The Pharmaceutical Sales Driver You aren't Supposed to Notice

I wonder of all the lgbt agitprop and gender unicorn stuff will serve as a driver for pharmaceutical sales by creating customers. These people often need whatever treatment, and they make everyone around them uncomfortable once they get caught up in the lifestyle.

Ever been to toronto? They rub that shit in your face, it's downright oppressive

Heck, If your kid gets a visit from the gender unicorn you might end up having to take drugs too. it must be good for business.

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Other urls found in this thread: TAC UFO EXECUTIVE REPORT_1526682843046_42960218_ver1.0.pdf

>posting actual red pills on this meme board cancer site

Seriously though, it amazes me how threads like this gets 0 replies but anything with a Venti macro gets posted and it's guaranteed 40 replies.

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i should've used an asian broad's feet for the thread pic.

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Here's a real redpill

Bottom line, look into how the pharmaceutical industry works side by side with petrochemical, medicine, agriculture and the media and you'll have your answer.

All these groups are one together with a goal of consistent profits off the slaves of Israel.

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Anyone else think pharma companies are intelligence operations that both generate funds and do research, while accomplishing small goals along the way?

they have motive, opportunity, proprietary data protection laws...

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Nigger read this shit presto boingo

No fucking way I am right on this one rofl IT SEEMS SO OBVIOUS.... Or are you just trolling me?

Ok was hoping to keep pizzagate out of it...

I can't parse whatever the hell you're saying but the answer to your question is Tavistock

It's more about elites in the art scene than pizzagate but yeah James Alefantis is involved with these people it is what it is

It's the "lifetime business" or how Zionists make their $ on your life rather than a War4Profit (Vietnam) a corpse needed to make more $.

Look at the people born in the late 19th century first and foremost. Although many will say the boomers were the first truly perfect Slaves to Israel.

But I think the pre-WWI generation was the first perfected example.
We may think we're the smartest people in history but it's far from the truth as the collective deals with its pointless sate of being.

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since we already went there:

Q user covered this... pic related

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Yep, pozzing the population and then selling them hormones/SSRIs/MAOIs seem to be very plausible for pieces of shit in pharma.

these people are sick

They are perfectly healthy in the head, just evil. Don't try to sugarcoat them with some "sickness" or "psychopathy", evil exists and it exists in men like them.

Remember when the fans of the Grateful Dead called themselves dead heads lol. Almost no one is ready for the pill that MKULTRA wasn't just intended for individuals but the whole population. I just saw a news story that doctors can now diagnose ADHD as early as four years old, better medicate your son as early as possible to prevent formation of paternalistic chauvinisms, goy

you knew what i meant ya smartass.

you know what you're alright, i like your style. we need more guys like you on the beat.

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Literally what
>schizo rambling

ok buddy sure

>I just saw a news story that doctors can now diagnose ADHD as early as four years old
And what's most fucked up, is that they prescribe fucking amphetamines as a treatment. It's insanely destructive for your mind and personality, burning your dopamine system, making your addicted through DELTA-FOSB regulation. Like what the actual fuck - a healthy adult can burn himself in a year with this stuff. And they give it to kids.

you seem to be the nutcase bro

very weak speculation, transgender are a tniy % of population and they use already existing meds that are commonly used for cancer treatment, contraception or as HRT for post-meno women, transgenders are a non-factor for big pharma

>thinking Jow Forums isn't aware of the interconnected nature of these sectors

the agitprop is everywhere in everyone's face all the time. nice try saying it has no effect though.

wait until the gender unicorn fucks up your kid's psyche..

unless you already fucked up your kid's pysche, which wouldn't surprise me.

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this is why I'm here. an oasis in an eternal desert of shills and shitposts

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the catalog has more slides than a chinese waterpark

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not tiny:
transgender are a growing % of population

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posters like this are everywhere

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it all works because intellectuals are so hive minded.

Since I'm in a thread full of conspiratards can anyone help me find out what the president of US retail is and what authority that person has over retail in the US?
Pic related.
Google turns up nothing when I search... Kind of fucking weird right?

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>Since I'm in a thread full of conspiratards can anyone help me

insult + request for help = you're retarded user

Pretty sure it's president of U.S. retail for Starbucks, it's not a government sales commissar

Fun fact, same lady, before working for Starbucks worked for the 2 companies in pic related, who both have something in common as of recently... This one doesn't really mean anything I just think its funny she's worked for 2 companies that went tits up because I hope Starbucks does too before they can guilt other employers and influence the public even more

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Yo dont take me so seriously lol I'm a conspiracy tard too

The article in the first pic makes a specific distinction by listing the two and listing them separately

Err nvm looks like you might be right

weird derail shill

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remember the tic tac ufo? from the report just released to the public two days ago:

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>it all works because intellectuals are so hive minded.
their intelligence has nothing to do with awareness, agency, or true thought. What it amounts to is the most 'intellectual' among them will the be ones most tuned into the leftist perception.

No idea what this is, I tend to brush off alien conspiracy theories, with those its like shit I might as well just join a religion

it's a military report

>complete newfaggot
>sees some anons digging
>thinks he can dig too
>goes full retard

It's not even that hard to dig how did you become so retarded?

Meh, like I said, aliens/ufos Is don't really interest me. Spending a bunch of time researching something ill never get proof of and basing my life around it when ill never know whether it actually exists.... I mean I might as well just go to church lol

being smart doesn't count for shit when you are capable of the levels of self-deception these people are at.

dig in sugerpuff TAC UFO EXECUTIVE REPORT_1526682843046_42960218_ver1.0.pdf

Nigger I specifically said I wasn't digging with the second pic, fucking regard, I said fun fact, I hope this one tanks too. If there is no president of US retail then no biggie... Nothing happens. Calm down you aspie motherfucker.

thats what I mean when I say 'leftist perception' they have pigeon holed themselves into a mental space from which they can only see those shades and angles that agree with their bullshit. Anything that calls their shit into question goes right over their heads because they literally can not see it. When we joke they take it serious when we are serious they think we are joking. They literally short circuited themselves.

Interesting that it mentions was vegas

Bruh, you need to lurk for a very long time and then never return.

Because you're a nigger? Niggers stay mad. Stay mad nigger.

>They literally short circuited themselves.

that they do

they use these shortcircuits so they dont have to be intellectually honest or exert genuine intellectual rigour. it's shameful.

>I wonder of all the lgbt agitprop and gender unicorn stuff will serve as a driver for pharmaceutical sales by creating customers.

yo, true point eh

you're being bullied and browbeaten into being ill and your government is paying for the posters and media used to do it.

what's so insidious is that they are using sexuality to do it.

it's the most perniscious avenue they could have chosen.

No, because you literally baited yourself with your own lack of reading comprehension

>"Starbucks executive vice president and president of U.S. retail"
>thought that was a government position
You are like a retard.

>sees someone wasting his time on a mistake on the internet
>already pointed out by another user
>starts getting asperger levels of angry over it

Keep sperging retard lol

why are you here?

What does that question have to do with that comment?

you crave our attention, like a whore but for attention.

Attention? Not so sure, last word? Maybe.

I think 'attention whore' is the term you are seeking, user. I believe he is some sort of derailment or demoralization shill.

I suppose liking having my views challenged makes me a whore? Eat a lightbulb you waterhead.

Do I sound Jewish when you read my comments aloud?

Toronto is straight up dystopia, like Half-Life 2 levels of it.

he should be fired. at his best he was lackluster

the subway has ads with gay men buttfucking

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Attention whore here, what was so lackluster? Are you a flat earther?

The term shill is loosely thrown around. I use it connotatively to mean someone who, even if unbeknownst to themselves is doing a disservice to any organized action taking place for good or knowledge of the truth on this board.

You're likely a simple fool who stumbled here accidentally for the epic memes and still get a rush out of saying nigger with no repercussions.

nigger. nigger. the novelty doesn't quickly ware off.

for those just tuning in:

this is also the UFO thread. look at the pics, read the pdf in the posts above. you'll know more than you ever did before.

Literally in an unproven conspiracy Mongolian basket weaving board, goddamn don't you just dont get it, you ARE the disservice. Everyone here is going off of paranoia and shit they can't prove, but yes I'm the only one doing a "disservice". Dude have you ever thought from any point of view but your own?

Obligatory shill. Just like nigger isn't it? You fucking nigger.

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weird that you picked this thread to act like a dipshit in out of all of them. Most others would seem more inviting to your types.

also, let me get this straight. Are you of the position that corporatism and the pharmaceutical industry DOESN'T influence contemporary social trends?

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pay for my cosmetic drugs and procedures you bigots

I like to be challenged, just not as challenged as you. ;)

As for your question, I do think that corporatism and the pharmaceutical industry have a great influence on our social trends... Of course it does. Where did I say the opposite of this??

i cant i can barely afford the upkeep on my dog

here he is. he's a spiky one

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Literally was nothing until 2014 when all of a sudden there were articles in all MSM detailing new language, social rules, new (morality) etc. At the same time anti speech laws were passed and literally mentally ill sexual abuse sex ed curriculums were introduced in concert in various jurisdictions. This is not organic, it is an agenda being pushed by educational institutions, the media and (rights groups) with often mysterious funders. Anyone who failed to notice the coordinated roll out is an oblivious drone/useful idiot.

>wonders why a thread posted by a memeflag gets ignored.

that is what the thread is about. why don't you try contributing something on topic then everyone will know you have an IQ above 80 for starters. Did you read any of the blog that was posted? Is there no circumstantial evidence of interest? By "unproven" conspiracies, do you mean they haven't been proven in the courts of the American justice system? Or do you mean they have not made it past your own personal skepticism?


>Literally was nothing until 2014 when all of a sudden there were articles in all MSM detailing new language, social rules, new (morality) etc

it's scary how fast it happened.

and that implies a strong profit motive. there so much money to be made off this. it's a suffering based economy.

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here have this quote from charlie duke, apollo moonwalker. it is a military grade whitepill that will touch your heart.

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It’s a decent angle to pursue and big pharma is definitely reaping rewards but the overall motivations are bigger than just selling drugs. Social control by creating order out of chaos, removal of threatening males and male energy from the captured population, general debasement from traditional values to create a vaccum to insert even worse propaganda into the goyim.

>the big pharma angle is neat as it may be a chink in the armour as a lot of leftists also take issue with big pharma

being called low IQ by someone who has to read a blog to understand how pharmaceutical corporate influence can be bad for society... Fuck buddy, come on. Are you for real?
You can't be.

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i agree with all your points.

they have created an entirely subjective reality for people (their victims/customers)to live in, and that subjective reality requires drugs to function in. Even people not given in to it, who can see the truth - they still become customers in order to deal with it.

but reality always wins out and these morons are sowing the wind

You know what happened that made you choose that image, right? It's called projection. Your people do it all the time.

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Do you think this goes further than HRT stuff, like into SSRIs, benzodiazapines, amphetamines, etc? It is pretty telling when literally every psychiatrist tries to give you an SSRI script off the bat... Every time.

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Not a kike, I don't like them and its hard to hide IRL...

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>It is pretty telling when literally every psychiatrist tries to give you an SSRI script off the bat... Every time.

some have to to get the perks. remember oxycontin? if the comped vacations werent so good the problem would have been diminished.

Another thing that has crossed my mind is all the children being, overwhelmingly male, being forced to take hormones and wear dresses as children being convinced by parents they are (trans) and having it reenforced by doctors schools and other authorities. Historically a ton of serial killers were deliberately emasculated as children by their parents, often the mother. We could have a generation with a higher percentage of unstable, resentful, angry young people in about 15-20 years. A lot of the trans movement is based around subconsciously influencing people especially women to view masculinity as a threat that needs to be dealt with, this toxic femininity is in turn directed at the most vulnerable males
as already established men can only be beaten down so much but with children there is no limit.

All of this will end up being a mess but all the solutions will revolve around more control, more drugs and less freedom.

your post reminds me of how important it is to pray for justice.

i believe god is on our side, not theirs. jesus didnt come to earth to approve of these shenanigans.

have you seen the slaneeshi demon tranny reading to kids? god aint on it's side.

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Fun fact: SSRIs are addictive. They don't get you high like Xanax or oxy, but if you just altogether stop taking them one day you might end up on the news. Its fucking scary.

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Is this a mix of population control and greed?

know what people did before ssris though? they blew their brains out, shot heroin, drank themselves retarded and made everyone else miserable too.

basically the same thing but without internet.

the smartphones and the pharmaceuticals go together llike two peas in a pod.

they are a team as far as i am concerned. they facilitate the illness and provide and avenues for treatment to be advertised, allow for support groups/forums (cults) to enable the illness, keep the person a customer longer etc.

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Personally yes, my wife works in mental health and her and many colleagues view psychiatrists as glorified pill machines doing more harm than good. She has seen unstable people all of a sudden become trans as it is now a trendy thing to do to explain why their lives are not ideal. Usually it stems from a combination of childhood abuse, bad decisions and genetic pre dispositions. Many of these are better dealt with through therapy and lifestyle changes rather than drugs.

qtards and pizzaniggers often are one and the same, zero logic

arent ya gonna call us boomers next?


>this is definitely a thing

Is it partly from being exposed to bad ideas and concepts over and over again? Reading itself is a recent invention and even then usually restricted to a tiny initiated elite/priest class. I do not think are brains are designed to be exposed to the amount of information available, and the potential for repetitive exposure is now limitless while just 100 years ago one would have to deliberately make a concerted effort to go to a library and read. Now things are “fed” to people every second on their Social media news feeds and the pattern of information is determined by the entity doing the feeding and not the reader/consumer who is almost totally passive. I can’t quite fully express why I think this has contributed to the degredation of society but it is another phenomenon that should be examined.