What happens to techies when society collapses?

What happens to techies when society collapses?

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They work in the fields for a bowl of rice a day. Same goes for the rest of those communist nu-males

Slave labor

There's this one dude on my daily commute who uses an electric scooter.

He's like 40, and every day I want to tell him to get his shit together.


He sounds pretty based desu maybe you should mind your business

>But when all people have become useless, self-prop systems will find no advantage in taking care of anyone. The techies themselves insist that machines will soon surpass humans in intelligence. When that happens, people will be superfluous and natural selection will favor systems that eliminate them-if not abruptly, then in a series of stages so that the risk of rebellion will be minimized.
>Even though the technological world-system still needs large numbers of people for the present, there are now more superfluous humans than there have been in the past because technology has replaced people in many jobs and is making inroads even into occupations formerly thought to require human intelligence. Consequently, under the pressure of economic competition, the world's dominant self-prop systems are already allowing a certain degree of callousness to creep into their treatment of superfluous individuals. In the United States and Europe, pensions and other benefits for retired, disabled, unemployed, and other unproductive persons are being substantially reduced; at least in the U.S., poverty is increasing; and these facts may well indicate the general trend of the future, though there will doubtless be ups and downs.

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>It will perhaps be argued that destructive competition among global self-prop systems is not inevitable: A single global self-prop system might succeed in eliminating all of its competitors and thereafter dominate the world alone; or, because global self-prop systems would be relatively few in number, they could come to an agreement among themselves whereby they would refrain from all dangerous or destructive competition. However, while it is easy to talk about such an agreement, it is vastly more difficult actually to conclude one and enforce it. Just look: The world's leading powers today have not been able to agree on the elimination of war or of nuclear weapons, or on the limitation of emissions of carbon dioxide.
>But let's be optimistic and assume that the world has come under the domination of a single, unified system, which may consist of a single global self-prop system victorious over all its rivals, or may be a composite of several global self-prop systems that have bound themselves together through an agreement that eliminates all destructive competition among them. The resulting "world peace" will be unstable for three separate reasons.

>First, the world-system will still be highly complex and tightly coupled. Students of these matters recommend designing into industrial systems such safety features as "decoupling," that is, the introduction of "barriers" that prevent malfunctions in one part of a system from spreading to other parts. Such measures may be feasible, at least in theory, in any relatively limited subsystem of the world system, such as a chemical factory, a nuclear power-plant, or a banking system, though Perrow is not optimistic that even these limited systems will ever be consistently redesigned throughout our society to minimize the risk of breakdowns within the individual systems. In regard to the world-system as a whole, we noted above that it grows ever more complex and more tightly coupled. To reverse this process and "decouple" the world-system would require the design, implementation, and enforcement of an elaborate plan that would regulate in detail the political and economic development of the entire world. For reasons explained at length in Chapter One of this book, no such plan will ever be carried out successfully.
>Second, prior to the arrival of "world peace" and for the sake of their own survival and propagation, the self-prop subsystems of a given global self-prop system (their supersystem) will have put aside, or at least moderated, their mutual conflicts in order to present a united front against any immediate external threats or challenges to the supersystem (which are also threats or challenges to themselves). In fact, the supersystem would never have been successful enough to become a global self-prop system if competition among its most powerful self-prop subsystems had not been moderated.

Same thing that's happening to luddites in Western society today.

>But once a global self-prop system has eliminated its competitors, or has entered into an agreement that frees it from dangerous competition from other global self-prop systems, there will no longer be any immediate external threat to induce unity or a moderation of conflict among the self-prop subsystems of the global self-prop system. In view of Proposition 2-which tells us that self-prop systems will compete with little regard for long-term consequences-unrestrained and therefore destructive competition will break out among the most powerful self-prop subsystems of the global self-prop system in question.
>Benjamin Franklin pointed out that "the great affairs of the world, the wars, revolutions, etc. are carried on and effected by parties." Each of the "parties," according to Franklin, is pursuing its own collective advantage, but "as soon as a party has gained its general point"-and therefore, presumably, no longer faces immediate conflict with an external adversary-" each member becomes intent upon his particular interest, which, thwarting others, breaks that party into divisions and occasions ... confusion."
>History does generally confirm that when large human groups are not held together by any immediate external challenge, they tend strongly to break up into factions that compete against one another with little regard for long-term consequences. What we are arguing here is that this does not apply only to human groups, but expresses a tendency of self-propagating systems in general as they develop under the influence of natural selection. Thus, the tendency is independent of any flaws of character peculiar to human beings, and the tendency will persist even if humans are "cured" of their purported defects or (as many technophiles envision) are replaced by intelligent machines.

>Third, let's nevertheless assume that the most powerful self-prop subsystems of the global self-prop systems will not begin to compete destructively when the external challenges to their supersystems have been removed. There yet remains another reason why the "world peace" that we've postulated will be unstable.
>By Proposition 1, within the "peaceful" world system new self-prop system will arise that, under the influence of natural selection, will evolve increasingly subtle and sophisticated ways of evading recognition-or, once they are recognized, evading suppression-by the dominant global self-prop systems. By the same process that led to the evolution of global self-prop systems in the first place, new self prop systems of greater and greater power will develop until some are powerful enough to challenge the existing global self-prop systems, whereupon destructive competition on a global scale will resume.

>But just in case someone declines to assume that our society includes any important chaotic components, let's suppose for the sake of argument that the development of society could in principle be predicted through the solution of some stupendous system of simultaneous equations and that the necessary numerical data at the required level of precision could actually be collected. No one will claim that the computing power required to solve such a system of equations is currently available. But let's assume that the unimaginably vast computing power predicted by Ray Kurzweil will become a reality for some future society, and let's suppose that such a quantity of computing power would be capable of handling the enormous complexity of the present society and predicting its development over some substantial interval of time. It does not follow that a future society of that kind would have sufficient computing power to predict its own development, for such a society necessarily would be incomparably more complex than the present one: The complexity of a society will grow right along with its computing power, because the society's computational devices are part of the society.

They prep the bull.

we hunt and eat them, since they're slower and weaker than us

>when society collapses
Which will likely collapse because of the Singularity

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>a fucking XOOTER

I imagine the Nigger will kill the shit put of them

Don’t see the problem with riding a scooter

We'll install Gentoo

They become men once all the onions supply lines break down.

ITT: bitter janitors

I appreciate the optimism

most of you will die in nuclear holocaust or the radiation or starve to death... keep dreaming it will only be techies, jews and niggas... cause the bell tolls for you my friend.

We use the electronic parts we are saving in old microwaves (improvised Faraday cages) in case of EMP pulses to build robot armies to rule over the primitive starving cavemen who only knew enough to rebuild stone age tech and enter a new golden age where technological progress is unhindered by retards who now work in the rare earth mines, kept in line by robotic dog prototypes salvaged from Boston Dynamics.

He's ahead of his time. When society collapses we all ride electric scooters.

My guns will still work after the EMP

Shhhh, you’ll give away the secret

Rape, then murder, then cannibalism would be my guess. The soft sweet meat of techies will feed many a post-apocalyptic rape gang

they make bombs and blow up

Oh wait, I forgot torture. Insert torture between the rape and the murder

Read Dune you faggots. Techies will be BTFO by autistic mentats after the Butlerian Jihad is complete.

I’ll salvage enough to have my own working power grid between car batteries, solar, generator and wind. I actually am really good with electric engineering

They become obsolete.