the good ol' days...

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>unironically giving a shit
Yeah I remember being a butthurt Jow Forumstard 24/7, glad I'm not into childish hobbies anymore

shit game

>Childish hobby that millions of children play only to be fed leftist propaganda
>Heh, who cares manchild


Why do you kikes always complain about the shitty products you make? You expect people to shut up and just deal with it? kill yourself Jew.

it's not a game for children anyway, whoever buys this for their kid is already neglecting them

dunno wat point you're trying to make, but nobody is forcing you to buy shitty game. Buy a good one or better yet, don't buy any and work on improving your life.

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My grandfather was a machine gunner in the pacific and he told me the US should have stayed the fuck out of Germany and we basically provoked the Japs, although that war was (grudgingly) more acceptable...he told me this when I was like 9 and it genuinely fucked with me until years later and I could put the pieces togeather and see the Forrest for the trees

We can still make fun of it retard

NO, not battlefield, a series know for its realistic depictions of combat and historical accuracy

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i actually find it hilarious.

>It's not a game for children
You need to understand that every game is for children these days. Don't shooters have a nice little stereotype of a screaming kids in voice chat?

>a fucking cricket bat covered in barbwire

this isnt funny. i could stomach jetpacks in bf1942 but a woman is too unrealistic and propaganda

yes and that's the fault of parents, they should instead have their kids do sports and chad hobbies but they make them sit at home playing games that leave them detached from others and eventually either becoming soiboyos or butthurt losers who frequent this board. I had the same upbringing but my social circle is saving me from the hellpit I've been doomed with.

>neglecting children
>work on improving your life.

Woah there buddy, watch that edge of yours...

Battlefield Vagina

Can you faggots fuck off back to /v/

injecting social engineering propaganda in a video games should be punishable by death


What about the first wolfenstein ? Women + sci fi content during WW2, I don't remember it being called propaganda. There were also women resistance fighters in the first medal of honor, there was nos prostethic arm but still

csgo is Jow Forums games, now log on asshole and put your fucking mic on, I want to rank

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But he tell you about the time a heavily pregnant Dutch-Jewish girl armed with a sniper rifle personally shot Adolf Eichmann in the face?

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An amerimutt sniper kills Hitler in sniper elite so what ?

that's a cricket bat you fucking retard

no one cares about this game, we are getting this thread on all boards, this is a sjw raid to get reactions so they can play the victim card.

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wow you're so adult. such wow

>projecting this hard
nice try

>parents force their kids to play video games
Are you retarded?

>be me, history teacher
>topic of WW1 comes around
>okay kids open up your books at page 100, there you can see some typical soldiers of the time
>lil niglet asks me where all the black guys and women are
>I hit him on the fingertips with the long ruler


Complain about unrealistic portrayals of women in videogames.

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>video games
>not for children
Man child detected

That's fucking golden.

Alright Swedes, what do you have to say about this one? Also, why are you guys too big of pussies to not put swastikas in a WW2 game?

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You are just an insecure white male that can't handle strong women. You are losing shitlord.

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>jetpacks in a ww2 game
>soldiers constantly using weapons of other forces as well as prototype weapons that never saw light of day
>vehicles with infinite ammo
>soldiers soaking multiple bullets
>arcade gameplay
>hovering tanks in modern times
>repair 68 ton tank with significant structural damage with a blowtorch
>soldier carrying heavy radio beacons and surveillance drones in ass simultaneously
>woman hitting someone with a piece of wood
problematic, inaccurate and unrealistic

My great grandfather fought in South America in Nicaragua during the 1900's, I think 1915? He was a U.S. Marine and told of the fighting and heads being put on spikes. He took pictures and the military took them away so no one would know. Smedley Butler.

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the game is 200 percent factual

I don't understand. If they want these kinds of things why not just set it in a fictional world?

It already is. The one where the Germans were the bad guys.

whoa lad, I see you cant tell the difference between game mechanics to make the game more enjoyable and virtue signalling.

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He was not Smedley of course. I just name dropped SMEDLEY BUTLER because he is a bad ass nigger. that a cricket-bat full of nails? Yeah bullshit.

And EA should fire whoever thought putting this abominable love-child of Tracer and Furiosa in a WW2 game was a good idea.

If they are willing to take it this far I don't see why they couldn't add helicopters so I could have fun. Remember that infantry combat is for slaves.

it was the Swedes

We're here talking about it, aren't we?

That's all they wanted, and we're giving it to them.

Would funny if some retards actually end up believing that WW2 was basically Mad Max with a Nazi-mod.

What they need is sales. I sure as hell am not buying this fucking game and us talking about this swedecuck trash will only make other people not buy it.

If you want historical accuracy read a book don't get it from a fucking game.

this is absolute bullshit, why do these women have to conform to patriarchal beauty standards?

We all know they were really >35 BMI furrykins

This sums up the source of their anger. They hate that men like slim attractive women. They just want to lower everything down to their level of trash.

they should allow medics to perform gender reassignments and abortions

the hovering tanks shit was slightly in the future.

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So you WOULD HAVE bought this garbage if it was historically accurate, despite there already being thousands of other similar games, that you probably can just download for free on the internet?

Battlefield is at least a semi historically accurate game, when set in the past. Wolfenstein is a sci fi game. Women resistance fighters is historically accurate, and the Soviet women in CoD 2 are accurate as well.

>he doesn't know the difference between gameplay and identity politics

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Your grandfather was an idiot and lucky he didn’t get shot

>he doesn't know the difference between important things and stupid shit that people are trying to sell kids

redpilled people only play Half-Life and cool mods people made / make for it
I don't even know why you would WANT to play another shooter thats just the same for 60 eurons

how do you call this artstyle?

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>true scotsmen do only what I want


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Berserk 2018

come on man, be honest
Its just so stupid how people actually pay THAT MONEY for washed up shit like this
Its like the old Jimi hendrix albums and the new ones
back then Jimi hendrix with his bassist and drummer = 100% quality 5 bucks
now Jimi hendrix and 200 stupid hacks that think themselves sound engineer trying to better the old jimi hendrix recordings = 60% quality for 50 bucks

why would you buy that? its like a weird psychology thing and people don't even seem to realise it

Damn I'm glad Im not a "gamer" any more. Put down your controller and pick up a guitar or something.


Same here, I'm drawing.

COD was always better anway.
Cant you cunts vote with your wallets and not buy GAY shit?

feminist would only shift to complaining about your lyrics, or your art

good publicity

Hahahahahahaha, is this official art?



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i dont know men, im too poor to buy bf5 and if i have money? i would rather eat than play bf5 or any videogames that is not free


The one on the right is a tranny isn't it?

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of course
>Her experiences as a visible transgender woman in the gaming sphere made her deeply interested in the ways in which art and media impact our culture, and convinced her of the importance, value, and pleasure of bringing a critical, intersectional feminist lens to bear when thinking about any creative work

guys just check the gameplay mechanics for fucks sake.
The amputated women is a part of the multiplayer mechanic allowing you to fully customise your own soldier.
The only woman i've heard of in the campaingn was some sort of resistance fighter.

I heard there was a lot female partisans that used to be active in world war 2

there were a few in the soviet army, but none in any other

Melbourne just shut the fuck up.
We wanted a remake of battlefield 1942 not this cringey cuck shit by fucking Sweden

At least we've got Post Scriptum boys -

>There were also women resistance fighters in the first medal of honor,

Were not all cucks im Melbourne bro.

Why are people upset about this? Now you get to kill women AND niggers in the game!

yeah cunt, can tell heaps by a shitty cinematic trailer can't ya
QLD supremacist btw ya fucken ignoramus

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This This This
BF1942. Modern graphics. Modern gameplay. THAT'S IT! That's all we wanted and they FUCKED US

Reminder that:
>A woman with a prosthetic arm in combat
>Men with beards in combat
>Blacks fighting in units with other races
Would not be an issue if the game takes a broader, alternate-universe approach to WWII
The issue is that this is not the case

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But you can't revive the white male characters now.

>Your children are now being made to play with dolls
>why does my son want to chop his penis off?
Now we move the goalpost to, it’s not for children, but it’s childish.
Millions of dollars spent on a product targeting no one.

>the issue
There is no issue. It's some fucking video game. DoNkey Kong wasn't a donkey either, abloo abloo.
You SJW's need to return to your subs.

>tfw Italians were one of the factions without niggers in BF1

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