How anti-semitic are you?

Well Jow Forums

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I go fishing with an isrealie lad. He's a nice guy. Very willing to learn and practice

I drop bacon all around a synagogue

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kek, i haven't seen that one

Jews are fine unless they are important. They shill here in fear of anodda Lolocauster and envy of our Christmas

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I ate a bowl of jews this morning

I killed 6 million jews this morning

without gas

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how anti-semitic am i?
i make holohoax jokes without realizing and i d most likely be jailed for life if i ever went outside of eastern europe

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I make Arab immigrants more antisemitic than they earlier were

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i have no problem with jordanians. i am anti-jew

Not at all. I refuse to label myself with a Zionist buzzword. Pic related.

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very. gtkrwn

im realistic

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Well I'm actually literally Hitler. I managed to escape to Argentina at the end of WWII and traveled to our secret military base in Antarctica. I was cryogenically frozen soon after and was only recently thawed out and resuscitated just to reply to this post on Jow Forums.

So fairly anti-semetic I would say.

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On a scale of 1-10, I am a lever-puller for the Holocoaster.

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I say really mean things using jewish as a slur, but I actually think most all of them are innocent aside from the anger and stuff that circumcision causes. The elite jews hold religious jews in contempt, they don't even shop, the elite have no use for them, they holocaust them in order to force the rest of them to Israel. That's how jews treat their own. It's a weird slave culture, and I pity them, and resent the leaders. I think they should just be banned from doing that stuff, they don't even need to be singled out and discriminated against, just ban the methods they racketeer through (corruption, nepotism, pollution, brainwashing, drugs, etc.)

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Zieg Zion!