Jow Forums anons what do you do for a living?

Jow Forums anons what do you do for a living?

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I work for a living, unlike you, nigger

user, we're on the internet. There's no need to feel embarrassed by your McDonalds job.


I always wondered if these 1 line simple threads were bot posted or done by the FBI trying to datamine us... but essentially any thread asking for personal info is probably under suspicion. I like the bot theory more because these 1 line question threads are spammed hardcore, and it's a simple enough task- at the end of the day they dilute real discussion and just result in spergy non-thought threads with everyone saying I r stock market robo doctor genius.

Oh no, you've seen right through my master plan. How will I ever recover?

Run a small business from my apartment

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I work at an IT helpdesk.

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network technician

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Im a journalist for Buzzfeed. I sit on here all day waiting for the next anti alt-right scoop I can write up.

Sales Manager at a software company

I mine data on Jow Forums's pol.

Web Admin for a firearm manufacturer in the south.

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i gas jews. it pays well and suits me.

Work for a defense contractor.

Nice try FBI


Bird cage cleaner.

Land surveyor

Piss off faggots on the interwebz.

Head fry chef at Wendy’s


I deliver pizza to space stations , make 8 figures

Careful, deep state gonna get ya.

Software engineer

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I walk pitbulls in the park

I shoot birds at the airport.

Parole officer
I make sure to take on nigger cases and frequently remove them from gen pop
Caught more than 20 that returned for life
Have also been responsible for the deportation of 47 illegals and their familias

Do you play with people's peepee?



Fight Rottweilers to the death for silver bullion

Own a design firm. Debating on enlisting and selling it off.

i make 40k a year writing erotic furry stories and im not joking

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Cordwainer here. Famous clients, can't reveal much. It's fun and I'm my own boss.

I work at Media Matters.

im satoshi nakamoto

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I rent houses & apts.
I rent only to whites (well mostly because it's a 90%+ white village) but i did refuse one total nig family who wanted "an arrangement" since he didn't have proof of salary for rent and wanted to pay cash only, "-10% so i didn't have to declare anything so it's a win win".
For his family of 8.
In a 2 bedrooms house.
And no money to pay any form of insurance whatsoever.


I autistically rage on Jow Forums at datamining threads for a living.
I don't make great bank, but I do get to do what I love every day, it hardly feels like work.


Don't fall for jewish tricks.

I eat jews for a living

I drive skidsteer and fuck ur mom on the side

im also satoshi nakamoto

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shill mostly, a little trolling, sometimes i wank.

Nurse practitioner in a family health practice

Two years ago I was a General Sales Manager in twelve counties for a major newspaper pulling about $62,000 a year. The company closed its doors, my life fell apart and now I'm delivering pizzas and I want to kill myself.

Male prostitute. My clients are exclusively 'mature' women. It's rough sometimes but I've got to feed my dog somehow.

Nuclear engineering major, currently taking summer classes and working a job as a teachers assistant

But what if we lied

part time harmonica tuner

Fuck your mother. Pays well.

I set shit on fire, on purpose. I'm a project manager for a company that designs and manufactures controlled burner systems for industrial applications. Used in foundries, industrial dryers like concrete and marble, chemical mining and processing, etc.

post proofs faget


Eternal NEETdom.

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Hired as the IT department at a small company, but really the job is to be the jack-off-all-trades guy in the office.

Scoop di whoop, whoop poopity scoop poop

Is it actually difficult? Like do your clients actually care about writing style, plot and character developments, etc or do they really just want the detailed smut?

I'm a daytrader.

If this is true, you are doing gods work user.

Licensed massage therapist. It's actually awesome, I love my job. See my own clients, set my own hours, charge my own prices.
>Fuck the business taxes in South Florida though desu senpai

student/freeloader off of my parents

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Petsmart petshotel senior associate

I fuck around with dogs and talk to pet parents

volunteer, and lift weights

electrician who phone posts at work

I work in transportation. It pays good and i'm thinking about killing myself.

I get paid by Russia to post here

Please do tell how you stay hard all the time, because I can't imagine them doing anything but lay there waiting for you to do all the work.

Rolling Stone reporter

Cock ring and abusing Viagra. I'm afraid of what toll it's going to have on my body, but fuck... not much opportunity here without a degree.

Do tell more

Good luck and pray for your cocks health, lol.

signage and vinyl decoration
i might be laid off this month tho
too bad, this is the only job i’ve enjoyed working

point out CIA threads

Thank you so much.
Well what do you want to know? It sort of a solo deal in that I've built up a clientele over time. All older women, most overweight or generally ugly. They usually come from professions that are highly female centric, so they don't have a lot of male interaction in terms of co-workers. Lots of nurses... so many fucking nurses. They tell their friends at work and that's how I build up.

I work for the fuck yourself FBI

Disgusting thot

Natty or juicy poof?

Vet bills won't pay themselves on minwage. But yeah, it's pretty bad, isn't it?

What the fuck do you do? That should be the question that youre answering

YI work for the CIA

its sadder that youre human. wasting peoples time with this shit thread. be ashamed of yourself already and fucking end your life

How much do you make?

Hey could be worst bro

Sorry directed at LOL

Per woman? Like $150 CAD, but because of demand I usually have at least two a night. Not that I can really go all out on spending. Government would wonder where the money came from.
I suppose.

I'm basically homer simpson.
I operate a test bench/dyno for combustion engines.
Sit in front of a desk, turn on knobs and push buttons.

I also do the manual labor for the maintenance/upgrades inside the testcell.

I got kicked out of grad school for drug use so I’m unemployed. Using meme flag to avoid doxxing myself because I don’t know if this happens to other people.

I own a fair sized poultry and rape farm in Poland.
The living space is decent and the money is good, and I help the economy too since a lot of what I make ends up going on export.
The only downside is the internet being quite slow but you cant expect much from being in the midle of nowhere in Eastern Poland.

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I run a auto paint shop. My girl does the paperwork. We live basically like Varg.

>rape farm in Poland
You have my attention.

>rape farm

Head chef at Wendy's

come on guys, Im talking about rape plant.
These little shits look harmless but can pump out an alternative for oil.
They're versatile as shit because (with the right processing) you can use it for frying, car oil, lubricant for machines and even petrol although the last one is still experimental.
Poland is doing lots of 'green energy' programs to stop its addiction to (((oil))) so rape seeds are in high demand for Polish companies which are doing it.
Its funny because we also have a nuclear energy program in development too but were in NATO so its cool.

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Sorry user.
Don't give up

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i sell accounting software

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Commercial electrician, maintenance side, its been a gravy trade for me.
Although, I wish I was building and repairing computers, love it doing it more.