“Muslim women can’t be slu-




Literally abandoned Allah to get her pussy fucked by German cock

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Other urls found in this thread:


She's got a serious case of Putin face in that pic.

>Implying Arab women haven’t always touched themselves to the thought of western cock
Why do you think Muslims are so protective of their women? Muhammad knew what would happen if Muslim women were allowed to be alone with Western men....

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btw you’re right

>”Come and get it, Hans”

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Ummm nobody ever denied middle eastern women are closet sluts

Kek what happened to that comment?

they're actually the biggest sluts deep down

t. fucked several habibtis

This is now a slutty Muslimah thread, post em!

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>tfw you will never experience what it’s like for your cock to explode deep inside an Arab pussy, knowing that she has given up her family, her religion, her royal bloodline, her language, her estate and her power, and followed you to your country, all for the sake of her experiencing your cock thrusting into her
Jesus Christ why even live!

This whole thread gave me a boner

I've known Muslim women are sluts for years.

>“Muslim women can’t be slu-

Not even muslims say this because THEY KNOW
Which explains why their society is structured the way it is.

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>When German men were still men.


When Achmed is away, Karl and Fatima will play

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> It was narrated from ‘Imran ibn Husayn that the Prophet said: “I looked into Paradise and I saw that the majority of its people were the poor. And I looked into Hell and I saw that the majority of its people are women.”

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Kraut btfo


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Shafinaz loves it

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german guy and muslim woman sounds hot desu

Politically incorrect fap-thread. I get it.

Read the beginning of the Arabian Nights: as soon as the Sultan appeared to leave, his wives started fucking the nigger slaves

“I'm really attracted to German men, but I can't see the same from the other side, I'm pretty, I have good shape, and friendly but I still find it hard get the attention of those guys! but WHYY ?”

Thanks for joining us, Boris

Damn solid feet, are Arab feet good? I know a thing or two about feets but this particular genre I’ve never encountered

Aren’t Arabs known for their obsession with feet washing?

Jeez, talk about being butthurt. Freaking Iranians

STILL has Nike eyebrows
What the fuck

>*grabs lotion, closes bedroom door*

Don’t talk to me or my wife’s son ever again!

Idk desu

>ALL women are sluts


Muslim feet are some of the finest. All that sand makes the soles nice and smooth and yes, they do wash them regularly.

I sometimes fantasize about my neighbor from Tunisia. She has a nice ass, even her “modest” clothes can’t hide that

Ever heard of Mia Khalifa? She must be the reincarnation of Sayyida Salme

You know...Tunisia certainly legalized a certain something

Washing feet to the ankle is the last step of wudu, or ablution for prayer. It happens five times per day for the observant, in addition to showers.

Yeah, she’s pretty cute...

Fuck, Jow Forumstards are mutt tier when it comes to Arabs, girl, language, or culture wise... it’s like you guys just FETISHIZE street whores and nosejobs

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Arabs are an invasive species in the Middle East. It's white people's territory, you can still see some original inhabitants living there, like pic related, the middle eastern culture is theirs, Arabs just stole it, they have nothing by themselves.

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Degenerate thread promoting race mixing

More real Middle Easterners.

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Sort of. Things have declined but if you think being a "man" means casual sex race mixing I think you should KYS.

This thread is not politically incorrect, race mixing is encouraged in all facets of society.

Last one.

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>t. butthurt storm virgin

All good Christian men should baptize Muslim pussies with their semen. As is the old Muslim saying, “A woman for procreation, a boy for pleasure, a camel for a night in Paradise!”

Oh wow, turn me on more why don’t you

Great dodging. Pols Arabic memes are downright abysmal btw

>tfw it’s still going on

Oh boy that ankle kys


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yeah we're gonna need some source

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would bang

I Can't resist....

God-tier thread T B H

How did I get laid with a Muslim girl?


Arab Muslim women worship BWC.
I've heard them actually call out BWC as well

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My philosophy is to kill all brown men and liberate their beautiful women.

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Look like this

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By god she’s a goddess

Muslim women are still women, they have sexual needs and desires

How many times do y’all think Adeela here got spit roasted by these two studs?

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