Korean peace treaty

>Korean peace treaty
>I did this
>Summit cancelled
>everyone else's fault!
when are you retards going to finally realize you elected a glorified used car salesman into office who is way out of his league on almost everything?

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Rocketmannnnnn, no more Nobel Prize for the Cheeto King

Kim disrespected trump, so he cancelled the meeting. Now trump puts the pressure back on and either Kim comes crawling back and comes correct, or Xin Jinping makes that decision for him. There’s a reason Lighthizer & Co. are in Beijing.

heal thyself cuckadian

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Trump lost all my respect with his dicksucking of jewish cock. It's one thing to trick jews, it's another to be their willing puppet

>Kim disrespected trump
i think he's a shit but it's hardly surprising when your VP threatens him by making him and his country the next Gaddafi and Libya. or carrying on with war games on the border and maintaining an aggressive posture ahead of the summit. Trump have to keep 4D chessing his way out of messes if he didn't create them in the first place.

>Trump have

I just realised, dressing as people of different cultures like that would class as "cultural appropriation" wouldn't it? Libtards are such hypocrites, baka

the same

Fucking retarded leaf, nk didn't respond to Pompeo for over a week about the meeting and threatened violence instead, it's not about pence you stupid faggot

It’s less 4D chess and more just recognizing the relevant power ratios. Kim knows trump isn’t going to let him shoot missiles with impunity, they were going to have a meeting to try and cool things down, but since they weren’t cooling down, it was cancelled. Kim already lives under the guns of the first and second generation Nork leadership, he doesn’t want to be living under American guns, or given the trade talks, potentially chinese guns any longer than he has to. He’ll make a speech about how North Korea is the strongest country in the world, apologize to trump privately, and the talks will continue.

yeah and throwing a tantrum and making threats after they skipped out of that meeting sure helped things, didn't it retard?

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you got scammed gook, get over it
thanks for the free hostages

i honestly prefer these type of threads to the elon musk spam. doing god's work OP.

you know feeding hostages costs money right? He jettisoned excess weight.

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This all started falling apart when Bolton got his dumb neocon kike face on TV and started talking about the “Libya-model”.

If you think a loaf of moldy bread a day is worth more than the political capital of holding 3 citizens of the most powerful country in the word hostage, you’re possibly one of the stupidest people alive today.

In Trump's second term it's Total War with China. Mattis said in a recent interview it would be important how China was handled in this century. There is only one way to handle chinabugs, complete subordination, it's how they deserve to be treated.

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The trade talks are already total war. Combine that with China's growing and intensifying social unrest (70 million excess young males, incel uprising soon, thanks 1 child policy!), and you get a nation that is not going to be there in a recognizable form within a decade or so.

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I remember being called a shill for stating that the peace talks would go nowhere like they did for Bill Clinton.
kek, why does Jow Forums still fall for photo ops and mass media shilling/propaganda? I'd say 95% of this board was sucking Trump's dick for "denuclearizing north korea" even though they hadn't even sat down at the table yet. Now watch those same magapedes do backflips and claim it's all part of the 6D Chess gameplan.

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It has nothing to do with trump really, it's just the geopolitical reality of the situation. Korea won't remain divided for much longer, regardless of what trump does or doesn't do.

>Second term


Also, please tell me who the democrats have that even stands a possibility of winning? Sanders? Unlikely considering the populist overlap will definitely favor trump as the incumbent presiding over massive reshoring and capital flight from china. "We hate trump" isn't a platform.


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Does this mean the coin is going to be more valuable?
Should we invest now?

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Literally retarded, can't have diplomacy when contact is refused in favor of threats. State dept had a full week of no call no shows, of course Norks are getting fired from the talks

>Trump is a big meanie head

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>Does this mean the coin is going to be more valuable?

It's basically that piece of paper Chamberlin had after meeting Hitler in 1938.

>constantly changes his opinion on every subject
>average woman is less fickle than him

Muh 56655456554D chess

still better than hillary.

This is awesome. Trump is demanding due respect, Kim is a fucking retard who thinks this is all his show, but he would be a stain on the ground if we had to spank him.

> Obama leaf back from inpatient suicide monitoring.
Did the illiterate medical assistants remember to use your “correct” pronouns?

> hurr durr this billionaire who is BTFO of the regular, career, thieving politicians and literally doing what he promised his constituents he would do on the campaign trail; while poll numbers are hitting his record highs after kicking ass for a little over a year; going to have the “muh Russia” goose chase wrapped in September, perfectly teed up for the midterms when your cocksucking, mentally ill leftist dykes and niggers are getting indicted and watching their worthless “diverse” lives crumble in front of their eyes and on the world stage, while simultaneously Trump’s true momentum kicks in, and hits critical mass effectively killing the leftist global agenda and decapitating the ineffectual Democrat party, never to rise again as everyone in this country not on lithium can not help but see the truth of liberalism for what it is — a soulless and valid delusion, fueled by eternal victim-stanced and pandering sociopaths who prefer to look away from the realities of life and society on this planet in an impotent, self-aggrandizing, pursuit of self-righteousness and hollow posturing so that while they’d have the world burn down around them they could pat themselves on the back and invent new strawmen and false narratives as to why everyone else was too dumb, backwards, and intolerant of their fantastical fairytales that were just “so close” to achieving a socialist pseudo-utopia of universal equality... equality of “fairness and social justice” by reducing everyone to the lowest common denominator of poverty and mediocrity and leveling the human playing field through societal regression, equitable mediocrity and failure, mental illness, and universal un-exceptionalism.

> if only we coulda had another nigger, commie, Chicago-monkey, community organizer to “make mental illness great again.”

The muskateer is particularly impressive. I have new respect for Canada's deft leadership.

sometimes when talking to a pissy little 5" tall chink, u gotta rub their belly a bit and butter them up. Then you can talk again... not tell them
>"well damn, I hope this doesnt make me lean to the right and press this nuke button thats been ready to fire since January"

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Imagine being this retarded.

One man's trash is another man's gold I suppose. At least the Korean hostages are happy. Not that anybody really gives a shit. Also, the greatest nation this station couldn't even keep their dogs at bay. You have pence to thank for that, he cost your dungeon master a valuable nobull prize
see pic.

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Kill yourself you sick disgusting faggot leaf. You are trash a literal stain on humanity.

>Shut the fuck up leaf you opinion is irrelevant
>Kim was threatening to cancel for leverage and to test Trump so Trump took that leverage away from him.


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Stfu leaf

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It’s not always about trump. Sometimes we, the people, need to collectively look forward. What good does it do you, to constantly shout at and berate trump? Honestly? Does it not get tiring?

butthurt roasties lel

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>organizes peace talks with Rocket Man
>Rocket Man sends prisoners back to US
> Rocket Man makes unreasonable demand
>Trump says fuck you
>Rocket Man walks away empty-handed

Learn when to walk away from the table. Art of the Deal.

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You're a cult first and foremost.
You call it a win everytime your leader loses. Everyone's laughing.

Like my haiku?

im laffin

What the fuck is this “you” and “you’re” talk?
I’m literally just a dude on the internet, with a vague interest in politics. You don’t know my political leanings.
Jow Forums is not an informed collective, it is not 1 entity.

North Korea's last statement was
>“We can also make the US taste an appalling tragedy it has neither experienced nor even imagined up to now.”

Of course we gotta back out of the fucking deal if they're talking like that. Trump knows what he's doing. He basically did a preemptive breakup so North Korea looks like the asshole. They will come crawling back. This is all part of the negotiation. North Korea needs to realize they aren't the ones in the position of power and need to stop acting like brats. At this point North Korea has given up US prisoners and gotten sanctions. US has given up nothing. This is how you make deals folks.

>b-but kim released the hostages
>b-but kim denuclearized
>b-but kim got nothing in return

Except that he complied with international demands and expectations. He came out of this looking clean and pristine, while Trump merely reinforced the classic Jewmerica tropes.

That's creativity for ya! The best part is that the MAGAsluts are helping to perpetuate this while thinking it boosts Trump's image!

When in Rome, do as the Romans do!

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>when you negotiate you have to placate entirely

It’s true that it’s Bolton and Pence’s fault though. They’re saying shit about NK becoming Libya, implying they’re eventually going to take Kim out. I’d be pissed if I was Kim too.

>used car salesman
>muh jewish memes of untrustworthy goyim
So loved by kikes and leftists that they just won't shut the fuck up about them. Guess you faggots aren't so creative outside of otherwise useless sluts getting naked for """performance art""".

used car salesmen are kikes though.

alright, i respect your perspective.

It's too late for that excuse though. Because it had already been a week since Bolton and Pence threatened to use the Libya treatment on Kim. You can't say that Trump pulled out of the deal, when Trump's dogs were barking at Kim all week. If anything it's just another sign of cult delusion. I'm sure those prisoners were better off being free anyways. There was no reason for Kim to hold on to them. Kim wins, the prisoners win. Sanctions are a form of economic terrorism. Why do you think nobody gives in to sanctions even when they come at such a high cost? The only country who deems sanctions to be noble would be your country. The only country that has ever used nuclear bombs on civilians. In over 70 years you have never won this argument, and it's because of your cultish adherence to American exceptionalism. It prevents you from seeing things the rest of the world sees.

I feel bad for the South Korean president. He worked so hard to make it happen, only to watch it all fall apart.

Or you could point to our belligerent language as well... John Bolton sets the expectations as the Libya model. What happened in Libya?

Gaddafi denuclearized then we took the first chance to bomb the hell out of his country and murder him. Does Kim want that?

South Korean ministers said there are land mines on the way to peace and John Bolton is one that just exploded. We are the ones threatening fire and brimstone because we can actually do it.

this, more than anything

it's best not to get your hopes up.
will i get the job...no.
will she notice me...no.
will ww3 happen...no.

This will happen. This is the part of the negotiating where the person in the position of power makes it known. NK called our bluff and thought we would submit to them, but it didn’t work. Now Trump is showing that he’s in the position of power. They will exchange words for a few weeks before a new deal is put on the table, this time with NK admitting that they aren’t in a position of power. Trump already cancelled the military drills. He wasn’t going to cuck after NK said they were going to nuke us.

Sorry, Anons, but this is part of the Chinese trade negotiations. He isnt play this game where China inserts NK as part of trade blackmail. Trump just took NK ( probably China's queen in this scenario ) off the board. Trade is more important than NK.

>Kim looks clean and pristine
No he doesn't.

He's just retarted. And since Mutts are genetically inferior to humans they love him. Its that simple.

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I believe it was Pence who threatened Kim with an invasion and a knife shoved up his ass, not Trump.
Constitutional question: Can the President fire the vice president? or does this have to go through Congress?

>I believe it was Pence who threatened Kim with an invasion and a knife shoved up his ass, not Trump.

Except Trump also made those comments.

>Can the President fire the vice president?

He can't because he's elected.

Hahaha. You post modernist view of history doesn't make it true cause you totes feels about it leaf. Tell Muhammad to go easy on your daughter dipshit.

as long as commies hate him i'm good...wasn't like there was a better option

It's a shame. I REALLY would've liked to see Trump get a Nobel Peace Prize over this. Imagine the left's screeching.