Tfw Drumpfshills are posting slide thread right now to bury YET ANOTHER FAILURE by Drumpf

>tfw Drumpfshills are posting slide thread right now to bury YET ANOTHER FAILURE by Drumpf
Face it, you got kiked.

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He called off the meeting before Kim could. That's a power move. Go shill elsewhere, Mohammad.

woah there germany, that's a violation of your hate speech laws

Kim had planned on showing himself like a little bitch from the start. They always do this. He did the right thing backing out first.

Kill yourself you sick disgusting communist faggot. Go suck merkels dick garbage german subhuman. Your disgusting faggot country should be burned to the fucking ground with no survivors.

>tfw seething indoctrinated drumpfshits

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Fuck off, Emre

To think a week ago all you autistic fucks were literally saying he deserved a peace prize


You said this during Syria though and we never went to war.

"The worst thing you can possibly do in a deal is seem desperate to make it." - @realDonaldTrump, Art of the Deal