Officer: You parked across three lanes. Brown: That's cool. You can get back in the car.
Officer: Back up. Brown: [Doesn't move] Officer: Back up. Brown: For what? Officer: Are you instructing me? I just told you to back up Brown: [Shuffles feet] I just did.
Officer: [Holding Brown's ID] What's your name? Brown: It's on there.
Additional officers arrive Brown: You can get back in the car. Back in the car.
Officer asks Brown to remove hands from pockets. Brown does not comply. Officer: Take your hands out of your pockets now! Brown: [Does not comply] I got stuff in my hands.
kek all the headlines read like he just straight up got tazed for a parking ticket. with that amount of attitude surprised they had enough restraint not to shoot his ass
Lincoln Martinez
>parking across 3 lines should have gotten a bullet
Adrian Fisher
Next time i get pulled for speeding, I’m going to just tell the officer “it’s cool. you can get back on the car” and see how it goes from there.
Logan Kelly
Was it on public property?
Hudson Harris
I kind of hope the players start kneeling during the anthem now. Many lolz were had when the NFL players did it.
Kayden Roberts
What a fine basketball American.
David Hughes
handicapped parking spaces at a walgreens
Adam Moore
why do black people think they are excused from following police instructions?
Aiden Bennett
Why can't nog just comply? There is literally 0 point antagonizing an officer when you have nothing to dissimulate, especially in memerica where you know they are a trigger-happy bunch.
Jason Evans
fuck them ur a cuck. I'd tell him give me a ticket and fuck off
Alexander Fisher
It’s too bad the NFL banned kneeling. I’d like nothing more than to see Colin Kaepernick back on a team and kneeling every game. It was the only thing that could wake boomers up and get them to stop worshipping niggers just because they can run and catch a ball - not to mention spending billions of dollars on this corporate propaganda. But the NFL owners are too smart to let this happen, unfortunately.
Jace Ross
because it's inherent in nigger genes to protect your honor over being civilized. they attempt to flex their "power" whenever possible, which is why they walk across the road so slowly, don't use signal lights in their cars, etc.
Chase Richardson
>brutally >problematic >folks >Here's why >literally I am sick of jews, and I'm sick of their niggers. Fuck this basketball coon. He should be thankful he wasn't shot.
Cooper Stewart
So Tasering a nigger is now considered brutal? What a fucking world....
Nicholas Allen
The idea of being disrespected of "dissed" is a central triggering device in the negro mind. This is why one nog shoots another for bumping in to him or spilling his drink and not apologizing.
Aiden Gonzalez
Literally forced to apologize for doing nothing wrong to a rich person. This is America.
Caleb Mitchell
Only thing they did wrong was fucking apologize.
Charles Phillips
>ending with a fine or straight up in custody when you could just be nice with the cop and get away with your offence for free
Got arrested for speeding on the highway last week, said to the cop that I was sorry and that I was lost in my thoughts, asked me if I took something, replied "no" but told him that my gf just dumped me and took my german shepherd (lie). The guy let me get away with a compassionate warning while the arabs behind me of were already getting a ticket written after aggressively denying going too fast.
What a dumb nigger. Why would you be such a selfish pick to park across three lanes? Then bait police by being a total tool. Tasing is not even a big deal, it isnt "brutal".
Luke Smith
Arrested for speeding? France state troopers do not fuck around
Thomas Wood
>"you don't have to use your gun against suspects, just use your tazer and it will save lives" >cops use tazer instead of gun >media runs with "brutally tazered"
Nathaniel Wilson
You are mistaking dumb nuggets for dirty niggers. He knew what he was doing, but was trying to “dis” the cop who was just doing the job we pay him to do. This guy is the dirtiest of niggers.
>i got stuff in my hands >your hands are in YOUR pockets >YOUR stuff will still be in your pockets if you just let it go wtf is this nigger logic or american logic, can someone explain?
Adam Cook
I want to say nigger logic, but that may not be 100% true
Niggers grow up without fathers or anything even resembling discipline. They are moved through the public school system without learning anything or being disciplined. Their experiences with police are literally their first and only experiences with discipline in their lives, hence why they don't respect/comply with police, and proceed to get disciplined for it.
I heard this on the radio yesterday. The radio talking head says it was totally unjustified and then plays the audio with the basketball american arguing with the cop who tells him to take his hands out of his pockets. Then it cuts back to the radio guy who says he heard NOTHING that sounded bad, the guy was clearly cooperating in every way. How fucking dumb do they think we are?
inability to follow simp,le commands seem to be the cause of most of the "excessive force" police shootings.
i honestly can't figure out if it's >stubbornness (fuck you whitey i aint gon obey no whiteboi) >genuine stupidity (sheeeit whatchu mean pockets?) >intoxication
while being very low-iq, i do think most blacks do have the mental capacity to understand and execute basic commands, so i'm leaning towards stubbornness and intoxication depending on the case, BOTH OF WHICH are byproducts of the jew-media brainwashing (whites are so evil, stand up to them...and of course, rap/hip hop culture promoting drugs/alcohol).
i think we could unironically un-fuck the black community (to some extent) if the jewish media influence were removed
You know, many times when discussing white privilege the SJW apologists will say something along the lines of "You don't have to teach your children how to interact with police without being shot" and judging by this incident maybe parents should start doing so.
Wyatt Mitchell
If a wh*te person doesn't take his hands out of his pockets so the cops can see he's not going for a weapon, he'll be tased, or shot too. This isn't a color issue.It's an officer safety issue
The lack understanding or respect for authority since most of them don't have fathers (and most of the ones who stick around are terrible) That, coupled with genetic reasons (such as higher hormone levels and a prevalence in the 'warrior gene') lead to blacks being combative when dealing with police or any other authority figure.
Julian Martinez
Just give combative and belligerent niggers a chance. Honestly, what's the worst that could happen? You shouldn't just assume people have a gun, you need to assume innocence. Cops get too racist and jaded on the job for bigoted, racist reasons, anyone who says it's because they develop coonery-senses and react based on bloody experience is just a fucking nazi.
Obstructing handicapped spaces is a crime. Having those spaces is a federal mandate, the nigger is just a giant piece of shit if he blocks those spaces He deserved to be tazed twice
Noah Martin
Police literally cannot win. No matter how they do their job, whether it be American-style (Too harsh, omg police brutality!) or UK-style (Useless pussies, ignoring rapes while going after people who make illegal Tweets), nobody is ever happy with their law enforcement.
Caleb Sanders
It's a double whammy of being 1) stubborn to police giving them orders because they don't wanna feel like no bitch ya heard me 2) low iq that doesn't give them the foresight to see how their actions will lead to consequences This nig is a clear example of both. upset the cops asked him to do simple shit that he refused to do based on the grounds that it meant capitulating to whitey and shocker because he's a low iq nig he doesn't see how that will lead to getting tazed
Nolan Lewis
What is the Canadian police style?
Chase Cox
Wrong leaf. American style isn't too harsh. This guy got exactly what he deserved. The police chief is wrong to be apologizing. He should have doubled down and hit him with a baton while he was getting tazed.
Anthony Murphy
the fuck happened there
Juan Mitchell
>Parking in a hc spot >that alone deserves a tazering >parking across three hc spots just die now bitch
Evan Wood
Why can niggers not follow orders?
Thomas Anderson
tfw you get tazed right after chugging everclear
Aaron Barnes
Their IQ is so low they literally cannot conceive of cause and effect, and the consequences of their actions. Their thinking is literally "I don't like this so I'll run/fight/not comply" and they just do not have the mental capacity to imagine the effects beyond that.
Matthew Howard
>I'm axing you >oh shit he threatened me I'll allow it.
John Evans
Cooper Murphy
If you shoot the niggers with bullets you don't have to apologize
Wyatt Nguyen
>cop who was just doing the job we pay him to do. >we
Establishment shill faggots detected.
Fuck this whole board is establishment shill faggots detected.
Don't worry it will be solved as soon as there are more black cops.
In a similar manner why are faggot shills such faggots?
Why do faggot shills like you post bullshit like this and race bait shit that is hardly or not a race issue?
Why cops so often think they're entitled to be cunts and criminals and thieves, rapists and sexual abusers, so on? There is a cop problem just as bad or actually worse than the "nigger" problem because cops are often the same trash in a convenient occupation for it. Adding niggers to niggers is all bullshit.
Andrew Russell
because faggot whites always back down in the end? look at the fucking headline. the cops apologized
No, you provided quotes for everything else. What is the words here?
I can guarantee it wasn't anything polite or respectful, similar to "Back up" which should have been something along the lines of "Stand back please sir." Hes talking to your spouse or kids and you don't have any sort of relationship where "Back up" is appropriate.
>because it's inherent in nigger genes to protect your honor That's called being a man, faggot. And it's got nothing to do with race. You wouldn't know that because you're a faggot.
>over being civilized. They're not always mutually exclusive, queer.
Nothing you described is a true nor is any of it protecting honor, nor is that what he was about, you faggot shill dick kisser.
Jordan Jackson
take away your faggot reddit spacing and make a point, or gtfo
Jace White
Yeah their credibility ratings will suffer because of such headlines in the future.
Camden Wright
you’re like the toughest guy on the whole internet I’m super impressed
Ryan Stewart
>Don't worry it will be solved as soon as there are more black cops. Niggers are just as biased against niggers as other whites. They'll probably be even less hesitant to pull the trigger too, because they don't have the fear of racism to hold them back.
Tyler Powell
The stupidest person you've EVER MET is not as stupid as they think you are, and 90% of the time, they're right.
Logan Barnes
>basketball america underrated
Asher Gomez
Nothing about that post was about being tough, dick muncher
Cameron Martinez
basketball american detected
Jaxon Ramirez
where is the outrage over him blocking THREE hc spaces?
Austin Diaz
>Niggers are just as biased against niggers as other whites. >niggers Niggers have no business being cops. Black cops are just fine, nigger cops (plenty white cops are niggers, nice try) are not.
>They'll probably be even less hesitant to pull the trigger too, because they don't have the fear of racism to hold them back. False nonsense. Good one shill faggot whore. Cops have no fear stopping then from shooting someone anyway.
Robert Edwards
kike detected
Robert Jackson
agree but milwaukee is almost half black so of course they bend over to appease them to keep them from destroying property
Xavier Johnson
easy Jamal, I'm just slow at learning new phrases like "basketball american" and "back up"