Here we discuss topics related to the Maghreb and France concerning: immigration, society, Islam.
Ramadan mubarak khoyas!
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Here we discuss topics related to the Maghreb and France concerning: immigration, society, Islam.
Ramadan mubarak khoyas!
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Who /fasting/ here?
>inb4 kuffar posting pork and alcohol as if we knew how it tasted
me, wa salam khoya
what are you eating tonight? for me it'll be harira and couscous
France belongs to you fellas. Europe to to some degree. I hate you but have to admit what you achieved is impressive.
happy iftar, brothers on the other side of the world!
salut les hypocrites,on va bien brulez en enfer,tous ensembles mes freres
thanks brother, don't worry we will save France from the jewry
Me, it was hard the first few days but not even hungry now
Happy iftar brother, may Allah swt accept your fast
Briks (beef + potato) and chorba for me inshaAllah
السلام عليكم
>الوضع المطلق لفرنسا
Masha'ALLAH, Halal approved thread
Maghrebi union when ?
>you posting beurette
Mouloud please ...
Soon inshallah
Do we accept Libya and Mauritania?
Maghresoys get the rope first
We have more testosterone on the average than French"""men"""
mashallah brother
you should join too brother
literally nothing wrong with Islam
Of course. They are our brothers.
>There's nothing wrong with Islam.
>B-but we can't stand living in our own countries because we flee them en masse.
>Then we shit up your countries and call you racists when you whine about it like all the other third world subhumans.
>We continue champion the very culture and type of civilization we fled from in the first place shamelessly and without blinking.
You're just Jews with acid attacks, niqabs, honor killings, and suicide vests instead of high interest rates.
At least we do have a culture, 56%er
Your pic is fake though, can check it on google
>inb4 kuffar posting pork and alcohol
got ya covered!
>B-but we can't stand living in our own countries because we flee them en masse.
we were,more like,my parents were invited here
I just happen to grew up here
>Then we shit up your countries
I'm working and contributing more to society than the average hedonistic kraut
>call you racists
never did,I'm pretty one myself
>when you whine about it like all the other third world subhumans
>We continue champion the very culture and type of civilization we fled from in the first place shamelessly and without blinking.
Eh,don't wanna thread on your feet but look at your western countries,do you really think it's us that fuck it up?
I lived here for 26 years and I'm not fond of the changes.
>acid attacks, niqabs, honor killings, and suicide vests
not real muslims
>inb4 Taqqiya
you heard some word from the Qu'ran and some shia iranian said it's ok,doesn't mean it makes it an argument debunking everything I said
you should rather look behind you and realize who is orchestrating your downfall
brother I'm hungry as fuck here xd
It's time for them to pay for all the killings they did in their ex colonies.
Like how usa became mutt land after all the genocide they did.
Nasheeds are keeping my stomach shut
why are you sandpeople calling for more immigration? would you be happier if this country was as bad as the shithole you came from??
Inshallah let my brothers in Allah worship
Do not listen to him.
Fucking plague, everywhere you go you destroy the world. You should look up satan in your own cuck book, that's what you serve. You destroy, nothing more
worthless critters
Putain les yankee qui font feed.
Bon boulot les gars !
This is how Sweden on you faggot mudslimes
You stay mad melaninless cuck
Why did you frecn fries call for settlers in your ex colonies ? to do more genocides and make usa 2.0 ?
Wtf i love based HK now
You only understand greed, thievery and terror
Eh, think of some surah about temptation and strenghten your faith.
"Bis in die 1960er-Jahre war Katholiken auch der Verzicht auf Fleisch an allen Freitagen, auf die kein Hochfest fällt, verbindlich vorgeschrieben"
Das+40 jahre Fasten im Jahr und Fasten an bestimmten heiligen Tagen war früher eig auch normal hierzulande..
Wir sind halt dekadente Pussies geworden.
Hum the guy was an Uzbek, this is a maghreb thread, get out.
This is how mudslimes treat art
Allah be with you,I'm abandoning this thread
you too brother
the moment they kill someone,especially Innocents,they become one with Sheytan
>immigration, society, Islam.
You love all 3, you want to fill the world until famine takes us all
You are the tools of satan
Why do you try to reason subhumans when the only mechanic working in their head is a bullet shot at 500m/s?
>max 500 people killed in terrorist attacks
>Millions killed during colonization
Norway was Great until mudslimes came along and started taking advantage of the benefits system. Now people die of poverty to keep the fat disgusting inbred fucks alive.
What progress the world has made.
This is just a little pay-back for the countless strikes against MENA. There is more to come.
reminds me a bit of how renaissance protestants chimped out.
what's with the nordcuck crying like a little sharm*ta?
ramadan karim brothers
HaHa how does it feel being cucked in your country ? literally paying taxes to feed neets
>Millions killed during colonization
See, your a fucking social justice warrior
When did Norway colonize you, and how does YOU killing innocents now when people LET you into their homes, how the fuck is that supposed to be just.
you bite the hand that feeds you mudslime
I was right about everything, you proved it with that comment!
Cant wait for day of the spit
GG pour avoir fait rager le nordique
hold on to the rope of Allah brothers
75:1 لَا أُقْسِمُ بِيَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ
75:2 وَلَا أُقْسِمُ بِالنَّفْسِ اللَّوَّامَةِ
75:3 أَيَحْسَبُ الْإِنسَانُ أَلَّن نَّجْمَعَ عِظَامَهُ
75:4 بَلَىٰ قَادِرِينَ عَلَىٰ أَن نُّسَوِّيَ بَنَانَهُ
75:5 بَلْ يُرِيدُ الْإِنسَانُ لِيَفْجُرَ أَمَامَهُ
75:6 يَسْأَلُ أَيَّانَ يَوْمُ الْقِيَامَةِ
75:7 فَإِذَا بَرِقَ الْبَصَرُ
75:8 وَخَسَفَ الْقَمَرُ
75:9 وَجُمِعَ الشَّمْسُ وَالْقَمَرُ
its not just in my country, you're destroying the entire world
I'm hardworking,5 days a week,most of the time 6 days.
I pay probably for more ethnic Germans than most of the posters here.
You have absolutely no right to call me such things
Ramadan mubarak brother
Why are you posting these pics ? to make feel bad ? to get empathy ? kek
>When did Norway colonize you, and how does YOU killing innocents now when people LET you into their homes, how the fuck is that supposed to be just.
Snownigger please, who is YOU ? i am in my own country living happily.
stay mad n*rdcuck
Stupid Sunnis we, the US, are the ones who ripped apart your nations your just dumb & want welfare that’s why you go to Europe. You’ll get fat and won’t caliph shit and just grow in urban cores like Non Whites in the US. You watch
Mashallah Brother.
Any day now
>all these triggered poltards
hahahahaha moar please
Btw do you actually manage to belief or are you more into to the image of a just god and the rest sticking on due to attachment to upraising an tradition/identity?
>muh muslim terrorist attacks
the best thing is,you attack rational normal muslims who want to have a quiet peaceful life and not them directly,are you scared?
what about your policies letting them roam free?
2 years in a comfortable prison for killing someone mashallah this is madness
That’s Denmark fool
wh*Te hate thread?
wh*Te hate thread.
There a no Whites left in France
half half,I believe in him but I doubt many things some scholars preach or what is written somewhere
like with everything humans can get corrupted and use such might for evil like the terrorists
How about a paki hate thread instead?
why you so scared?
Fucking insects. Roaches. Incest-ridden gene cesspools. Here soon it's going to be civic duty to send you on to your 72 little boys.
>accepting a thread made by a shitskin
WTF is wrong with frenchfags?
fuck you you arent even french
>what about your policies letting them roam free?
The ones the EU and germany makes, the ones you take advantage of like a fucking thief?
>2 years in a comfortable prison for killing someone mashallah this is madness
Yes, muslims have no problems with murdering children and defenceless people
Our politicians love it because the muslims kill of their opposition, the working class.
shut up u subhuman cracKKKer.
i want to kill a wh*Te subhuman
i want to break its bones!!!
میں ایک سفید آدمی کو مارنا چاہتا ہوں
Noone gives a fuck about that but your ingroup, the thing is your own people would condemn you for condemning an outgroup for this. Thus Breivik is right to some extend that you should wish death on your traitors instead of feeling ill will towards enemies that just cant help themselves as they were destined to clash with the west disintegrating their world.
Reported to UK police
got a loiscence for that report m8?
>your 72 little boys.
>muh 72 virgins
no such thing,where do you got this from?
See I don't get it, white hate thread. You've already won. Look around, the world is going to hell thanks to you.
Do you feel proud yet, you basically killed your future. But I guess kaffir = blacks is what you prefer.
Why did Mohammad rape a 9 year old? Also, piss be upon him and nuke Mecca.
Dirty. Little. Paki. Bastard.
>the ones you take advantage of like a fucking thief?
how am I taking advantage? it actually impacts my life/work negatively
>Yes, muslims have no problems with murdering children and defenceless people
those are not muslims
Ugly. Little. wh*Te. Cunt!
post them nice mosques
What made it clear to me that you're no better than niggers is reading the midgetchan's Islam board.
>whites are horrible raycists just look at how they're oppressing our brethren in the UK for raping a couple of wh*te children
>but we will make them pay when our demographic tactics succeed
>all islamic rulers are Khawarij and it's just to replace them at-will because of reasons
>posting tranny converts statements as an authority while using trannyshit stuff as a slur against iranians at the same time
>muh arab pan-nationalism, muh kurds, muh palestinians
>everyone but me is a Khawarij Ba'athist Shiite
I have literally never seen so many people whining, about immigration stops being "horrible racism" while engaging in racism unapologetically at the same time, outside of the American black community.
barrez vous tas de sous-race, bientot on va s'occuper de vos sale gueules.
Off course you want. You're not white. You hate white people.
Good thing you clarified that
>Why did Mohammad rape a 9 year old?
never did,nor is it written anywhere
Salam alikoum, brothers. Hope your Ramadan is going well inshallah.
Jow Forums is an islamic board (of peace).
LARPing is fun, isn't it?
Will you still be laughing when your door gets kicked in and you have your throat cut infront of your family?
do not hate on Ramadan brother
7 and a half hours left till Iftar lads.
My stomach is killing me and there's nothing to do.