>most popular elected president (87% approval ratings) on human history jailed for 12 years for corruption during his leftists mandates
>12 billion USD recovered to the state and 100 politicians arrested for corruption
>all globalist center-left traditional status quo parties (PT, PSDB, PMDB) indicted for corruption and destroyed to the point no one will vote for them
>Biggest contender for 2018 elections literally wants to purge crime by putting the army in the streets and giving citizens guns, liberalize our economy resurrecting entrepreneurship, destroy oligarchies and privatize useless state companies, while enhancing state freedom decentralizing our government. Also has recently allied himself with the monarchists for a proposal of resurrecting parliamentarism and the Brazilian Empire with the house of Orleans e Bragança.
>Royal Prince gives anti-commie speech at paulista

It's Brazil time to shine!!!! We are burying the communist menace once and for all!

Attached: tumblr_mqiaamQpCB1qf1xcgo1_500.jpg (500x575, 69K)

Other urls found in this thread:

As long as pic related is safe for me to enrich afterwards, I could care less about a bunch of monkeys.


holy shit that mom shots video is awesome. That's the real deal

how long before collapse?

The center-left political status quo has already collapsed, we are literally seeing a zombie government that has no respect to the point they can't bargain with truckers to make them stop striking

>has jungle fever

checks out

The jungle fever has hit me as well. What's happening brehs? Is it the hot summer temperatures?

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Not long concidering how much logistics affect daily lives of the people and corporations alike.

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It's the 4th day of the strike and 90% of the State of Rio de Janeiro got no gas, Food prices has spiked across the country, some airports have already closed due to lack of gas and São Paulo (16 million pop city) is almost on the limit of gas supply and vegetables are already scarse

I hope this doesn't affect Brazil's best export

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guns are bad 'mkay?

Do you have nukes?

no one cares about that shithole kid

I mostly care about giga asses and thighs in Brazil

che peccato, perché lui (immagine collegata) è nostro futuro presidente

Attached: bolsonaro-arma-1024x585.jpg (1024x585, 67K)

>I could care less
Please stop saying this

This is what should be looked into in North America. After Patrick Little pushes the JQ into mainstream, someone should organize a complete shutdown of the transportation system to protest international jewry.
Lets look at the demographics of who drives truck.
- men (middle aged, buried in debt)
- whites
- arabs
- poos
- mestizos
- for the most part, anti - left
These groups of people are specifically easier targets to talk about the JQ too then city folk, women, liberals and jews. None of which drive truck.

Once you out the seed of anti jewish supremacy, they will have only themselves and their thoughts to keep them company, for 16 hours a day, 7 days a week.

This is a poster sign from Carrefour here:
>"Atention Clients: due to truckers' strike and for that all clients get our prices and offers..."
>"We are limiting the selling of each item for 5 per person"

Attached: Carrefour.png (499x513, 627K)

Brazil is the leading producer of ass worldwide

Attached: Miss-Bum-Bum-Brazil-Pageant-Proud-of-their-Booty-Or-Pure-Exploitation-Photo2.jpg (530x298, 35K)

>Thieves break into house of Bruna Lombardi and Carlos Alberto Riccelli in SP.

I love seeing the same lefty celebrities who pound on tin pans against the military intervention being robbed. Truly satisfying.

Attached: bruna-lombardi.jpg (669x479, 90K)

Attached: sniff4.gif (450x338, 246K)

Actor Marcello Novaes robbed, thieves take motorcycle in Barra da Tijuca, West Zone of Rio

fking kek

Attached: xnovaes1.jpg.pagespeed.ic.hAQkBeOuq-.jpg (640x360, 50K)

3 days

Hahahaa.. isn't it always "happening" in Brazil. Third world countries have a tendency to be unstable, faggot. Maybe you should import some white people to get your shit in order

Better third world and unstable than first world stable and cucked like the US. Your people won't never change anything due to that arrogance of yours, meanwhile here we are striving for a better future and it is paying off

My mon has a brain cancer (same kind of McCain) and today was her last session of radiotherapy. She has home care from private health insurance and thank God today they delivered the materials and medicines for the next 15 days. But she must see the oncologist now to determine how much of temodal (oral chemoterapy - I know it will be very strong doses all first weeks of the following months, but I don't know how much) she must use, but I'm afraid of lacking gas for the ambulances.
It reminds me 1986 when I had to go to other city with my dad to buy meat after Plano Cruzado, when they froze the prices. Oh, the 80's...

All the white people living here are politician embezzlers or lefties
I wonder how would bringing more of them fix anything here

-200 years

Brazil should learn its lesson from Germany 7 times already

Once was enough

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God you're dumb. You're "striving" to be first world. It's not gonna happen, bud. Brown fucks like you are incapable of building decent societies. Deal w/ it.

So that's why Chile is better than half USA?

I love you guys, keep up the good fight.

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Then why all white societies are decaying and accepting the destruction of their own culture and nation, while brown societies like Spain, Italy and LatAm are the ones leading the counter-leftism movements? If anything we are the true heirs of the Western Christian Civilization meanwhile you guys have fallen into leftism and decadence

>Brown fucks like you are incapable of building decent societies

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Once a judge that released a roob got mug by the same guy in the parking lot.

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wew lad seems like someone is getting high off their own farts

Chile is almost 90% non-indigenous.. Also, their standard of living well below the average American's.

She was better off without treatment.

Sniff on this profligate

Attached: sniffs.png (766x469, 802K)

for americans like him everything not german and aryan is brown. I don't agree with it. But catholic nations tend to be more traditional and conservative hence why we are the ones more skepticist about this whole globalization NWO

>Spain and Italy brown


Chile is majority white.

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With the tumor growing exponentially? At least she is still fine, apart from not moving the right side. We must fight the good fight.
Unironically, her best hope is Zika-chan.

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So say nations made by the Anglos

>Chile is almost 90% non-indigenous
An autosomal DNA study from 2014 found Chile to possess a genepool averaging 51.85% (± 5.44%) European, 44.34% (± 3.9%) Amerindian, and 3.81% (± 0.45%) African DNA.[14][15] The genetic study was conducted across all regions of Chile, and while it “ratified the preponderance of mestizaje in Chile”,[16] it also found “the indigenous presence is marked by a curve in the Chilean territory. In the north, between Arica and Coquimbo, and in the south, between La Araucanía and Aysén, the genes of indigenous Amerindians exceeds 50%. Only in the south central regions, Valparaíso and Magallanes does the European component surpass [the Amerindian component].”[17] However, the majority of Chile’s population is concentrated in the centre regions of the country.

>their standard of living well below the average American's
quite irrelevant desu
if you think long enough you'll see those statistics are illusory

>Chile is majority white.

Attached: white chileno.jpg (650x402, 34K)

>Chile is majority white.

Attached: white chileno 2.jpg (738x415, 44K)

>catholic nations
Mexican "Catholicism" is heart-cutting santa muerte pretending to be jewish whore santa maria
BR "Catholicism" is a bunch of West African voodoo with stripper parades
The Pope kisses the feet of Muslims

Face the facts: Medieval Catholicism may have been the shield of Europa, but it isn't that way any more. The Catholic Church fell from grace because of its own failings.


it is white, stop cherry picking.


Another CIA-backed coup on the horizon. Nothing new under the latin american sky.

Lmao, you are really ignorant aren't you?
First let me talk about my country, we are literally the nation with the biggest traditionalist tridentine mass catholic organization of the world. To the point it is already influencing the US and Europe. We are so catholic that there different sectors of catholicism in fighting for sovereignty, including leftist theologies like Theology of Liberation. Forget it mate your ignorance is showing just see this video:
>Medieval Catholicism may have been the shield of Europa, but it isn't that way any more. The Catholic Church fell from grace because of its own failings.
Yes, but it is rising from the ashes in Brown places like Brazil and Southern Europe, as western civilization is dying, we are the ones stuggling for the return of our values. In the video I posted before you can even see our imperial prince in it.

anatomically correct keks

>A country full of monkeys and untermensch is almost discovering the cure for brain cancer

Really makes me think

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>Actress Juliana Paes robbed on the way to Carnival

Attached: julia-paes.jpg (732x630, 71K)

Yay Brazil!

So mostly European.. lol. Yeah. There ya go.

24 hours, Mexico is next so stay tune

you mean mostly mixed right?

Catholics are garbage humans though..

How is Brazil not in a civil war yet?

because we are united culturally despite everything. And people have hopes in the next election especially for Bolsonaro

Mostly white blood. If a country is even somewhat successful you can bet your ass they have white Gene's. This is irrefutable.

I think you forgot to make a coherent argument after your tranny circlejerk talk of friendship and love.

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>could care less

Improve your fucking English language skills Sven.

So how do you explain Argentina? Following your logic They are 90% white

I can't wait for the pro-immigration white leftist women to chimp out during a Brazilian refugee crisis, all these thicc, juicy brown girls flowing in, primed for their BGC (Big Gringo Cock). Uma Delicia.

I don't know whether the women would be more delicious, or watching the leftist women melt down and completely fragment psychologically under their dozens of layers of cognitive dissonance.

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>4 days strike
>entire country offs itself
Holy shit is that all it takes? How weak is your economy such that only four fucking days has you down on your knees? Ain't nobody heard of a rainy day fund?

what about asian countries?

>51.85% (± 5.44%) European, 44.34% (± 3.9%) Amerindian

So Brazil may be some kind of Aryan paradise, since it's like 60 or 70% European
>Following an increasing North to South gradient, European ancestry was the most prevalent in all urban populations (with values up to 74%).

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Brasília here. Airport ran out of plane fuel and many gas stations are also out, people are forming kilometric lines to refuel. Mcdonalds also ran out of ingredients for a lot of stuff hilariously enough. How are things in other cities?

My friend we aren't a european small country where you can build railroads everywhere and infrastructure is easy to build due to natural landscapes being docile. Just a reminder that tons of Brits in the XIX died trying to build railroads here. We mostly depend on trucks to supply our country and all commerce/population is pissed due to corruption and taxes

What's the plan Pablo?

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Would it be impossible to use some of the ports that brazil must have to get the fuel and goods to atleast coastal areas?

Crashing this country

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Ok so is this because of a strong group of unions or is this just a typical strike met with standard latino government and logistic standards/corruption/ineptitude?

Honest question, because I don't see how a scenario like this could happen where I live.

ports depend on gas too, also syndacalists have taken over the biggest port of LatAm

How long until the beer runs out?

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H-how will you know when you're done?

food is running out everywhere and prices are spiking, supermarkets are limiting consumers due to the lack of supply
pic related


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huebro, did that based right wing guy win the presidency when are your elections?

peru is qt

October, he is winning all polls everywhere. And if anything this rebellion just helps him as he is anti-status quo

Fuck you, nigger

She looks like a mutt desu



>1) Full compliance with the printed vote law in electronic ballot boxes or adoption of the printed vote in canvas urns, with canvass by the Armed Forces. In case of noncompliance, we will join the popular clamor for military intervention.

>2) Seat in the negotiating tables and in all the organs involved in the creation of the policies that affect the sector without the mediation of labour unions (because the paralization did not have their adhesion or support) or of the CNT - National Confederation of the Transportation, that does not represent us.


>1) Abolition / replacement of the current text of the Regulatory Framework of Road Transportation of Cargoes currently in final proceedings in the Congress;

>2) Reduction of the final price of fuel in the same levels as those practiced in Bolivia;

>3) Reduction of costs of registration fees, mandatory sticker and renewal fees in ANTT;

>4) End or substitution of the type of mandatory toxicological examination;

>5) Greater supervision of ANTT / State and Federal Revenue and energetic actions of ANTT or of the fiscal / fiscal authority in carriers in default with the Treasury;

>6) Toll values at a reasonable price and proportional to distance, besides the end of the absurd collection of the suspended axle in empty vehicles (without load);

>7) Greater security in the activity and right to bear arms for self-defense;

>8) Mandatory implementation of the minimum freight rate of the freight forwarder;

>9) Increase of the punctuation limit of drivers with CNH [driver's license] "EAR" (Exercises Remunerated Activity) because of the greater number of driving hours in relation to other drivers who do not practice the profession;

>10) Revocation of resolutions, decrees and penalties created at the occasion of the National Transportation Stoppage of November 2015;

>11) Vote in transit for drivers who have CNH "EAR" (Exercises Remunerated Activity).


They are fake news as hell, do you have another source?

Yeah that's why the south is better than the rest of the country...
But no worries! The government is working hard to bring us diversity

>europe commits suicide

>brazil of all places decides they want better lives

The 21st century is going to be a wild ride.

Ok so is this because of a strong group of unions or is this just a typical strike met with standard latino government and logistic standards/corruption/ineptitude?

A little of both, unions are working on an organized strike due to high taxes and corruption.

>I don't see how a scenario like this could happen where I live.

Only if you don't stop Trudeau from letting anyone just walk in a ruin it for future generations

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kek, good girl

World power!


>someone told me i should feel bad emotions
>that means countries are collapsing