>Negroes in battle: check
>women in battle: check
>Western soldiers owning Japanese swords: check
There is nothing absurd in Battlefield V. If you are really disturbed by what you saw, run to your safe spaces, you bunch of pussies.
>Negroes in battle: check
>women in battle: check
>Western soldiers owning Japanese swords: check
There is nothing absurd in Battlefield V. If you are really disturbed by what you saw, run to your safe spaces, you bunch of pussies.
Other urls found in this thread:
Were there trannies in ww2?
That I would not know. Were there?
There were more black men soldiers than white betabois on the American side in WWII.
A bit doubtful, maybe 1 or 2 people cut off their dicks in desperation or something
So is this a proxy or does Prague need to be purged of muds and liberals
But I will be honest. I missed that part. Is there a trap in BV?
Where are the fat women? Where are the robots? Where are the people of the religion of peace? OP is a massive bigot and he will too big of a mangina to admit. Pic heckin related.
Nigger you weren't even a fucking country until ~50 years after the war ended
Which of my points is wrong? Are you gonna tell me there were no Negroes and women in battle and Western soldiers owning Japanese swords?
Yes, yes... Nigger disabled thots destroyed the Reich single handedly, the evil white males. . . .
It is a funny pic but my point is about what was presented in the game. One may not like what is there but it does not make it false.
That I have not seen happening in the game. Gotta wait and see. You might be right. Also, quit the bloody meme flag. What are you ashamed of?
It would be like making a game about Korean war whare you play a biplane shooting down quadrons of jets.
The fact that it happened once doesn't make it a historical fact.
>The fact that it happened once doesn't make it a historical fact
>The fact that it happened once doesn't make it a historical fact
>The fact that it happened once doesn't make it a historical fact
Oh, lord.
Ooga booga. Where da German wimmins at? Cuz dey loves to suck black dick an' dey ain' nevah gonna stop.
Has to be a poised for pic. They'd freeze themselves to death in no time prepped like that.
>yet another politically correct video game I'll refuse to purchase
I am talking about whether those things are historically acceptable. I myself do not think I am gonna play it. At least not anytime soon. Expect to be too busy with Red Dead Redemption 2 when it comes out.
So you also think that "the fact that it happened once doesn't make it a historical fact"?
Wtf did i just witness
You tell me. Is there anything untrue or just something you do not like?
>I found a photo with 5 black guys and 5 wamens
Bf3 > All
>Decent campaign
>Good mechanics
>Good graphics
Bonus : predicted the Paris attacks
>run to your safe spaces, you bunch of pussies.
its funny cause retards like you basically have to invent a new fantasy because reality just doesnt agree with you at all not even a little bit.
How is that for a safe space you biological waste of a pretend human being.
I'm pretty sure the pic you provided are captured Katanas from PoW Japanese Officers. The americans didn't use it in battle.
Also, Of course they were blacks and women that fought in WW2. Except they weren't the majority or even close to it, So maybe put only one female and black character instead?
That s more bioshock than battlefield
How could they do such a shitty trailer after this youtu.be
I don't play video games, can someone give me a rundown of the controversy
Are U in a confy place?
I know that in your country people get triggered about WWII therefore you might not have had much access to its history. Nevertheless, all the stated are just facts. Nit because the military back then could not afford to be picky.
If you do not wanna check the facts, just use a bit of reason. Western countries had idle contingents in their colonies. Do you honestly think they would not use them? Other countries were pretty much taken over and the only thing they could resort to was to try and use quantity as a weapon, meaning also women. About the samurai sword, do you also have a problem with that?
>invent a new fantasy
What was invented there?
satan confirms, americans didn't study the way of the blade
This retard.
>I'm pretty sure the pic you provided are captured Katanas from PoW Japanese Officers. The americans didn't use it in battle.
True. My point is that it is not simply impossible.
>So maybe put only one female and black character instead?
Are there more than that?
You might have a point. I do not dispute that.
It's shit and I just won't buy it.
I hope others are as discerning as I am but generally people are drooling retards and will seek out the feelings that the advertisements tell them they will feel.
Jow Forumstards got mad there is a female and a black character in a WWII video game and wanna pretend negroes and women were not there because it hurts their feelings. Pretty much it.
I do not plan to buy it either. My only point is that it is not historically absurd.
there was a Serbian chick that went undercover as a man so she could enlist during WW1
in multiplayer yes. there will probably be a shit ton
I'll actually defend niggers being in battle. They were conscripted from the colonies during both world wars. Since basically all of Africa was European controlled. Also many Indians from British Raj fought in both world wars, especially the first against the Ottomans.
Your other two points are fine though. The only women positions were as pilots in the soviet union. Which is also why they were terrible.
Then we gotta wait and see. And of couese, if you are talking about players' characters, it is a whole different thing. if it is a problem, it is one with the players, not with the game itself.
>hurr durr lets take a miniscule amount and pretend this mattered in the grand scheme of things in ww2 a war with 80 million corpses
Is this another one of those cases where a lefty thinks he is soo much smarter and can point to "hurr but this did happen to 0,005% of people so its ok when we rewrite history and make it into something much bigger durrrr"
You are not nearly as subtle or even half as clever as you think you are.
The USSR had women as foot soldiers too. And many places where partizan groups formed, there were women fighting.
But at least we agree that there is absolutely nothing wrong with negroes there. It is just a simple and check-able historical fact.
I think people here have never talked to someone living in an occupied country. You do not pick. You do not try to make things pretty. You use whatever you have.
You do not know how "bigger" it is made there.
True story: After the occupation of Japan black US soldiers would go into towns and villages they disarmed and rape farmer's daughters. The Japs set up an ambush for them on a small forest trail leading back to the US base and murdered them with farming implements and dumped their bodies in a cave.
They were classified as MIA until the Japs told the US government about their bodies.
How long are you EA shills going to spam threads about your shitty video game?
The issue is about whether they were there or not. Not whether they were good and/or civilized.
A tradition that continues to this day. Shame nobody is killing niggers though