OUR BEAUTIFUL SWASTIKA IS UNDER ATTACK BY LGBT FAGGOTS !!! At arma anons go to and reverse the damage !

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That's the finnish airforce flag that you've ruined with wrong colouring.

> 70 years after totally failed war, people still wearing this shit and crying about it.
Dont worry asshole, there will ALWAYS be a pitiful margin of anger-issue losers who insist that all societies problems are due to an enemy "other" and adopt the Swastika as a means of letting people know how READY FOR VIOLENCE they are.
That will always exist, it did in the 80's, 60's and 40's. keep your faggy little battle-flag. nobody gives a shit.

Nevermind, come here
We need all hands

Swastika is a good luck symbol, tilt it a little and it is the known hate symbol used by the nazis.

Shut up kike, youre boring

you sound like a fucking 5 year old. Either have the balls to represent what you believe or dont.

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> fake flag "rebel" called me a kike!
racism is offensive you guyz!

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All those swastikas and no merchants. Fix your shit niggers.

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I'm just saying what commonly people think ffs you little twat. I don't give a fuck what you do with it, it still is just a symbol.

Das Reich, kikel

Now that’s fucking based

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They've made a come-back.

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If people can't even make Deutsches Reich flag, they've failed epicly already.


Get there niggers were under attack

Bump, save the flag!

you guys are on Jow Forums
..And your surprised by the desperate lengths people will go through for just a moment of public attention?
trying to be "shocking and cruel" is all some people can manage to get noticed.

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not your personal army, ask /b/

Do something productive with your time, faggot.

Holy fuck the left is making a comeback just fix the swastika and nuke the rest they are rebuilding the A

Out kike

Clean your room, bucko.

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Is this the race war? Fighting it out in a pixel game? Lmao. Nwo is going to win.

Git in we just turned the odds in our favor

once we finish this swastika we take over the whole board



Fuck off to Jow Forums neetsocs

Fuck of /israhell/ nigger

wtf is up with the massive french flag

Unironically this. The National Socialists had the moral high ground. After all, the German people were objectively culturally and physically superior. The music, the literature, the architecture, the clothing, the attention to detail in every aspect of life. They were clearly superior in terms of their physical aesthetic (blonde hair and blue eyes). Their claim on Europe was in that sense justified.

However, they dressed their officers in Hugo Boss leather jackets and hats with skulls on them. The main symbol of the National socialists was a giant red flag with a bizarre occult symbolism in the middle. They preached a violent rhetoric from the podium, even after the seizure of power. The goose-stepping soldiers of the SS will always be remembered for their ruthlessness, even if their cause of a pan-Germanic Europe and a removal of the Jewish parasite was justified in the long term.

Had Hitler been replaced with a “friendlier” face after 1933, toned down the violent rhetoric, reduced the ostentation of their marches, and rebranded their military to appear less menacing it would have given them a lot more support from foreign governments and peoples who, whether deservedly or not, perceived Hitler and the National socialists as bloodthirsty warmongers.

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p*xlecanvas in 2018 lol get a fucking life

Sir yes sir

Its a tough fight