>Korean peace treaty
>I did this
>Summit cancelled
>everyone else's fault!
when are you retards going to finally realize you elected a glorified used car salesman into office who is way out of his league on almost everything?
Korean peace treaty
Rocketmannnnnn, no more Nobel Prize for the Cheeto King
Kim disrespected trump, so he cancelled the meeting. Now trump puts the pressure back on and either Kim comes crawling back and comes correct, or Xin Jinping makes that decision for him. There’s a reason Lighthizer & Co. are in Beijing.
heal thyself cuckadian
Trump lost all my respect with his dicksucking of jewish cock. It's one thing to trick jews, it's another to be their willing puppet
>Kim disrespected trump
i think he's a shit but it's hardly surprising when your VP threatens him by making him and his country the next Gaddafi and Libya. or carrying on with war games on the border and maintaining an aggressive posture ahead of the summit. Trump have to keep 4D chessing his way out of messes if he didn't create them in the first place.
>Trump have
I just realised, dressing as people of different cultures like that would class as "cultural appropriation" wouldn't it? Libtards are such hypocrites, baka
the same
Fucking retarded leaf, nk didn't respond to Pompeo for over a week about the meeting and threatened violence instead, it's not about pence you stupid faggot