There goes that Nobel peace prize you already celebrated

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So you support war ? Dumb motherfucker.

Post a source. Sage

Trump was the one to cancel.

Post source. But I'm inclined to believe it, the whole thing was over the moment the guy who's surname starts with B and I can't remember told Kim he wants him to ''disarm just like Lybia'' or something like that

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You don't have to support war to call out you gullible retards for believing Donald fucking Trump had a shot at creating peace in the Koreas.

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Bolton. There we go

art of the deal

Nigga waddafuck. I flew all the way to singapore for nothing.

Hey dumbass, ever think that maybe China told kim to start being a dick again so Trump would let China continue to rape us but have the achievement of NK? Trump is no retard, he knows NK is a parasite on China by handling NK it helps take the parasite off China by relieving sanctions and allow NK to make money, but by doing so we get raped by China and we help China get rid of a parasite, now China still has a parasite and Trump told China to go fuck themselves when they took out the lube.

Newfags: sage goes in every field. OP is a retarded shill.

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If numbers matches, NK gets the "Lybia model".

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>Herro, I see NK is being a problem for you Trump after our meeting with him yesterday but that's just a coincidence I'm sure, I'll tell you what, let us continue to fuck your country economically and we will tel- I mean ask NK to calm down and continue with the plan

Thats not a real source.


>Trump last week: Look at me I am smarter then 50 years at the state department!
>Trump today: Yea fuckit
kek, oh Trump supporters. You guys are like Charley Brown with the football always getting it taken away at the last second.

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Good grief, checked.

t. fucking retard

So Trump got the hostages freed and had NK destroy their nuclear testing facility. And what did he give up in exchange? Oh yeah, nothing. WINNING

Drumpf is a faggot

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about that Nobel Peace Prize...

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Sorry guys. No nobel.