Imagine for a second being born into a small village 15000 years ago

Imagine for a second being born into a small village 15000 years ago.

There are only a few others your age, so you meet all of your friends during childhood and grow up beside them. You explore the woods, make games, laugh together. You never leave the lands you're born on but that's okay because all of your friends and family are assured to stay here as well.

You marry your wife at age 13. You've both known each other since you were children. You've done nothing special to get her, no game, no pick-up artistry no gymceling (you already have a healthy form due to playing outside all day). You guys got together purely because you've known eachother since birth and feel close and comfortable with eachother. You consummate your marriage to her, looking into innocent teen eyes as you orgasm, coming into her virgin pussy unprotected. She's pregnant with your son and you start working on the farm, or by fishing, or hunting or whatever your trade was in order to start providing for your family. You do this over the next several years, and by the age of 30 you have 10 kids with her all working in the same village. Work is hard but it keeps your body in good shape. There is no commute, no cubicles, no busy work. Your just do your labor and come home at night and have sex with your wife all night.

You die around age 55-60, much earlier than the modern year. But when you die you're not absolutely literally falling apart, hooked up with a bunch of machines, being pumped with tons of meds, shitting into a bag. You pass away peacefully but do so with the knowledge that all of your children will marry white people from the surrounding area as well, and that you've lived a fulfilling and happy life.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You die around age 55-60, much earlier than the modern year. But when you die you're not absolutely literally falling apart, hooked up with a bunch of machines, being pumped with tons of meds, shitting into a bag. You pass away peacefully but do so with the knowledge that all of your children will marry white people from the surrounding area as well, and that you've lived a fulfilling and happy life.

Nowadays you don't have any of that. Civilization, Social media, college has ruined that. When you consummate your marriage with your wife she'll be like 25-30 and her body will already be used up by other men. You'll probably have 1-2 kids because of her declining fertility. She'll feel a lot less close to you because you've likely only known each other post-adolescence. You might have had to truly suffer to get her too, learning "game" and "pick-up-artistry" and sacrificing all of your free time in the gym. This is because instead of just competing with the 10 other dudes in your village, you're competing with thousands of men in the cities and universities and on Tinder and Facebook. And this is all just to get some used pussy that will never remember you as fondly as the dude that took her virginity in middle school.

Was it worth it, really? Was it worth it to be moderately well educated than our ancestors? Was it worth it to live 10+ years compared to our ancestors? Was it worth it to have 100 different oreo types to choose from, instead of just the local home grown food? Was it worth it to become "civilized"?

Your post says you yearn for a simpler way of life but your brief segue into pedophilic erotica says you really just want to fuck children.

You'll be hanged on the day of the collapse like all the other defectives.

Don’t worry, a dark age will come soon and the conquerors will be rewarded.
We need to bring about Neo-feudalism or we’re doomed.

>You'll be hanged on the day of the collapse
If society collapses there will be a lot of child fucking and not much hanging

Age of consent is a modern feminist agenda, because nobody gave a shit about 22+ roasties.

So when (societally) pussy-whipped men say they're not attracted to young girls, I'm talking pubescent fertile ones with breasts and curves - we're suppressing basic biological urges.

The truth is, women are good for nothing other than a sloppy fuck and incubating our heirs. To this day literally nothing has changed except women are more unbearable than ever.

>you die at 50 from a horrific tooth infection you've been fighting for months

>Was it worth it to become "civilized"?
Yes, because what we've achieved since then is amazing - and more importantly, there are ways to mitigate all the negative social effects you've described, if you structure your society wisely. What wasn't worth it was humanistic freedom, wherein we discarded all those beneficial structures in the misguided belief that a human in its raw form is some kind of enlightened rational actor, rather than a larger and hairier child.

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>two 13 year olds having sex is paedophilia
>fucking americans

>You'll be hanged on the day of the collapse like all the other defectives.

lol if society collapses beaners would probably kill all you faggot white people.

White people can't organize at all. If you of you so much as makes a racist comment in public, like that Jewish lawyer in New York, your livelihood will be destroyed.

Nice fantasy though, faggot. But if society collapses, you would be the one hanging on a rope tied by a spic.

Even in those times your childhood sweetheart turned out to be a harlot and run away with Ebn'ha the Nigerian slave.

Get a clue hit the showers and get a girl that share your interests the minimal.

>To this day literally nothing has changed except women are more unbearable than ever.
This bong gets it.

>You pass away peacefully
this is such a meme

What if your best friend beats you to it first and now you have to live in the same village knowing the girl you love married another man and that man happened to be your best bro.

I assume men back then just left the village and wandered the world seeking some new place to settle down if that happened.

I want to fuck children, the thread

>thread about traditional living
>it devolves into LOL LOLIS and LOL U WILL DIE AT 17 OMG

>What if your best friend beats you to it first and now you have to live in the same village knowing the girl you love married another man and that man happened to be your best bro.

Believing in that one true love shit? That's modern kike Hollywood nonsense.

Women are all the same. And men are all the same.

>only 2 of those 10 children survive infancy
>cut your leg and go fishing, die of an infected wound from bacteria in the water

>Imagine for a second being born into a small village 15000 years ago.

I don't have to. I was born just around that time.

>You never leave the lands you're born on but that's okay because all of your friends and family are assured to stay here as well.

We were dependent on weather. WE would move if things got too rowdy.

>You marry your wife at age 13.
She married a 31 year old actually.
You've done nothing special to get her, no game, no pick-up artistry no gymceling (you already have a healthy form due to playing outside all day). You guys got together purely because you've known eachother since birth and feel close and comfortable with eachother.

The guy who got her had to kill a big onyx from the fields and bring that as dowry

>You consummate your marriage to her, looking into innocent teen eyes as you orgasm, coming into her virgin pussy unprotected.

She was raped a couple of times by the rival tribe and her father,brother and uncle.

>She's pregnant with your son

Kek no it's the village leaders son.

Why so angry with this fellas? Nothing of this is hard to understand. If you want to base society on natural principles, obviously previous societies will be better because they havent yet been able to stray that far from mother nature.

In principle, i think its possible to be modern-technological but retain the natural ways of life. This is what we have to do in order to be happy. It was probably easier like 200 years ago, or 1000 years ago.

To me, the scenario you describe seem almost ideal. To be fair, i think that much hasnt changed though. You dont have to care all that much for Tinder and university and so on. At the countryside, things are in principle alot like this still.

re instituting a lower "proper" age of consent will have to be pretty much the last thing to happen, after all the jews are dead etc.

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And, you know, nurturing children.

idk user ive been in love before. i can't explain it but it's like looking into her eyes and feeling pure joy. If you haven't felt that I'm truly sorry.

You can have Aztlan if you genocide all the liberals

sex is for making babies with your wife, kike. stop projecting

whites have the most rifles and ammo
>whites cant organize
whites do not exist in a tribal state of mind during peacetime. during war however, when unity is actually important, whites are good at it, whereas subhumans are the complete opposite. if SHTF then all the different brown people will form small gangs while whites will be completely united (except for the onions people, but those are the weakest ones anyways so that's a good thing)

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long for this life. Reset the matrix!

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>born 15000 years ago
>Turkish flag
get off your ass and form the Imperium of Man already you colossal faggot

>Was born 15k years ago
A—are you the g—god emperor?

everything in your post requires society to still be up and running in order to work
>if you make a racist comment your life will be destroyed
ecause people will try to use frivolous lawsuits and social pressure, which won't be a viable strategy after the collapse
>whites can't organize
Whites DONT organize, but they will once the threat of the law is erased. The only thing holding together your post is the fear of the state

Formerly Chuckville

>>Imagine for a second being born into a small village 15000 years ago.
>I don't have to. I was born just around that time.

can you elaborate on this?

>You live in a small group.
>You are slightly bigger than other males.
>You kill the males that get in your way and fuck any woman you want with no care of her opinions.
>You have several kids in this pre-agricultural time (15k years ago humans were not farming.
>You die painfully in your early 30's due to lack of knowledge of human health.
>As you lay dying on you death dead you rape a 4 year old that is still breastfeeding cause YOLO.
>OP faggot idolizes your life of violence and pain getting every aspect wrong.

Much more likely.

i know it's a hard redpill to swallow, but all men do.

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"love" is nature's way to temporarily force the man and woman to stay and not abandon the child. Nothing more than a chemical imbalance that is designed to fade away over time. Sorry that reality destroys any notion of romanticized love you may have.

>two 13 year olds
>a 13 year old boy being allowed to marry
Bongistan Education

>during war however, when unity is actually important, whites are good at it
You whites have been bred and conditioned over generations to be soft and weak. In an actual SHTF scenario you will crumble under an actual threat. Keep believing in this white supremacy.


However, women nowadays 'want it all', they have their kid but rather than raising it, they send the kid to childcare and go to work. Because being a stay at home mother is oppressive.

And then the modern woman reminisces about Chad who fucked them raw back in college... How can she EVER be happy with a good guy who does his traditional duty and brings home the bacon?

>50 year olds less attractive than 9 year olds

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>15000 years ago

Try again on, maybe you meant 1500?

To begin with -- we're not what you'd call -- human. Over the past two hundred years -- A kind of consciousness formed layer by layer in the crucible of the White House. It's not unlike the way life started in the oceans four billion years ago. The White House was our primordial soup, a base of evolution -- We are formless. We are the very discipline and morality that Americans invoke so often. How can anyone hope to eliminate us? As long as this nation exists, so will we.

Human memories, ideas. Culture. History. Genes don't contain any record of human history. Is it something that should not be passed on? Should that information be left at the mercy of nature? We've always kept records of our lives. Through words, pictures, symbols... from tablets to books... But not all the information was inherited by later generations. A small percentage of the whole was selected and processed, then passed on. Not unlike genes, really. That's what history is, Jack. But in the current, digitized world, trivial information is accumulating every second, preserved in all its triteness. Never fading, always accessible. Rumors about petty issues, misinterpretations, slander... All this junk data preserved in an unfiltered state, growing at an alarming rate. It will only slow down social progress, reduce the rate of evolution.

Welcome to the world you chose

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My name is Adam.

>whites have the most rifles and ammo

Doesn't mean they have the most numbers. How many white people are in interracial relationships these days lol?

You're not counting the number of defectors.

>whites cant organize
>whites do not exist in a tribal state of mind during peacetime. during war however, when unity is actually important, whites are good at it, whereas subhumans are the complete opposite. if SHTF then all the different brown people will form small gangs while whites will be completely united (except for the onions people, but those are the weakest ones anyways so that's a good thing)

Nah, you white faggots would get killed, which is what nature is slowly doing to you guys.

Whites are too weak to survive. Only the fittest specimens survive. In a couple hundred years there will be any white people.

This is one of the reasons the fat, fascist cops are so violent against black Americans. Not only do cops enforce the law but they enforce social order. They're desperate. Those fat, middle-aged, buzzcut-sporting impotent losers.

But whites will lose. They won't even exist in several hundred years.

Talking about all this "day of the rope" and "shit hit the fan" stuff. In psychology we call that a defense mechanism. That shit ain't realistic at all.

They really aren't you fuckin pedo.
If it can't make children and looks just like a dirtier and less mannered boy and you like it sexually then you're seriously perverted.

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Yeah because whites didn't manage in the worst climates and environments for thousands of years before you niggers got sold by bigger niggers and jews

>'s just chemicals, guys. I don't need it.

>They really aren't you fuckin pedo
Are you a gay? If you wouldn't do a girl like this you're a homo(celebrity promo shots aren't allowed on this site for some reason so imagine I posted one of Maya le Clark). Can somebody explain to me how promotional photos of a celebrity are child pornography? Because I get banned all the fucking time for nothing more than trying to post pictures of actresses. Godfuckingdammkt, fuck the mods, fuck what this site has become.
>If it can't make children
What does that matter? Her reproductive ability doesn't affect her physical attractiveness.
>looks just like a dirtier and less mannered boy
What the fuck are you talking about? Girls don't look like boys, they're girls.

Stop hitting that crack pipe OP

>You die around age 55-60,
If lucky, you'd live by far longer. People were healthier way back and it's not like people have biologically evolved to live any longer. You don't see unhealthy people die nowadays 55-60 regularly, so even in the olden days it was reasonable to get into 70s.

Why would a man be sexually attracted to a post-menopausal woman unless it's some bizarre fetish?
Sex is not there to make us feel good.

>Yeah because whites didn't manage in the worst climates and environments for thousands of years before you niggers got sold by bigger niggers and jews

I'm not black. I'm a swarthy Southern European person.

I don't consider myself white because I once got profiled by a racist cop at night. In the poor lighting, he thought I was a spic, and he pulled me over and treated me like shit.

He was middle-aged white man in his 40s with a shaved head. All he needed was a swastika tattoo and he would legitimately look like a neo-Nazi in a Hollywood movie.

I hate white faggots. I hope you all die and soon. Colonize half the world and then think you can preserve your race lol.

By my chainsword....

This thread is truly blessed.

You're just as much of a cuckold faggot as white liberals, "I'm Italian so I side with beaners let's kill all the whites", obedient little Jewish pet just like them

>I don't have to. I was born just around that time.
Emperor preserve us!

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depends if its the muslims causing it

>You're just as much of a cuckold faggot as white liberals, "I'm Italian so I side with beaners let's kill all the whites", obedient little Jewish pet just like them

Whatever. If you have pale white skin I don't like you and hope you die.

That's what happening anyway to white people. In a couple hundred years that won't even exist.


Hey at least they have their own country. They're smarter than you dumb ass white trash pieces of shit.

He better spank that nigga horus this time

Uh who gives a fucking shit? Jesus Christ dude no one looks at police as the representative of anyone except the fucking government.

Girls married in their teens to men in their twenties all across the Western world up until sometime in the 1800s. It was best for strong families, and Jews hate that.

Good goy keep that seething anti-white hatred even though you're white

STFU you white-knighting moron

first wave (((feminism))) pushed for age of consent laws
and drug laws

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>you die at 3 from measles while your mother dies from labour complictions while giving birth to your third brother who will die shortly after by diphtheria

Well, I have no issue being a part of a community that has traditional values and does their duty for God.

I can court a 13 year old as well with her fathers consent too.

So what?

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Everybody on Jow Forums has been fapping exclusively to CP. It doesn't mean they want to fuck kids.

Actually those in prime breeding age would be the ones most desired. The thot/roastie female would be unwanted except for maybe rape i n that scenario. Reason being is the ones with the 1000 dick stare would be considered diseased. Females in the 12-16 range would be trade goods.

I'm not white. To be white you have to have light hair and light eyes.

A Southern European person has black hair and dark eyes like a spic from Mexico.

That ain't white, you stupid motherfucker.

Um they did it up until 1945.

it's sadly one of the blue pills that most people hang onto the most fervently, betraying their supposed non-white-knightedness.
how can you free slaves when they cling to their chains as a safety blanket of false virtue?
how can you fight others when your own men have no true courage?

Low t cucks and their asian slaves will not be challenges lol, a high percent of people will be dead in days after society collapses. Most will be niggers and brown people such as yourself, no gibs= death for you.

This guy is objectively handsome, so this girl was turned on by him even as she got older. Most guys start to look like shit when they pass 40, and these young broads start looking around.

when 9 year olds look as grown up as her we can talk about this twice.

this will never happen for as long as our society is raising our children into literal retards

This is why we need to shun all women who aren't virgins. If we don't create the demand, they won't understand the value of their virginity. We also need to stop having sex before marriage.

>Low t cucks and their asian slaves will not be challenges lol, a high percent of people will be dead in days after society collapses. Most will be niggers and brown people such as yourself, no gibs= death for you.

Nice defense mechanism.

It's the same shit for the faggots who make topics about moving into the woods. It's simple psychology. "I hate society so X will happen!" No, it won't.

You guys know white people have lost the cultural war and won't even exist in a couple hundred years. Hell, when the Baby Boomers die off a lot of the white power structure will drop from society. White people are hanging on by a thread lol.

I just wanted to marry my childhood sweetheart and be a mother of 10 kids while picking berries and gossiping with the other women about sex and farts. You damn Jews ruined everything!

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Well Delaware just bumped up their age for marriage, it was one of the states that allowed girls to marry older men.
I think that someone needs to fight the new law as being unconstitutional in the courts. I mean really how can they regulate love according to the SCOTUS decision. It is time we start calling them out on this bs that it is fine for one thing, but forbidden for another. Maybe then we can get this degeneracy to stop.

Fuck off pedo fucks.

So you honestly think that society as it exists with central banks printing out everlasting dollah bills for you dumb niggers will continue to exist? Just because you want something to be, doesn't mean it will. I hope you dumb keep thinking like this, it's why you've never had a civilization.

Baby boomers being linked to white power structure, you are truly living in a fantasy world boy. I am waiting for them to die off. Once they do, it's the beginning of the end of you. Once all the niggers are in power, chaos is completely assured.

At my age, I think children are hornier than me.

>A high percentage will be dead in days
My advice is to dig a hole and stock it with a 30 day supply.

>15000 years ago
The mesolithic era

post bobs

Anatolia must have been nice in those years uh?

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I hoped you'd ask.

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>I have been brainwashed by feminists into thinking women under the magical arbitrary age of 18 are children, and that being sexually attracted to them is pedophilia


Go back to tumblr, feminist bitch.

>but your brief segue into pedophilic erotica says you really just want to fuck children
It's weird how everyone who makes these threads just so happens to already have a sexual attraction to prepubescent girls

Youre just afraid of me because my dick is bigger than yours faggot.

>white is Nordic phenotype rather than European genotype

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"White" is whether you are recognized by white people as white.

It's not a fucking dictionary definition.

I know when I was a kid I was a fiend. Ate pussy at the age of 6 of a 13 yr old girl I lived with. Ahh couldn't even get a boner back then but I wish I could still get that lustful looking at someone.

>you daydream all of what OP just mention
>got stomped to death

>The people who built western civilization weren't white
Whatever faggot, go kill yourself.

I thought "White" meant if you say the word nigga you'll get jumped by 10 niggers?

>had to kill a big onyx from the fields and bring that as dowry

those were different times, huh

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It's whether your genetics cluster with all the other Europeans brainlet

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Was your mother a crack whore by any chance?

My grandma got married in 44 at the age of 17 to a 26 year old. Her sisters all married between 13-17. They were from France, but all moved here when she was ~2. She's still alive and about to turn 91.

So your point is pretty good other then posting the picture of the dude giving his child bride a doll as a wedding gift. I mean i could see like 14 but common man 9!

No, you have to "look" white. You're not white if people look at you and think you're Middle Eastern or a spic from Mexico. It's not a dictionary definition.

Whatever, you guys are dumb as fuck on here.

Later, dipshits.